Rebirth to the Sixties With Space

Chapter 3: I never thought you could also lie to others


"Ruanruan, wake up! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it, wuwuwu."

Su Ruanruan's head was groggy, and the back of her head ached. However, someone was still crying in her ears, which made her upset and angry.

"do not Cry!"

As soon as the words came out, Su Ruanruan was stunned.

Isn't she... dead

The feeling of warm blood gradually flowing out still remains in my mind. Why can I speak now

Su Ruanruan raised her hand to touch the back of her head, but she only felt a hard bump. She gasped in pain, but she woke up because of it.

Opening your eyes, you will see the familiar roof.

This is the home where she has lived for more than thirty years - the Su family.

Is it possible that her obsession is too deep, so she can still see the Su family even after death

Su Ruanruan was thinking when someone suddenly hugged her arm, and then she heard someone crying in her ear.

"Ruanruan, you're awake. You scared my sister to death. Ruanruan, I'm sorry. I accidentally hit you just now. Are you okay? Does your head still hurt? Don't tell Grandma Chen, okay? Otherwise, she will definitely It’s my fault!”

This voice was all too familiar to Su Ruanruan. Who else could it be if it wasn't Wang Aijuan

But, why is this voice delicate and naive, more like Wang Aijuan's voice when she was young

Su Ruanruan tilted her head to look, and saw that the person next to her, with brown and sparse hair but still tied into two braids, who else could it be if she wasn't Wang Aijuan in her youth? !

With Wang Aijuan leaning against her like this, Su Ruanruan felt sick, and with a slight exertion, she pulled her hand out.

Wang Aijuan raised her head differently, "Ruanruan, what's wrong with you? Are you still blaming me? I really didn't mean it-"

Su Ruanruan supported her body and sat up, and then she saw Liu Xiuli sitting at the square table next to the kang.

Liu Xiuli saw Su Ruanruan looking over and smiled lovingly at her, "Ruanruan, your sister just didn't hold it steady for a moment, so she smashed the box on your head. You're fine, so don't It’s her fault, you can see her eyes are swollen from crying.”

After hearing Liu Xiuli's words, Su Ruanruan glanced at Wang Aijuan's face. The eye circles were indeed a little red, but they looked more like they were rubbed hard.

As for the swelling, it's not there at all.

Being stared at by Su Ruanruan, Wang Aijuan lowered her eyelids with a guilty conscience, and soon laughed again, "Ruanruan, don't listen to mother's nonsense, I'm fine."

Liu Xiuli stood up, walked to Su Ruanruan and sat down. She reached out to grab Su Ruanruan's hand, but Su Ruanruan dodged it.

Liu Xiuli was stunned for a moment, and then laughed again, "Ruanruan, what do you think about what I told you before? You are only fourteen this year, and you go to work in a textile factory alone. Don't tell me that you, Grandma Chen, are worried. , even I don’t feel at ease, why not let your sister go, she’s just the right age. Anyway, you are sisters, wouldn’t it be the same for whoever goes?”

Wang Aijuan also smiled brightly and looked at Su Ruanruan with doting eyes, "Ruanruan, I went to work and earned money to buy you delicious food. You don't have to do anything and you can still accompany Grandma Chen. This Isn’t it better?”

Su Ruanruan lowered her eyes and finally understood what was going on.

"My grandma at work just told me about it, but it hasn't been implemented yet!"

As Su Ruanruan spoke, she raised her eyes to look at the two people in front of her. Her eyes were clear, her tone was calm, and there was no sign of lying at all.

Wang Aijuan and Liu Xiuli looked at each other, and finally believed Su Ruanruan's words.

After all, Su Ruanruan has always been responsive to their requests for so many years and should not lie to them.

Liu Xiuli laughed dryly, "Then... we'll wait until it's finalized. Ruanruan, please rest first. Seeing that it's getting dark, we'll go back first!"

He left as soon as he said so, neatly and without worrying at all whether Su Ruanruan, a little girl, would be scared at home.

Su Ruanruan looked at the two people leaving with a sneer on her lips.

"I didn't expect you to lie to others."

A clear male voice suddenly sounded in the air. Su Ruanruan was startled. She looked up at the door and saw a slender figure walking in against the light.

As he got closer and closer, the dim light in the room shone on his face, and the young man's face appeared before his eyes.

There was a half-smile on his face, as if he was laughing at her lie just now.

Isn't this... the village chief's grandson Xiao Chengjin

(End of chapter)