Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 51: Refrigerator, washing machine, color TV!


"That's for sure, but I went out at the age of nineteen and didn't stay at home for long. What kind of experience can I have?" Ji Jianyun shook his head helplessly and said: "I really have experience, how can I hide it? The country is so big, how many more fruit? Shouldn’t they be sold as usual? They all belong to the same village, so I must take care of my own village first.”

"Could it be that it's really so evil as I told everyone, and your family has Immortal Hu to help?" asked the uncle of Old Ji's family.

"Pfft." Ji Jianyun took a sip of tea and said with a helpless smile, "Uncle, I'm an atheist. Don't be ridiculous. What a fox, it's clearly my daughter-in-law's family!"

One word about Wang's family blocked the whole uncle's family.

Now there are two theories out there, one is that Jianyun's daughter-in-law Hu Daxian leaned over and cast a spell so that all the fruit seedlings can be planted alive.

In addition, Jianyun's daughter-in-law's family is prosperous, and because she is prosperous, she and her family are also prosperous, so what is good to raise, and what to grow will be successful.

Speaking of the Great Immortal Hu, Ji Tangbo himself didn't really believe it, where did the Great Immortal Hu come from? If this is put aside, then we have to grab it and fight.

In the case of the Wang family, that really happened.

He didn't have much impression of Jianyun's daughter-in-law before, but he saw it recently, not to mention how lucky she is, she is full of style, and the lady of the landlord's house in the past didn't have her style.

Uncle Ji is old and has a lot of knowledge. He used to work for the landlord's house when he was a child. Naturally, he knows a lot and has a deep impression.

So if you want to talk about Jianyun's daughter-in-law Wang's family, it does have some credibility.

"Uncle, try this beef. It's made by my wife. I've never eaten such delicious beef." Ji Jianyun said, handing over the beef he brought, and said.

Although Uncle Ji was not in a very high mood, he still gave face. After taking a sip, he was immediately taken aback.

It tasted the same as the meat of a meat bun he ate at the landlord's house more than sixty years ago, so good that he wanted to swallow his tongue.

In the end, although I didn't ask for advice on how to grow fruit seedlings, we had a good chat.

After all, he was his cousin, so Ji Jianyun proposed that he would go out to study in the future, and then he would take Ji Jianchuan and Ji Jianhe with him.

Ji Jianchuan Ji Jianhe is Ji Tangbo's son, and Ji Jianyun is a cousin, and the relationship is relatively close.

With Ji Jianyun's promise, Ji Tangbo also had a smile on his face.

When he came back with the plate, Ji Jianyun told his wife about it.

"Okay, as long as he doesn't hold you back." Sudan Hong said.

She also knew that one of the sons of Uncle Ji's family didn't work very carefully, and the aunt of Tang came to find her before, meaning to add a position to her, but Sudan Hong declined, saying that there were enough people, otherwise she would definitely be added.

After all, with relatives and villages, some face still needs to be maintained.

So there is no problem with Sudan Red.

"The time will be the same. If he fails to learn, then uncle can't blame me." Ji Jianyun said with a smile.

"By the way, if you want to go out to study, you have to go out and get your driving test certificate. You will need it for driving and transporting fruit in the future." Sudan Hong remembered and said.

"I passed the driver's license test at my work unit." Ji Jianyun said after hearing this.

"Passed the exam? Why don't I know." Sudan Hong looked at him in surprise.

"At that time, I didn't treat you well. I had nothing to do when I was free, so I learned from the master and took the certificate test by the way, but it was useless." Ji Jianyun said.

"That would save a lot of trouble." Sudan Hong nodded.

"If you want to buy a car, I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money." Ji Jianyun hesitated and said.

His wife is still planning to buy a house, and all the money has to be earned by her.

Could Sudan Red not know what he was thinking? He gave him a blank look, and said in a bad mood: "Don't think too much, you can earn the money to buy the car yourself, and the money I earn will have to wait until the end of the year to buy a house."

She felt that she couldn't contract everything, and she had to give her family Jianyun a chance to perform. He was the head of the family, and he couldn't be allowed to lose his dignity as a man.

Sure enough, upon hearing her words, Ji Jianyun's eyes lit up, and he immediately assured her: "Don't worry, Danhong, I will definitely be able to buy a car for you. Lao Qin's car, I have a firm relationship with him, and when the time comes, I will pay a hard fee to prevent him from working in vain, and when we make money, we will buy a car immediately!"

"You make up your own mind, I don't care about these things." Su Danhong secretly thought that fortunately she braked in time, and it seemed that her family Jianyun was agitated.

Ji Jianyun is very happy.

Sudan Red sent him away and began to embroider her own face.

She can still embroider for another three or four months, and she will stop rusting in the last month. Then I will see if there are any other omissions that were not prepared for the little ones, and then just make up for them.

Seeing that Ji Jianyun's orchard was growing, even if the villagers didn't get any useful advice, some people did follow suit.

But the relationship is not very close, so Ji Jianyun naturally didn't pay much attention to it.

He went up the mountain every day to help build the wall. He built the wall very fast, and with him around, the two brothers Ji Jianguo and Ji Jianye worked hard and did not dare to work hard.

Sudan Hong was responsible for cooking for Ji Jianyun in addition to embroidery. Because Ji Jianyun went to help, the lunch meals of several people were raised to a higher level.

Especially the braised pork cooked by Sudan Red and asked Ji Mu to send it up, not to mention how much it satisfies the gluttony. .

Sudan Hong didn't take it seriously: "Mom, they are all from our own family, so I just ate them, and it's okay."

Ji's father, Ji Jianguo, Ji Jianye, and Ji Jianyun were eating at Shangshan. Only Xu Aidang and Ji Hongjun were hired, but Sudan Hong saw that the two of them were quite satisfied with their work, so she wanted to hire long-term workers, so It's okay to eat better.

Besides, Ji Jianyun is also here, she is reluctant to ask Ji Jianyun to eat steamed buns with pickles.

When Ji Jianyun came back this day, he took a bath and had dinner. Sudan Hong said, "When will our village be powered on?"

"I guess this year will be almost the same." Ji Jianyun said: "I heard from my eldest brother that Qiancun has already been repaired. When the repair of Gajia Village is completed, it will be our turn. We should be able to electrify our village before the Chinese New Year this year."

He also has electricity in the army, which is much more convenient than no electricity.

"The last time I went to Sister Hong's house, I saw her refrigerator, washing machine, and by the way, a big color TV." Su Danhong said with some greed.

When the baby is born, I don't know how many diapers I have to change a day, and it's cold, how easy is it to throw it in the washing machine