Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 9


"…Acceleration is the change in speed, but there is no necessary connection between it and speed. That is to say, if the acceleration is large, the speed is not necessarily large, and vice versa. Think about it, a car is on the highway Open, isn't the speed fast? But because it's a constant speed, the speed doesn't change throughout the process, so the acceleration is zero."

Li Wei began to explain in detail that Zhang Man was a bit smarter this time, and instead of not being able to understand everything, he let himself show a state from not knowing at all to knowing a little.

In the middle, she also took the initiative to get a few questions right, and got a slight approval from Li Wei.

It seems to be saying that there is still help, not too stupid.

More than an hour passed quickly, and Li Wei was not used to speaking so much at one time, and his slightly hoarse voice became even more dry.

Zhang Man felt sorry for him, so he suggested to have lunch first and continue in the afternoon.

She consciously went to the refrigerator to take out the food, went to the kitchen to heat it up in the microwave, and poured two glasses of water into the study.

The two sat opposite each other and ate quietly. Li Wei lowered his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.

Zhang Man swallowed a mouthful of rice and asked carefully, "Li Wei, you... won't your mother come back today?"

The teenager didn't have the slightest difference to her question, and answered very naturally: "She's gone, the plane this morning."

She had never listened to him explain carefully in the previous life, but now, she couldn't help but want to know more about him.

"Then does she usually live here?"

The teenager did not seem to resist talking to her about these trivial matters, and swallowed his meal slowly: "She immigrated to Canada when I was a child. I heard that I was injured a few days ago, so she came back to take care of me for two days."

Zhang Man looked at his expression, and there was nothing wrong with him, so he continued to ask, "Li Wei, your mother's name is Lin Hui? The name is really nice, so... Then what kind of person is she?"

When the young man heard this question, he bent his eyes for the first time, and seemed very happy.

"Yes, her Chinese name is Lin Hui, and her English name is Janet. Janet is the most gentle mother in the world. Although we are far away, she always encourages me, supports me, and helps me when I encounter difficulties. I got through it."

Janet, it's the name that has always impressed her.

Zhang Man put down his chopsticks and looked into his eyes with a serious voice: "Well, I also think that she must be the most beautiful and gentle mother in this world."

After lunch, he continued his lecture. Zhang Man was afraid that his throat would hurt if he talked too much, so she tried her best to pick a few of the same type to do every time he talked, so that he didn't have to repeat it.

So Li Wei found out that Zhang Man is a very smart person, he learns very quickly, and after he understands the basic concepts, he can easily draw inferences from one fact without much effort.

In the end, his expression softened a lot, and even took the initiative to ask her to come earlier tomorrow.

Before leaving, Zhang Man asked him, "Li Wei, your mother has returned to Canada, is she not coming back for a while?"

The boy nodded and sent her out.

"Then... Then I'll come over and cook for you tomorrow morning."

Only then did the boy look up at her, his eyes seemed a little surprised: "You can cook?"

Zhang Man nodded and added: "We can have breakfast and lunch together, so that we can save more time for self-study. By the way, can I stay at your home for self-study after making up the class tomorrow? I will never disturb you. Yes, we can go to school together for the evening self-study tomorrow night."

She calculated it clearly, as if she was thinking of the time cost and convenience for the two of them.

The boy considered for a while, then nodded in agreement.

Zhang Man was a little happy, leaned against the door and asked, "Then what do you want to eat? My cooking skills are not bad."

Li Wei has no obsession with what to eat: "You can do it, I'll go in if I have nothing to do."

With that, he nodded to her and gently closed the door.

. …

When he got home before dinner time, Zhang Man turned on the fan in the living room and stood in front blowing the wind. The summer in N City was sultry, and she was sweating on the way back from the station.

Zhang Huifang is not at home, she should go out and meet with friends. She has many friends, and Zhang Man can't fully recognize her.

She only remembered that Zhang Huifang vaguely said that the reason why she met Zheng Zhi in her previous life was because she attended a party hosted by a friend. I vaguely remember that the two of them were together, probably around January next year.

She pinched her brows and told herself that things had to be taken slowly.

Just after returning to the room, Chen Feier called.

"I called you this morning and your mother said you were out playing."

Zhang Man explained: "No, I went to Li Wei's house, and he helped me to study physics. From now on, I have to go every weekend, but I'm fine at night, you can find me at night."

When Chen Feier heard Li Wei's name, she was silent for a long time and whispered, "Manman, did you see the post on the school post last night?"

"Well, I see." Zhang Man relaxed and lay on the bed. I feel a little dizzy on the temple, maybe I have a heat stroke outside.

"...Why are you so calm, I'm terrified when I see it. You said, Li Wei was almost hanged by his father when he was a child?"

Zhang Man took a deep breath, his voice as calm as possible: "Well."

"My God...", Chen Fei'er gasped, "Is mental illness a family inheritance? Many people replied that Li Wei, like his father, is also a schizophrenic. Isn't it possible to do such terrifying things? Manman, why don't you... stay away from him, no matter how handsome you are, your life is still the most important thing."

"Fei'er, I have checked it out. There is a high chance that this disease can be cured, as long as the patient actively cooperates with the treatment and the family's careful guidance." Zhang Man sat up and tried his best to appease Chen Fei'er. Let his tone sound relaxed and cheerful, "Also, Li Wei's symptoms are different from his father's, and it is very unlikely that he will take the initiative to hurt others."

"But don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case... Manman, why did you fall in love with him? I've never seen you so obsessed with anything since we were kids."

Knowing that she was worried about herself, Zhang Man felt sour and warm.

She said seriously: "Mayfair, you also said that I am not interested in anything. But Li Wei is different... You can rest assured that I will not hurt myself."

"...Forget it, I was defeated by you. No wonder people always say that the person who seems to be the most uncontested in the world usually fights the hardest." Chen Fei'er saw that she was so determined and knew that no one could persuade her to stand up. Moved, "Perhaps you are right, this disease is not incurable, and I think he is quite normal now, except that he is a little gloomy."

"But Manman, you're a real axis."

Hearing what she said, Zhang Man shook his head and smiled.

This sentence, Chen Feier said to her in her previous life.

In her previous life, she celebrated her thirty-fourth birthday, and Chen Feier accompanied her to go shopping.

At that time, Fei'er Chen was already pregnant with her second child, and she was still single. The two went shopping for baby products together, and Chen Feier teased her: "Manman, you said that you haven't found a boyfriend for so many years, wouldn't you still like the boy in your high school class? It's the one who is said to have schizophrenia. I was recommended to go to B University. What's your name? It seems that he is already a professor at a famous foreign school, Li... "

When she heard this, she stopped directly in front of the store. That feeling, as if a secret that had been hidden for many years without even deliberately recalling it had suddenly come to light. She didn't speak, but her face had changed and her breathing was disordered. Chen Feier's joke touched her unknown mind.

Seeing her face, Chen Feier's voice gradually became smaller, and after a while, she exaggeratedly said: "My God... No, I won't tell you, right? It's been a long time, more than ten years. Manman , you are a real axis."

Yes, many people have said that she is really a shaft.

Like immutable life, used to love a person all the time.

. …

The two talked for a long while before hanging up the phone reluctantly. Zhang Man lay back on the bed and buried himself in the quilt.

Li Wei's father was a very famous businessman in N city at that time, and his business was doing very well. But since Li Wei was born, he began to become abnormal, and later became so delirious that no one could recognize him.

After that incident, he had been sober for a while.

A lunatic, the most frightening thing is not that he is crazy all the time, but that he is crazy and suddenly sober.

He clearly remembered everything he had done to his son, and he broke down. At that time, like Li Wei later, he could not accept the fact that he could not control himself at all, and even more panicked that he would only cause more harm to his son by living, so he chose to commit suicide.

At that time, Li Wei was still lying in the intensive care unit, an ignorant little boy who lost all his loved ones who loved him after that day.

Zhang Man buried himself in the quilt. She remembered the two takeaway boxes she saw in the trash can during the day, she couldn't control herself any longer, and cried out repressedly.

He called and ordered takeout himself, and then poured the food into the china plate at home, but he didn't remember at all. In his consciousness, those meals were made by his mother.

But his mother, Lin Hui, died of dystocia when she was giving birth to him.