Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 55: college town


Ji's mother said so much for only one purpose, and also to express a meaning, don't look at my son with a washing machine, you lazy women just want to take advantage of it, it needs electricity and water, it's not free of money, want to use it? All right, take the money and fetch water from the river by yourself!

A washing machine costs hundreds of dollars. Can everyone use it together? It’s not the old commune, but now it’s a new society. Basically, there’s no way to do it.

"You only use the washing machine here. Mom can wash it by hand. It's just a few clothes. Danhong, your belly is really getting bigger, so it's inconvenient." Ji's mother set an example and faced Sudan Hong in front of the big guys. Said.

Sudan Hong didn't take her kindly, she just smiled and acquiesced.

The others have expressed Ji's mother in this way, but curled their lips, they didn't say anything else.

When the others had almost left, Ji Mudan, who was also in the crowd, stayed behind, and said with a smile: "With this washing machine, it will be much more convenient in the future. The second sister-in-law has a lot of clothes to wash every day. It's annoying, I'll take it over here later."

"You can save it. Danhong has a big belly now, but she doesn't have time to serve you. Where is it cool? Stay there. Want to use it? Tell your man to buy it yourself. If you dare to disturb me, don't be bitten by Dahei." Cry!" Ji's mother sprayed at her immediately.

Ever since Feng Fangfang and Ji Mudan made a fuss on New Year's Day, the impression of the two of them on Ji's mother was completely bad. Feng Fangfang still had a wink, but Ji Mudan didn't know what to say.

Not to mention Ji's mother, even Sudan Hong doesn't have a good impression of her.

"Mom, I'm talking to my third sibling." Ji Mudan pouted.

"Mom means what I mean. I just have an inconvenient stomach. Otherwise, I would wash the clothes by hand. It's just that it will be cold soon, and the child will be born. I can't let Jianyun, a big man, be cold." Go out and wash diapers for me, mom is old, and she shouldn't be too tired, otherwise, who would be willing to buy this washing machine for so much money?" Sudan Hong said lightly.

It's time for her to speak at this time, and she will never back down, otherwise it will appear that Ji's mother is troublesome? The two argued, but Ji Mu still stood up for her, and Sudan Hong also took Ji Mu's side, needless to say.

Sure enough, when Ji's mother heard her words, she glanced at her very satisfied, and she did have some opinions on buying a washing machine, but after what Dan Hong said, it was indeed the case.

This stomach is in October, when the sky cools down, and after a month of confinement, it will be almost November when it comes out.

She gave birth to four sons and one daughter back then. At that time, there was no condition. After giving birth, you were allowed to rest for two days before going to the ground, so she suffered from confinement disease. When winter came, her waist would not work. She really wanted her to come and wash it Diapers, she is also powerless.

Jianyun is a big man, and he still has to work on the orchard. At this time, it is indeed a good idea to buy a washing machine.

Although I feel a little bit distressed about the money, I have bought everything now, and there is nothing to worry about.

"Go back quickly, Danhong is still busy here." Ji's mother sent off.

Ji Mudan was very dissatisfied, she just snorted and went back.

Feng Fangfang smiled, and said to Su Danhong: "Danhong, you rest first, when you are in confinement, sister-in-law will show you confinement."

Listen, this is why she is willing to get closer to Feng Fangfang.

"Then I will thank my sister-in-law first, and then I don't have to cook at home, I can just cook here and eat here, and the monkey boy will also be brought along." Sudan Hong smiled.

She was polite, and Sudan Hong was willing to be more generous.

Sure enough, upon hearing her words, Feng Fangfang smiled and declined, but she knew it well.

Needless to say, the food here at the third child's house is needless to say. If she comes to serve the confinement child at that time, regardless of the favor, she will be very happy if the family can still eat well.

As soon as Feng Fangfang took Houwazi away, Ji's mother said, "Mom will come to help when the time comes."

Sudan Hong shook her head: "Mom, no need, sister-in-law and the others, you didn't intervene. If you intervene on my side, you will definitely be resented."

Ji's mother smiled: "You don't have to worry about this, mom is willing to serve you during confinement, what are they doing wrong? If you dare to say that mom is wrong, mom will slap them!"

The other three daughters-in-law bundled together are not as filial as the third family's filial piety, so what's the matter with her confinement!

Sudan Red smiled and ignored it.

Anyway, life is her own, and other people can talk about it as they like, Feng Fangfang will definitely not say it, even if she is dissatisfied, she will keep her face.

As for Ji Mudan and Yun Lili, although Ji Mudan survived her during the Chinese New Year, it was because she wanted her to fight Yun Lili for five hundred yuan, and there was no intersection after that.

Even if you praise all the good things about these two, don't try to get a good thing from them, they will think that you deserve it and you owe them.

For this kind of sister-in-law, Sudan Hong has always kept a respectful distance. Anyway, we don't live together, and live in our own way, which saves trouble and worry!

Ji Jianyun quickly arranged the refrigerator and washing machine.

There is no electricity yet, but this thing is quite stylish at home.

"Our house is a bit small." Sudan Hong said.

"Isn't it young?" Ji Jianyun said.

"You make good money. When the time comes, this house will be demolished, and you can directly build me a building." Sudan Hong looked at him and said.

Ji Jianyun was taken aback when he heard the words, and then smiled, and came to support his wife: "Daughter-in-law, don't worry, when the orchard gets up, I will definitely build a building for you to live in, and then heat it up, it's almost the same as in the city!"

"That's what you said, I'll remember it." Su Danhong said while staring at him.

Ji Jianyun couldn't hold it back, and poked one on her face that was still radiant without makeup.

Sudan blushed and gave him a blank look: "You are not serious in broad daylight."

As she said that, her stomach started to move, and Ji Jianyun's attention was attracted by her stomach.

The little guy moved a bit big and was very naughty. Sudan Hong's belly was rolled and rolled by the little guy.

"This little guy must be very naughty then." Ji Jianyun smiled when he saw the little guy like this.

Sudan Hong smiled and said, "Isn't this following you? I don't care. When the time comes, you will be in charge of discipline."

"Okay, leave it to me!" Ji Jianyun promised her.

Three days passed in a flash. This morning, Ji Jianyun made arrangements for his family and went to the town with more than 6,000 yuan. He went to the university town with Sister Hong.

When Ji's mother came over, she didn't see anyone, and asked, "Why did Jianyun go?"

"Jianyun went to his comrade-in-arms to do something, and he won't be back until evening." Su Danhong said, "Mom, what's the matter?"

"This is the consent form. Isn't the power on soon? Every household has to sign it." Ji Mu said.

"I'll just sign it." Sudan Hong took the consent form, read it around, and then nodded.