Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 86: new year


"In the whole family, the third brother likes to eat chili the most. How can he not add it? But he didn't add much, and it was just right. He should eat something spicy to warm his body today." Ji Jianwen laughed.

Ji's mother ate the fried fish balls. Although it was delicious, she still said: "This is too wasteful."

Ji Jianwen didn't say a word, his mother felt sorry for the oil, that's for sure, the oil used to fry the fish balls this time was almost half a month's worth of his household.

But that's what Ji's mother said, and she can see the conditions of the third family. Basically, every day is like a New Year's holiday, and fish and meat are indispensable.

Otherwise, before the third child said anything, Dan Hong would probably be unhappy first.

But after buying it, it doesn't matter how she eats it, but Jianyun has only been back for half a year, and she has grown a lot stronger.

Ji's mother saw it in her eyes and was satisfied in her heart.

The next day, Ji Jianyun went off the net again and made a meal of fried fish balls for Sudan Hong. Sudan Hong was very satisfied and enjoyed the love from her husband.

But she didn't dare to eat too much, so she just ate one or two to satisfy her cravings, and she still had to breastfeed, fearing that it wouldn't be good to eat.

So after eating the fried fish balls, she immediately poured another large glass of Lingquan water to scrape oil.

Seeing that she didn't eat, Ji Jianyun put away all the leftovers and took them to the old Ji's house for extra food during the Chinese New Year.

The days are flat and warm, and everything on the mountain is fine. Because it is too cold, I am worried that the livestock on the mountain will not live well, so Sudan Red basically asks Ji Jianyun to send some water from the spiritual spring to boil every day. animals.

There is spiritual spring water and enough food, so both the goats and chickens are growing very well.

As soon as the time turns, it will be New Year's Eve.

According to the old rules, Ji Jianyun came to Lao Ji's house with Sudan Hong and his son's family of three.

It was the same last year, but at this time last year, they were a couple, and this year they are three, with Xiao Renren added.

Ji Jianyun is obviously in a good mood. In the past years, he saw that his brothers were all family members, but he has not yet. This year, he can be regarded as elated. His wife gave birth to a big fat boy for him.

Therefore, Ji Jianyun not only brought a large bowl of fried fish balls, but also a jug of good wine, which was sent by Sister Hong.

In fact, the two of them not only brought these two items, they also brought some bacon marinated by Sudan Red yesterday, but not much, just to add an extra meat dish.

The men went to talk in the hall, and the women were in the next room. Sudan Hong held his head and looked back and was a little curious to see such a lively scene. Xiao Renren, who was walking around with a small head, was a monkey boy for the old family, and the second child. The sisters Xiaozhen and Xiaoyu, and Yan'er from the fourth family gave out red envelopes.

This year is the same as last year, one dime per person.

Although the economy is developing rapidly now, few people use the money, but there are still some, and a dime is not too little.

None of the red envelopes sent out last year were returned, but three were received this year, Feng Fangfang's, Ji Mudan's, and Yun Lili's, all three of them gave it away.

Everyone is still in harmony.

"The three of you will follow me into the kitchen to help, Dan Hong, you are responsible for taking care of these." Ji Mu came out at this time and said.

Feng Fangfang had no objection. As a sister-in-law, she would definitely not be able to avoid such things as helping to cook the New Year's Eve dinner, so she went in.

Ji Mudan obviously has some opinions, why doesn't Sudan Hong need to help? Can the child be taken by his father

Yun Lili also smiled a bit forcedly, thinking that her mother-in-law was obviously biased, but she didn't say anything, she just said to Su Danhong: "I have spoiled this girl, third sister-in-law, please take more care of her."

"Well, you can leave it alone." Sudan Hong nodded.

Yun Lili had no choice but to let go of her daughter, because her daughter was already attracted by the doll that Xiaozhen and Xiaoyu brought over, and she ignored her mother at all.

Ji Yunyun couldn't see it, and said, "I'll just hold the child, and sister-in-law San, you can help too!"

"Okay." Sudan Hong smiled and gave her son.

Ji Yunyun snorted, let's see how lazy you are now.

Just as soon as Xiao Renren took her, Xiao Renren looked at her curiously, and found that it was a stranger, and immediately became unhappy.

A stranger still wants to hug him? Don't even think about it.

The loud voice inherited from his father immediately howled out, and Ji Yunyun was startled, why is this nephew's voice so loud, it's so noisy to death.

Houwazi was immediately dissatisfied and said, "Sister-in-law, are you choking my younger brother!" As he said that, he was about to come over to snatch someone.

The sisters Xiaozhen and Xiaoyu were also dissatisfied and looked over.

This younger brother is usually very obedient. When the two sisters went to see him, he would laugh and play with them, not making a fuss at all, and crying when he was hugged by my sister-in-law. This must have been pinched by my sister-in-law!

Seeing him crying, Yan'er immediately started crying too.

The whole room was suddenly in chaos.

Ji's mother was so angry that she wanted to scold someone, but when she thought it was Chinese New Year, she said, "Hurry up and return Renren to your third sister-in-law, you come to the kitchen to help!"

Ji Yunyun couldn't stand the nephew's loud voice, so he immediately gave it to Houwazi who came to snatch him, and Houwazi came over to his third aunt in his arms.

Sudan Hong took over Xiao Renren, and when Xiao Renren saw that it was her mother, she stopped her loud voice.

Ji Yunyun was very angry, but being stared at by her mother, she could only go to the kitchen in desperation.

Yun Lili watched her daughter being coaxed by the doll borrowed by the sisters Sudan Hong and Xiaozhen Xiaoyu, so she could only go to help her. She originally wanted to stay to comfort her daughter.

"Third aunt, if you give it to my sister, will my sister not return it to us?" Xiaozhen and Xiaoyu asked worriedly when they saw that Yan'er couldn't put it down.

Sudan Hong smiled and said: "Then let her play with it, and Third Aunt will buy you another one."

Xiaozhen Xiaoyu was immediately happy.

This Chinese New Year, she also prepared something for these nephews and nieces. The monkey baby is a new pencil case with three compartments, which is the most popular pencil case nowadays.

Xiaozhen and Xiaoyu are younger than Houwazi, but they will go to study next year. This is what she heard from Ji Jianyun, and he heard about it when he went to sit with his second brother.

But she won't go to school until September 1 next year, so she didn't buy it, and it won't be too late to give it away.

So she bought a pair of gloves for both the little sisters, which are very suitable for keeping warm.

But Houwazi gave him the pencil case, and the gloves of the two of them are still at home.

Su Danhong said: "After dinner, you go to Third Aunt's. Last time, Third Aunt bought gloves for you and didn't have time to give them to you. You haven't come here these days."

"We'll be there later!" Xiaozhen Xiaoyu said immediately.

Sudan Hong nodded, and then talked about homework with Houwazi.

It was Houwazi who took homework and came to do it at home, and she discovered that the mathematics in this place is so magical.

So when Houwazi learned, she also learned a little bit, and now she has mastered the nine-nine multiplication table.