Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 3: sue


For her son to come back safely, Ji's mother is naturally happy. After asking for warmth, she learned that he came back at noon. , and made him another big bowl of rice noodles, and then he snorted a little.

Although she is dissatisfied with Sudan Red, Ji's mother is satisfied with Sudan Red's ability to get up and make food for her son.

It is not good to let Sudan Red have all kinds of problems, but as long as she does one thing and takes good care of her son, then she can tolerate her problems.

So Mother Ji, who was planning to sue her son severely, stopped talking and asked about the outside world.

Ji Jianyun also told his mother one by one, to report good news but not bad news, and helped to do a lot of work. After staying for almost an hour, he refused Ji's mother to leave a meal and go back.

Just after going out, he ran into his sister-in-law Feng Fangfang with her eldest son. Without further ado, Ji Jianyun picked up the elder nephew who was a monkey, weighed the elder nephew, and said, "The monkey son has grown a lot."

"Third uncle, I still remember you!" Houwazi said to him with his arms around his neck.

"Hey, this memory is feasible, and I will definitely be the first in the class when I go to school." Ji Jianyun laughed.

"Third uncle, you just came back? Let's go back and see the third sibling!" Feng Fangfang, who was standing by the side, rolled her eyes and said.

"What's wrong?" Ji Jianyun said.

"Third Aunt has hanged herself!" Hou Wazi said before Feng Fangfang could speak.

"Hanging?" Ji Jianyun was taken aback, looked at Feng Fangfang and said, "Sister-in-law, what's going on?"

Feng Fangfang wouldn't do it for Sudan Hong, she just told Houwazi an egg pancake from Ji Mu, and Sudan Hong saw that Sudan Hong made a fuss and went to hang herself from the beginning to the end.

"Fortunately, the rescue was in time." Finally, Feng Fangfang said: "But third uncle, it's not my sister-in-law talking about you. Your daughter-in-law's heart is not much bigger than the eye of a needle. Mom likes monkey babies. What's wrong with giving me an egg pancake? This is Lao Ji The eldest grandson of the family, the third sibling made such a fuss over this matter?"

The second child's family gave birth to two daughters, and the third child's family married for three years without any news, so she gave birth to the eldest grandson of the old Ji's family. She has a straight waist!

Ji Jianyun gave her the monkey baby and said, "Then I'll go back first."

"Go ahead, don't quarrel with the third sibling, it's rare for you to come back once, and you will have a peaceful life in a few days." Feng Fangfang said.

Ji Jianyun thought to himself, if you really want me to have a peaceful life, you still come to tell me this? Mom didn't say anything.

But he didn't say anything and went back to his home.

"Are you back? You go to rest first, the dumplings will be ready soon." Su Danhong said when she heard the voice coming out of the kitchen.

Ji Jianyun walked up to her, looked directly at her, and saw the strangle marks hidden under her collar, Sudan blushed, did not dare to look at him, and said: "The dumplings haven't been wrapped yet, I'll go in and make them first." Dumplings."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and went to make dumplings.

Ji Jianyun narrowed his eyes. He said that she seemed to be a different person today. He knew that he was wrong, and he was afraid that he would say something about her

But there's still something wrong, is his wife afraid of him talking? When he was making trouble the year before last, he came directly in front of him.

"This is the salary of the last two months, you take it." Ji Jianyun also came in, took out the money wrapped in paper from his arms, and said.

"Leave it alone, I'm busy." Sudan Hong glanced at him, then lowered her head and continued making dumplings.

It seems that she really knew that she was wrong. In the past, when he came back, the first thing she did was ask him for money, but now she doesn't do anything when she gives her money.

Now that you know you are wrong, there is no need to say anything more.

Ji Jianyun thought to himself, it's rare to come back once, so let's have a peaceful life in a few days.

"I'll help you." He came over and said.

"Gentlemen stay away from the kitchen, this is a woman's business, you go out quickly, I can do it myself." Seeing that he rolled up his sleeves and wanted to help, Su Danhong said hastily.

"Where are there so many rules?" Her husband got started as soon as he said that. In her memory, she knew that her husband also knew how to cook, and every time he came back, he would cook for her.

She felt that if she could marry such a husband, she would die happily, but the original owner didn't take it seriously, and took it for granted that she enjoyed the service of her husband after finally coming back, and even tossed hard.

I made a lot of dumplings, and I even made them for tomorrow morning.

For dinner, the couple ate dumplings, and then asked Ji Jianyun to see his daughter-in-law's exquisiteness. They chewed slowly while eating, and didn't say a word. She glared at him and let him eat. Don't talk when you are in bed, say that you can't eat or sleep.

But let alone, although his wife's eating posture is strange, but for some reason, it looks very comfortable.

"I'm full." After four dumplings, his wife said.

"Eat so little?" Ji Jianyun was really stunned this time, looking at this daughter-in-law who looked like a different person in disbelief.

Even if you know you're wrong, shouldn't you dare not even eat? Usually, his daughter-in-law eats as much as he does!

"I have to lose weight." His daughter-in-law gave him a blushing look, then lowered her head like a child who has made a mistake: "I was ignorant before, don't worry about me, I will live a good life in the future."

"I know, then you should eat more? What kind of weight loss, where are you gaining weight?" Ji Jianyun said.

"Don't worry about it, you can eat it yourself, by the way, give me the money." Sudan Hong said.

In her memory, she knew the importance of this money. In her previous life, she did not have to worry about food and clothing. Generally, silver beans are used to send servants. The money needs to be collected, and she has to go back and sort out the money in her house.

Well, it's still his daughter-in-law!

Ji Jianyun thought so when he gave her the money.

Sudan Hong ignored him, took the money and went back to the house, and counted the money she had saved before. It was three hundred and forty-five yuan and forty-six cents in total. Although she didn't know the purchasing power of this money , but know that it is definitely not a small amount!

This time her husband got back more than 70 yuan. The wages of these two months are more than ten yuan more than other months

Taking out another 20 yuan, Sudan Hong scooped a bucket of water from the water tank outside and boiled it, put the 20 yuan on the table, and said, "You can give it to mom."

Ji Jianyun froze for a moment, then nodded: "Okay." Seeing that she was busy, he asked, "Why are you boiling water again?"

"It's for you to bathe." Sudan Hong stuffed firewood into the clay stove and said.

Ji Jianyun knew what it meant when he heard the words. It seemed that there was some meat to eat tonight. He had to perform well, so he ate two more bowls of dumplings.

It's almost October now, and the weather is getting cold. There was frost outside two days ago, and the water has to be boiled.

When Sudan was boiling water, Ji Jianyun poked it out when he was full. Just now he saw that there was no water in the water tank, so he had to do it when he came back.