Rebirth to the Sixties With Space

Chapter 56: Fragrance


Grandma Chen stood there and watched the bicycle go away, then she looked back and headed towards the sheepfold.

When passing the pig pen, Grandma Chen took a look inside and saw Wang Aijuan already inside, struggling to shovel shit in the pig pen.

Pigs are animals that can eat, sleep and poop. They can produce a lot of pig manure in one night. They must be cleaned up diligently. Otherwise, the weather will get hotter and the pig pens will not be clean, and the pigs will easily Get ill.

Pigs are an important asset of the production brigade. Even if Wang Aijuan is not very old, she understands this, so she does not dare to be careless at all.

If something went wrong with these pigs in her hands, she simply couldn't imagine the consequences.

Outside, Grandma Chen took a look inside and then went directly to the sheepfold.

There was already someone in the sheepfold, it was Qi Anfu.

Qi Anfu is cleaning the sheep pen. Now that the work of the sheep pen has been handed over to Wang Aijuan, he only needs to be responsible for the sheep pen.

The sheep pen is much cleaner than the pig pen, and it is much easier to clean up.

Seeing Grandma Chen coming, Qi Anfu stopped what he was doing and greeted Grandma Chen with a smile, "How are you, Sister-in-law Chen? Where is your granddaughter? I haven't seen her in the past few days!"

Qi Anfu wanted to thank Su Ruanruan. The medicine she bought was very effective. Xu Yinghua didn't cough much after taking it for two days. In addition, she ate the millet porridge and eggs that Su Ruanruan brought back. Xu Yinghua's body improved. It's really much better.

Now she can not only get out of bed and move around, but also take care of herself.

When he went out to work, he didn't have to worry about her all the time.

When Grandma Chen heard Qi Anfu ask about Su Ruanruan, she thought of what Su Ruanruan had bought for him before. She guessed that Qi Anfu wanted to say thank you, so she said, "She is busy at work every day and has no time to accompany me." When we came over, this girl had a stubborn temper and said that if she wanted to earn full work points, she had to earn full work points. I was worried that she would be exhausted. It happened that someone from the village went to the county today, so I asked her to go with her, so that she could save herself from carrying water every day. Tire your body up again.”

Qi Anfu listened to Grandma Chen's words silently, with some envy in his eyes.

If only he could have such a granddaughter—forget it!

It’s better not to have any!

Otherwise, we would have to suffer along with the old couple!

"Sister-in-law Chen is a blessed person, and her days of happiness are still to come!"

Grandma Chen smiled when she heard this, but she didn't say anything anymore, but drove the three sheep out of the sheepfold.

I came here a little late today, and the sheep were already hungry and bleating in the sheepfold!

On the way to the county, Xiao Chengjin stepped on the pedal like a hot wheel.

There was obviously no wind today, but because the speed of the bicycle was too fast, the wind kept hitting Su Ruanruan's face.

Su Ruanruan's small chin was slightly raised, and the corners of her mouth were raised high, enjoying the rare coolness.

What Su Ruanruan didn't know was that the wind blew over her cheeks and blew up her hair, blowing onto Xiao Chengjin's face, making Xiao Chengjin dare not inhale hard for fear of accidentally Su Ruanruan was shocked.

Taking a careful breath, Xiao Chengjin smelled a faint fragrance.

It's the kind of refreshing fragrance that doesn't make people feel cloying at all.

Xiao Chengjin kept smelling the smell, still thinking in his mind, was it the stuff Su Ruanruan used to wash her hair that had the fragrance

Can he ask Su Ruanruan for some to wash his hair


After trying my best, I still have a thousand left, so I’ll update it during the day!

Please vote for recommendation!

(End of chapter)