Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 104: His daughter-in-law has not had a good appetite these days


After seven or eight days of busy work, all the cherry trees were sold out.

Everyone was too tired. Ji Jianyun calculated the wages for the two brothers and sister-in-law. As for Su Jindang, he didn't count. He had a better relationship with Su Jindang than with his brothers. It's too outlandish, and the Su Jin Party will never accept him.

So I gave Su Jindang a bag of cherries and told him to take it back for Mrs. Su to eat. As for Su’s mother, he didn’t have to worry about it. He prepared another bag for his mother-in-law and Zhen Miaohong. I also took a few catties with me.

Su Jindang smiled, took the bag from his house, and helped him deliver the fucking cherries.

Mother Su saw such a big bag of cherries, she likes to eat this fruit very much, she narrowed her eyes and said with a smile: "Jianyun has such a temperament, these cherries are very easy to sell, why don't you sell them, and even bring them to me specially Come here with such a big bag?"

Before, she asked her son to send a bag of strawberries, and now it is this big bag of cherries, which weighs about ten catties, right

"Jianyun has always been so filial, mom, you can save it, I'll go back first." Su Jindang laughed.

Su's mother asked him to go back first, and then took the cherries back. The grandchildren liked to eat them, so she also shared some, and she locked the rest in the cabinet to eat slowly.

Over the past few days, both Ji Jianyun and Lao Qin have been tanned, but Lao Qin has always been so dark, not obvious, and Ji Jianyun is much more obvious.

"Have you calculated Lao Qin's wages?" Sudan Hong asked.

"Forget it, I gave him thirty yuan." Ji Jianyun said.

It is true that Lao Qin has been exhausted these few days, but thirty yuan is not low, and the car oil is provided by him for the round trip. Salaries are not that high.

"Daughter-in-law, how much did we earn in total this time?" Ji Jianyun washed his face and said with a smile.

"After deducting the cost, the profit is only more than 400." Sudan Hong said.

"So much?" Ji Jianyun was taken aback, surprised.

He is collecting money every day, and he knows a lot, but he never thought there would be so much!

"That's right, you took it back." Sudan Hong said, seeing him like this, also found it funny.

More than four hundred, in fact, is enough for her to embroider a small piece of embroidery, but for her family, Jianyun, this is indeed a lot of money.

However, in Sudan's opinion, her cherries are so easy to sell because they are cheap. How delicious are they? They are very sweet and nourishing, but she likes to eat them very much, so there are some in the refrigerator, and she is going to save them to eat slowly.

But according to the current price level, no matter how delicious cherries are, the price is the same, so even if they feel that they are losing money, Sudan Red doesn't feel anything.

Ji Jianyun began to calculate, the salary for his elder brother's family and the second brother's family was twenty yuan, and his father and mother also had ten yuan for each person, so it was forty yuan, plus Lao Qin The 30 yuan, plus the gas fee and so on, are also less than a hundred yuan.

So this time, I can get more than 500 yuan.

Of course, the Su Jin Party also made tens of dollars by selling it in the shop.

"The price of cherries next year will have to be raised." Sudan Hong said while watering the flowerpot.

"Well, I will mention it next year. You don't know. They bought them yesterday and bought them again today. There are also many who bought a whole basket and left, saying that they were used for unit points." Ji Jianyun said.

This year's cherries are delicious, and the price is not high, so they are very easy to sell.

Sudan Hong thought, if it weren’t for seeing you getting more and more tired, I wouldn’t care about you earning this hard money, but a man, you have to give him room to play, and you can’t veto him, no matter how tired you are, it doesn’t matter. He can handle it.

If he couldn't bear it, he wouldn't have time to torment her when he came back at night, but he obviously tormented her badly, obviously he wasn't tired.

After the cherries were sold out, Ji Jianyun was temporarily free, because he had tasted the sweetness, so he took Xu Aidang and Ji Hongjun to top-dress the cherry tree. Now it was time for the cherry tree to recuperate, and he even got water to water it.

But Xu Aidang and Ji Hongjun did all this work. This is their job. How can Ji Jianyun do it

Although they didn't get a salary increase during the busy few days, after the last day of work, each of them carried a few catties of cherries back home. It was hard work. After all, they are long-term workers. point, they have no objection.

Because it is a rare opportunity to help the old Ji's family. Not to mention the cherries this time, their daughter-in-law and son all have to eat. Not long ago, Ji's mother's strawberries were ripe, and each of them gave them a catty or two to carry back.

These are all considered workers' benefits.

As the day entered June, the weather became hotter and hotter, especially at the end of June and almost July, Sudan Hong had no energy, so she came to the backyard with Xiao Renren, who was also too hot to be energetic. , Yan'er also followed.

"Mom, eat watermelon." Yan'er said to her.

Sudan Hong smiled and said: "Then we have to see if it's safe to eat."

Recently, she has been unable to eat. The watermelon in the backyard is under the care of Ji Jianyun, and Sudan Red hasn't come over for several days.

But Yan'er often comes here with his third uncle, and wants to eat watermelon every day.

The watermelons in the backyard are growing very well, and several of them are already very large. From the looks of it, they should be ready to eat in a few days.

"Eat watermelon." Yan'er looked at the big watermelon and said greedily.

"It's not mature yet, so I have to wait a few more days." Sudan Hong smiled.

Recently, many fruits on the mountain have bloomed. Ji Jianyun has gone to learn beekeeping techniques from Lao Qin these days. Yes, his comrade-in-arms, Lao Qin is really a know-it-all, knowing everything, but this beekeeper is not Lao Qin , is Lao Qin's father.

Lao Qin's father is a little older than Ji's father. He has been beekeeping professionally for decades. He has a good impression of Ji Jianyun. Ji Jianyun used to learn beekeeping from him, and he taught him everything. He was given two boxes of bees for free, and asked him to bring them back and raise them well.

Ji Jianyun was not polite to him either. He collected these two boxes of bees, brought them back and took them directly to the mountain, and even built a hive for them.

It is not easy for bees to build their nests in one place, but they obviously like this mountain. After confirming that it is safe to build their nests, they settled down in one day, and then quickly went out to pick flowers and come back to make honey.

Because there are plenty of flowers in the orchard, in just a few days, Ji Jianyun shook several catties of honey, left a bottle for Ji's father and mother to soak in water, and he took the rest down the mountain. His wife recently I don't have a good appetite these days, I should like to drink honey water.