Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 48: Excessive fines


"What are you looking at? I was going to save those chicken cakes and take them to Sister Hong. She bought me two packs of malted milk last time. My embroidery is almost done. I'm going to town tomorrow. Let's go." Seeing his eyes, Sudan Hong explained with a little heat on his face.

"Daughter-in-law." Ji Jianyun called out, motioning for her to come over.

"What are you doing?" Sudan Hong came over and sat beside him.

"You said that the injury on my body is almost gone. When will we be able to have a bridal chamber? Don't worry, I will take it easy!" Ji Jianyun said quickly.

Sudan Hong blushed even more, and said: "I am pregnant with the child, let's talk about it after the child is born!"

It's not safe to be pregnant with a child, moreover, he still has injuries on his body, his essence and blood have been greatly damaged in the first place, and doing that will also consume his essence.

So although Sudan Hong missed her husband a little bit, she still sternly refused.

Pregnancy is not a big deal, but the most important thing is the injury on his knee. Let's talk to her about it after everything is done.

The other two.

After Ji Jianguo came back, Feng Fangfang hurriedly asked him, "What, did Uncle San promise you?"

"I didn't agree, so I don't need to think about the orchard in the future." Ji Jianguo shook his head.

Feng Fangfang sighed, she thought it could be done, but she didn't expect it would not work out: "Since you won't let it go, forget it, don't waste your time because of this, you have to do the job tomorrow, thirteen yuan a month Woolen cloth!"

As for the couple from the fourth family, their salary is less than 40 yuan a month, but I heard that the wages seem to have been raised recently, but I haven’t heard how much, but 13 yuan a month is with them. There must be a lot!

"Can I still not know this? Just do the work in the field as soon as possible. Jianyun said that there will be fruit trees tomorrow, and this work will have to be done for a while." Ji Jianguo said.

Feng Fangfang was very happy when she heard the words: "It's okay, anyway, the third family will not lose wages, you just go ahead and do it." Then she found the bag in his hand and said, "What is this?"

"The third one gave it to Houwazi to eat. I ate two on the way, and I laid a lot of eggs. They are delicious." Ji Jianguo gave her the bag and said.

"Danhong knows how to make these things, but let alone, they are quite fragrant." Feng Fangfang ate one.

Hou Wazi, who just came back from being naughty outside, saw it and immediately asked for it: "Did the third aunt give it?"

"As long as you are the best, it's fine, you can only eat one, and save the remaining three for tomorrow morning." Feng Fangfang said.

Second room.

Upon hearing that Ji Jianyun refused to agree, Ji Mudan's face darkened immediately, and she said, "Third Uncle is so unreasonable? It's not that he doesn't have any brothers. How can Third Uncle be unhappy if he has brothers to help him?"

"It's not like that. If Jianyun does it alone, he can actually do it. Isn't this what we want to get a share of? Don't say it as if Jianyun is going to beg us." Ji Jianye said to her, holding his hand He gave her chicken cake: "This is from the third family for Xiaozhen Xiaoyu."

"She will use these small things to buy people's hearts, but the actual benefits will not come at all. Don't work so hard when you work tomorrow!" Ji Mudan took the chicken cake and said in a bad mood.

"My brother's work, even if nothing else is mentioned, is paid, and you don't understand Jianyun's temperament. If I dare to work abroad, he will definitely not talk about brotherhood with me." Ji Jianye said.

"Everything is his reason." Ji Mudan snorted.

"Jianyun just went up the mountain today. I don't usually go there. I work with my dad and brother. How can I make Ji Hongjun and Xu Aidang compete with them?" Ji Jianye gave her a blank look: "Okay, you too Don't feel bad, it's not our family, didn't the elder brother get rejected in the same way?"

Ji Mudan curled her lips and said nothing.

The next day, after breakfast, Sudan is going to town.

Ji Jianyun accompanied her.

Originally, Sudan Red was going to refuse, because Lao Qin was going to send fruit seedlings today, but Ji Jianyun confirmed the time with Lao Qin yesterday, and it will be delivered in the afternoon, and he is still free in the morning.

"Speaking of which, this is the first time the two of us have come out?" Sudan Hong looked at him and said with a smile.

"It's the first time I've come out." Ji Jianyun said a little guilty.

He has been married for more than three years and has a child for several months, but this is the first time he has brought his wife out.

"You don't need to go to the army anymore, you can accompany me well." Sudan Hong smiled.

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry, I will definitely let you mother and son live a good life!" Ji Jianyun said seriously.

"I didn't say that the one in my belly must be a son, what if it's a girl?" Su Danhong raised her eyebrows and looked at him.

"Whether it's a girl, I like it!" Ji Jianyun said quickly.

Sudan Hong smiled and said: "And you have to support not only me and the boss, but also the second, third, fourth, and fifth behind you."

With such a grand ideal, Ji Jianyun couldn't help being stunned: "To have so many births? Our country can't have many births now..."

"It's nothing that can't be born again. I've inquired about it. If you are still in the unit, for your future, then I will definitely not be able to reproduce. It doesn't matter if you are male or female. But now you are all out, we are not a career." If you work in a unit, don’t be afraid of expulsion. Extra life is just a fine. If you make money well, you will be fined a lot in the future.” Sudan Hong said.

Everything is good in this place, the only bad thing is this, you control the sky and the earth, and you still control the people to have children

But there is no way, they have to abide by such regulations, then pay the fine, anyway, she is not afraid of this.

The corners of Ji Jianyun's eyes twitched. Didn't expect his wife to have such ambition

"Do you just want to have one?" Sudan Hong looked at him.

"No, one is too lonely." Ji Jianyun said.

One is really too lonely, watching Monkey Boy, when they are not at home all day, the two sisters Xiaozhen and Xiaoyu have a companion, so they can stay and stay less.

"It's good that you know. You can make more money in the future. The fines are quite a lot." Sudan Hong nodded.

Ji Jianyun smiled helplessly and dotingly, and helped his wife into the town.

Come over to Sister Hong's embroidery shop, because today is the agreed day for handing in embroidery every month, so Zhen Miaohong must be there.

When she saw Ji Jianyun, Sister Hong was taken aback for a moment, and asked with a smile, "Dan Hong, is this brother-in-law?"

"Well." Sudan Hong smiled, and introduced to Ji Jianyun: "Jianyun, this is Sister Hong, I was married to her."

"Sister Hong." Ji Jianyun also nodded.

Sister Hong welcomed them in with a smile. This time, Sudan Red Embroidery was a peacock spreading its tail. It was a very colorful embroidery. Sister Hong directly offered a price of 800 yuan.

Although Ji Jianyun on the side kept his face calm, he was taken aback in his heart. Only then did he truly see how strong his wife's ability to make money is.

No wonder he didn't take the fine seriously at all, and planned to give birth to a football team for him!