Rebirth to the Sixties With Space

Chapter 76: Pick someone up


There are less than forty children in the team who are of appropriate age and whose families are willing to let them study.

It's not that there are only so many children in their third production brigade, but that some of them are too young to take care of themselves, so they can't come to school.

The other part was left at home by their parents to take care of the children who could not take care of themselves.

At this time, adults in every household have to work to earn work points, and it is impossible to take care of their children at home all the time.

So it is very common for older children to look after younger children.

The nearly forty children who came were divided into two classes by Su Ruanruan and Xiao Chengjin.

The forty children were divided into two classes, but there were students from grades one to five.

Old students generally have textbooks. Although freshmen in the first grade do not have textbooks, this matter can be easily solved. The textbooks brought by Su Ruanruan and Xiao Chengjin, plus the old students also obediently brought the textbooks they used before. Come here, so freshmen are given one set of textbooks.

In the three afternoon classes, Su Ruanruan and Xiao Chengjin were in a classroom each and took these students to class.

Fortunately, preparations have been made before, otherwise having to teach two or three grades at the same time during class would be really confusing.

Su Ruanruan didn't know how Xiao Chengjin did it. She taught the senior students to read the text first, so that the lower students could follow them. After the text was finished, she asked the senior students to memorize and write silently, and then she continued Go teach the lower grades.

Although there were some troubles and stumblings, the first day of school ended like this.

When school was over, Su Ruanruan gave them homework and notified them of the class time the next day before letting them go home.

After seeing off the students, Su Ruanruan and Xiao Chengjin returned to the office.

After sitting down, the two people took out their respective candy boxes almost at the same time, took out a candy from it and stuffed it into their mouths.

Seeing each other's actions, the two smiled at each other and silently opened the books on the table to prepare for tomorrow's teaching.

It wasn't until they heard the bell ringing for the end of work that the two of them stood up, packed up their things, closed the doors and windows, locked the courtyard door and went home.

From this day on, Su Ruanruan and Xiao Chengjin began their teaching careers.

No matter what happens, things become familiar again and again. As time goes by, the two of them have their own ideas on how to be a good teacher and how to teach students better.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it was time to pick up the educated youth.

Early that morning, Xiao Dashan put on clean clothes, led the cadres in the brigade, and set out to pick up the educated youth from the commune.

Su Ruanruan hasn't seen Xiao Dashan in recent days, and she still heard Xiao Chengjin tell her about this.

Although she had already experienced this once in her previous life, it had been so long ago that she could not remember clearly the specific date when the educated youth came.

However, the arrival of the educated youth had nothing to do with her. After Su Ruanruan heard about it, she forgot about it and devoted herself to her serious teaching career.

After school at noon, Su Ruanruan and Xiao Chengjin locked the courtyard door and were about to leave. When they turned around, they saw Xiao Dashan leading a group of people slowly walking over.

The group of people following Xiao Dashan were all young and looked to be in their teens or 20s.

In addition, Xiao Chengjin knew that these were educated youths since he had never seen them before.

(End of chapter)