Rebirth to the Sixties With Space

Chapter 114: Is there any way to harvest food earlier?


When he got home at noon that day, Xiao Chengjin told Xiao Dashan about the summer vacation.

Xiao Dashan held the dry tobacco pole and thought for a long time, and finally shook his head, "The literacy class has been on holiday for a short time since it started. What are you and Ruanruan doing during the holiday? Going to the fields to earn work points? Classes were suspended just before, and the students missed the courses. Quite a few, please give me a good tutoring session."

Xiao Dashan had already said this. What could Xiao Chengjin say? He told Su Ruanruan this before class in the afternoon.

Su Ruanruan didn't mind teaching the children every day, but she thought of another thing.

In my last life, this year's harvest was not good.

After a summer of drought, it happened that during the autumn harvest, it rained heavily for a week.

After the rain stopped, people in each brigade hurriedly went to the fields to collect grain, but they couldn't harvest anything.

A lot of food was washed into the ground and even sprouted.

Originally, last year's harvest was not good, but this year everyone is gritting their teeth and tightening their belts, waiting for food to be distributed after the autumn harvest to make up for the needs of their families.

After the heavy rain that week, let alone replenishing food for the family, after paying the public food, the remaining food may not be enough to eat until the beginning of next spring.

Su Ruanruan clearly remembered that in her previous life, after the autumn harvest, every household's life became more difficult.

Times are hard, and people's hearts are becoming more and more impetuous.

Frictions would arise over trivial matters, and eventually a fight would occur.

There are also people who are so hungry that they sneak into other people's homes in the middle of the night to steal food.

After the spring of the second year, every household had almost no leftover grain, so they could only dig up all the edible wild vegetables and cook them.

But how many wild vegetables can there be? With so many people on the production team, the wild vegetables can’t grow fast enough for so many people to pick them.

Without wild vegetables, some people began digging grass roots and peeling bark from trees. They stuffed anything in their mouths that was visible and suitable for their mouths, regardless of the consequences.

Some people who really couldn't find anything to eat actually started eating Guanyin soil.

The Guanyin soil is white and smooth, and the steamed buns after adding water and flour look like they are made of white flour.

But if you eat this stuff, you won’t be able to pull it out, and many people end up suffocating to death.

When he died, his body was skinny and skinny, but his belly looked like that of a pregnant woman for several months, which was scary to look at.

Thinking of all the events in her past life, Su Ruanruan's face became extremely pale, and cold sweat kept falling from her temples.

Xiao Chengjin didn't wait for Su Ruanruan to speak for a long time. When he looked up, he saw Su Ruanruan's frightened look. He was immediately startled, "Ruanruan, what's wrong with you? What happened?"

Xiao Chengjin's shout brought Su Ruanruan back from her memories, and her eyes, which were originally out of focus, gradually regained their luster.

But Xiao Chengjin still found that there was lingering fear in Su Ruanruan's eyes.

"Ruanruan, what's wrong with you? If you have anything to do, tell me and I will help you solve it."

Xiao Chengjin's voice was loud and clear.

No matter what it is, as long as Su Ruanruan says it, he will do it if he can do it, and if he can't do it, he will do it!

Su Ruanruan's eyes moved slowly, and her gaze fell on Xiao Chengjin's face, "Cheng Jin, tell me, is there any way to collect food earlier?"

Xiao Chengjin didn't expect to hear such a question, and he didn't know how to answer it for a while.

The grain in the fields must be harvested when it is ripe. How could it be harvested early

(End of chapter)