Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 2: Appetites are bigger


Ji Jianyun was also taken aback by Su Danhong's sudden yelling. He was taken aback, and said, "Daughter-in-law, are you there? Why didn't you answer when I called you a few times?"

Sudan Hong looked at the man against the light, and now she came back to her senses, her cheeks were flushed, since she was a child, she had never had any contact with other strange men except talking to her brother and her father.

But the tall and heroic man in front of her is her husband in this life. The two of them have already performed the ceremony of husband and wife. She also has that memory. It's okay if she doesn't see him. My heart was pounding like a deer, I just felt that my cheeks were about to catch fire.

"I... I was taking a bath, so I didn't pay attention to it." Su Danhong didn't dare to look at the tall husband, avoiding meeting his eyes, and stammered slightly.

Ji Jianyun looked at this daughter-in-law suspiciously. Why did he feel that there was something wrong with his daughter-in-law? Just now he called him a prodigal son, and now he said bathing. Did he learn some new words from a drama

But that's all, she's outside all the year round, and it's only a few days a year to come back, as long as she doesn't act like a demon.

"Is it ready? I want to sleep." Ji Jianyun said.

It was only then that Sudan Hong noticed that his eyes were black and blue. He looked like he hadn't slept well. She couldn't help but said, "I've finished washing. Have you eaten yet? Shall I make something for you?"

"I just ate some rice noodles in the kitchen." Ji Jianyun didn't expect his daughter-in-law to be able to say this, so he followed the words.

"That rice noodle is not enough, just wait, I'll get you some more." Sudan Hong said, wrapped her wet hair, and then brought out the sewage.

Not to mention how ashamed she was, after washing her hair, her bucket of water was comparable to ink, and just now she saw her husband look into the water several times!

Quickly poured out the sewage, Miss Su hurriedly came to the kitchen and served a bowl of rice noodles. This time she added three eggs, but when she brought them back to the room, Ji Jianyun had already fallen asleep on the bed.

Miss Su was stunned, and looked at the bowl of rice noodles in her hand, and her stomach was rumbling with hunger, so she sat down and ate slowly by herself.

As for her husband, let’s make it for him after he wakes up. Although rice noodles are a rare item in my memory, they are shipped from the south for sale, and you have to go to the town to buy them, but she has money, especially when it comes to food. I am very willing, I bought a lot last time, and there are still some left in the kitchen.

After such a big bowl of rice noodles, Miss Su exhaled slowly, with a look of horror in her eyes, she... She actually felt that she was still a little hungry

In her previous life, she could have eaten half of this bowl of rice noodles, and her nanny would burn incense and worship Buddha!

Just thinking of the meat on her body that she couldn't bear to look at when she just wiped her body, Miss Su said that she was determined not to eat any more!

And this meal is nothing more than a meal. From the next meal, she can only eat half a bowl, at most half a bowl!

After eating her stomach full, Sudan Hong glanced at the messy room, and then at her husband who was sleeping soundly on the bed. She felt that she needed to clean it up quickly!

It was already evening when Ji Jianyun woke up, and he didn't expect that he would sleep so comfortably this time, and his wife didn't wake him up.

"daughter in law."

As soon as he woke up, there was nothing left in his stomach. Ji Jianyun remembered that his wife was going to cook him food before going to bed, so he subconsciously yelled.


After arranging the messy things in the yard, Sudan Hong heard her husband calling his daughter-in-law. She was stunned for a moment before realizing that it was calling her, and she quickly answered.

"I'm hungry." Seeing the daughter-in-law who came so quickly, Ji Jianyun froze for a moment and blurted out.

"You must be hungry after sleeping for so long, just wait, I'll get you some rice noodles right now."

Sudan Hong was not used to talking to this husband yet, her cheeks were flushed, and she didn't dare to look at him, but it was much better than the first time they met, at least she didn't stutter anymore, and ran to the kitchen quickly after speaking.

Ji Jianyun looked at her fat back with obvious suspicion in his eyes. When did his wife treat him so well

This daughter-in-law has always been dissatisfied with his career, because he can only come back for a few days a year? Not to mention his daughter-in-law dislikes it, even other girls in the village also dislike it. This job is hard and tiring, and it comes and goes in the wind and rain. Although it is true that there is a monthly allowance, it is still the same sentence. How many days can you come back

In case there is an urgent matter, you have to leave as soon as you get home, and you have been looking forward to you at home for a whole year, and you have to leave again without even sitting on your buttocks.

If you marry someone like him, you have to live alone.

It's not an easy task for a young girl.

When he married his wife back then, he was in the batch from the unit, but when it came to an urgent task, he left again the day after the wedding night.

It's been a year since I came back again.

After he came back once or twice, it was noisy. Just the year before last, when he came back, his wife would quarrel with his mother.

And the reason for this is that his wife is dissatisfied with his mother's preference for the big brother's monkey boy...

Ji Jianyun shook his head, glanced at the room casually, only to realize that the room was cleaned up, not even a speck of sand on the ground

"You're hungry, eat it while it's hot. The meat is fresh, and it's made with well water." Sudan Hong brought a big bowl of rice noodles. This bowl was twice as big as the bowl she ate, and the portion was absolutely sufficient. There are seven or eight slices of meat on it, and four eggs.

Seeing such a bowl of rice noodles, Ji Jianyun didn't think about anything. He got up and sat down and started eating. He didn't remember until halfway through the meal, and said to the daughter-in-law who was bending over and making the bed: "Daughter-in-law, have you eaten yet?"

"I just ate in the kitchen, you don't need to worry about me." Sudan Hong said without looking back. When she was cleaning the bed, she smelled the man's unique fortitude that belonged to her husband. Her face was hot and her heart was beating fast. no.

The ability to speak so fluently is also due to the calm atmosphere she was taught in her previous life.

Even if she was about to suffocate from the tension in her heart, she would remain unmoved on the face!

Hearing that she had eaten, Ji Jianyun nodded and continued to gobble it up. Soon, he finished a large bowl of rice noodles.

After replacing the old sheet with a new one, Sudan Hong was relieved, she really couldn't sleep on that sheet just now.

Turning around, she saw her husband looking at her.

"What... what's wrong?" Sudan's red cheeks flushed quickly, and he lowered his head and said without daring to look at him.

"It's time to go and sit with my parents." Ji Jianyun said.

"Then you go, I won't go there, do you still have dinner?" Su Danhong thought of Ji's mother's impression of herself, so she stopped thinking about the past and said instead.

It seems that such a big man has a big appetite

Ji Jianyun nodded: "You can make whatever you want for dinner."