Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 89: Yan'er, a left-behind child


Chinese New Year is very lively. For a few days, people come and go, but time passes relatively quickly.

In a blink of an eye, the year has passed. On the seventh day of the new year, the flavor of the new year fades away. When the eighth and ninth day of the new year, it is really nothing.

However, the casino in the village is still a bit crowded.

Sudan Red didn't go, and Ji Jianyun didn't like to go, but Ji's mother prefers to play two games.

Just yesterday, Ji's mother came to ask her if she could win.

Sudan Red felt amused, she wanted to ask Immortal Hu, but where did Immortal Hu give her advice? Just tell her that a small gamble will hurt your body, and at noon yesterday, Ji's mother came to say it.

Said that she regretted it. She had won at the beginning, but she lost it all later.

Ji's mother didn't say it clearly, but she just came here to apologize to Hu Daxian, apologizing that she didn't listen to him, it was just a small gamble, if it was a small gamble, wouldn't it win

After gambling for a long time, all the money was lost.

Sudan Hong smiled without saying a word.

Mother Ji gambled again after going back, and then lost again. After this time, she didn't go again.

Because she felt that last time she had angered Immortal Hu, saying that Immortal Hu was too lazy to take care of her, and without Immortal Hu's care, she would not dare to gamble, and she would definitely lose money.

But even so, she still lost three or four dollars, which made her feel distressed for a long time.

Compared with Ji's mother who likes to gamble, Ji's father doesn't like this activity. Even if it's the first day of the new year, he will go for a walk on the mountain.

After the fifth day of the new year, Ji's father basically stayed in the orchard, and even slept on it, not going down the mountain.

So for the sake of Ji's father's hard work for the couple, Sudan Hong asked Ji Jianyun to deliver meals on time every day, and it was also very rich.

In the tenth day of the lunar new year, Ji Jianwen, Yun Lili, and Ji Yunyun all left, leaving behind their daughter Yan'er.

The reason is that now Yan'er can eat and doesn't need to breastfeed, so she can stay and take care of her for a year or two. When she gets older, they will take her to kindergarten, otherwise the couple will have to hire a nanny. It's a lot of money, and Yun Lili can't take her at home, so she has to pay for milk powder, which is a lot of expenses.

Season mother also agreed.

Regarding this point, Feng Fangfang, Ji Mudan, and Sudan Hong didn't say anything, because this is a relatively normal thing. Jiangshui City is no better than a village. Why don't you want money

The child is still young, and the couple have to go to school to teach, how can they be busy

Because of the addition of Yan'er, Ji's mother didn't go to gamble anymore, because she had to take it with her at home.

At the beginning, Yan'er was not used to it, she cried so much that Ji's mother couldn't help it, so she brought her here to let Daxian see if she offended something

But Sudan Hong made milk powder for Yan'er, and after she was told to drink it, she became quiet.

Sudan Hong gave her the doll made for Xiao Renren again, and she had a great time playing with it.

The child's forgetfulness is relatively large. After a few days, she will forget her parents and go to sleep with Ji's mother at night. When she opens her eyes the next day, she will come here .

If you want to make a fuss, come here to play.

Ji's mother had no choice but to bring her here, and apologized to Su Danhong: "Dan Hong, you think this girl has already decided this, or let her stay here, and Mom will take her back at night? "

"Yes." Sudan Red agreed.

In fact, Yan'er, the niece, was well educated. Although she was only two and a half years old, as long as she was fed and drunk and given a few dolls, she would be able to play happily by herself.

When she needs to urinate, she will also say simple words such as need to urinate as a warning. At other times, she will play with herself on the kang, and Xiao Renren is similar, spitting bubbles, Yan'er will occasionally I was attracted by him and looked over, sometimes I would stand up and walk over by myself.

I want to give him the doll in my hand to play with, but it is obvious that Renren doesn't know how to play with it yet. As soon as he catches the toy, he puts it in his mouth, and it will get a lot of saliva.

The siblings were playing on the kang by themselves, and Sudan Hong set up an embroidery frame next to her and started to embroider. The child was very obedient, so she still had time to do her own work.

When Ji Jianyun came back, he smiled when he saw this scene, and said: "Yan'er is good, she doesn't make trouble."

"It's very good. Go buy a box of apples and come back tomorrow. Our family has finished eating." Sudan Hong said.

"Okay." Ji Jianyun agreed.

The next day, he went to the town and brought back two boxes of apples. Ji Jianyun gave twelve to Su's mother, three to Ji's mother, and a few to Ji's father on the mountain. The one is called Houwazi, Xiaozhen and Xiaoyu sisters come over, one for two.

One box of apples is almost enough, and I will keep the remaining box for myself to eat.

A box of apples costs a lot of money, but Sudan Hong does not interfere with Ji Jianyun's approach.

Although she made a lot of money, she never felt that she was so great. She felt that she was a wife. When her husband needed her, she had to fulfill the responsibility of being a wife. When her husband did something wrong, she It should also be reminded in time.

But for these small things, he just needs to be happy, and no matter which family it is for, one is her mother, the other is his mother, and none of them are outsiders, what else can he say

There are quite a lot of apples for her old Su's family, a total of twelve, all of them are big red Fuji apples.

Of course, it was also because her second sister-in-law had a big belly and it would be better to eat more apples, so she took some more.

Sudan Hong eats apples, Xiao Renren doesn't know how to eat them yet, and he doesn't have any teeth yet, but Yan'er knows how to eat apples, but she can only eat apple puree.

If it were an ordinary aunt, Yan'er wouldn't want to eat it, but the aunt Sudan Hong also counted for that, and made her apple puree to eat.

"Mom, eat, eat."

This day, the girl Yan'er opened her mouth and startled Su Danhong, and immediately became funny, but she didn't bother to correct her.

Children are still young, and they will naturally understand when they grow up.

"You can eat it, the third aunt has eaten it." Su Danhong smiled.

Yan'er ate it by herself.

Basically, she eats half an apple every day, but Sudan Hong doesn't blink her eyes, so she can eat as much as she likes. When Ji Mu finds out, she comes over to Sudan Hong and says, "Dan Hong, give her something to eat." That’s fine, you don’t need to make these specially.”

It wasn't Sudan Hong who said it, but Ji Jianyun said it when he was joking. He just said it casually, and didn't take it seriously at all.

But Ji's mother listened to it, thinking that it was specially bought for Yan'er, so she came over to talk about it.

"Mom, I bought the food myself, how old is Yan'er? She can eat it if she likes it." Sudan Hong didn't take it seriously, half an apple is worth coming here and saying