Rebirth With The Beast

Chapter 11


Tiger looked at his clansmen in embarrassment. It was also the first time they met a female who was going to compete with an orc, and they didn't know what to do. Seeing that Ed didn't speak, Tiger could only bite the bullet and walk over. Whether he wins or loses, it is not a glorious thing. But the way Ed looked at the female, Tiger knew that Ed liked this female. For the happiness of his brother, Tiger felt that he was also working hard. But thinking that as long as Ed remains single, the females in the tribe will always miss Ed, and Tiger and the others will always be under Ed's shadow.

The competition between an orc and a female is unprecedented. The female's body is too weak, and the competition with an orc is simply asking for trouble.

Ed said to Tiger: "You can't turn into a beast, otherwise it's too bullying."

Tiger immediately said angrily, "Of course I know, even in human form, I'm already bullying people."

Su Yi put down his back basket, threw away his dagger, and walked slowly to Tiger.

Tiger didn't understand either, although the female was so thin and small, but his eyes were very firm and terrifying, and he didn't show the slightest panic in the face of the orcs who were obviously far different in strength.

Tiger felt that it was too embarrassing to fight a female duel, so he wanted to end it quickly, so he said to Su Yi, "You come first."

The corner of Su Yi's mouth curled up, and his figure came to Tiger in a flash. He was not polite to Tiger at all, because he knew how poor this body's physical fitness was. He is also not suitable for protracted battles, it is best to surprise and win quickly.

Tiger was taken aback by Su Yi's actions. He didn't understand how this female did it, and suddenly appeared in front of him.

Su Yi's loved fighting since he was a child, and he is a real fighter king. Later, when he grew up, his old man was afraid that he would suffer, so he sent Su Yi to learn Sanda, and later also learned Tai Chi. So when it comes to fighting, Su Yi was not afraid of anyone before.

As soon as he got close, Su Yi's fist swung towards Tiger's heart. He knew that his strength was insufficient, so he could only move towards the weak point of the person. With a wave of his hand, Tiger wanted to catch the female. However, Su Yi didn't succeed with his punch, and immediately shrank away from Tiger's big hand flexibly by using his compactness. Tiger obviously has never seen such a style of play, Su Yi is obviously very close to him, but he can only deal with Su Yi's moves in a hurry, but has no time to catch him. Su Yi paused, and nimbly came behind Tiger, clenched his fists and slammed down on Tiger's waist. Tiger only felt a pain in the side of his waist, bent his knees and kicked towards Su Yi.

Sinoer on the side looked tense all over, for fear that Tiger would really hit Su Yi.

But Su Yi's eyes seemed to be able to see all directions. The moment Tiger raised his foot, he stepped on Tiger's raised leg with all his strength, and jumped a few meters high. As soon as Tiger saw Su Yi jumping up, he couldn't help laughing, where are you going this time? Su Yi put his hands together and made a fist, and the force of the fall hit Tiger hard on the head. Tiger didn't take Su Yi's attack seriously at first. Although Su Yi hit him many times before, it was painful, but for an orc who often hunts in the wild, this pain is nothing at all. So when Su Yi hit down, Tiger just wanted to take the opportunity to catch Su Yi, but he didn't take Su Yi's small fist seriously.

But children who know a little about free landing and gravity know that Su Yi's attack is several times stronger than the original. In order to increase his strength, Su Yi deliberately clenched his hands into fists.

Su also picked Tiger because he saw Tiger's character. A relatively young orc with less experience than other orcs. In addition, if he doesn't take females seriously, he can't help but show some affection. Su Yi used this series of psychological factors to choose Tiger.

Although it was a bit despicable to do so, Su Yi didn't care at all.

When Tiger was hit, his eyes suddenly went dark. Fortunately, he was an orc, so his eyes went dark. Subconsciously, he still wanted to catch Su Yi, and then force Su Yi to admit defeat. When Tiger grabbed Su Yan's arm with his hand, he only felt the extremely soft arm in the palm of his hand, and couldn't help but feel his heart flutter. When Tiger's eyes became clear again, he saw Su Yi's magnified face in front of him, and that bright and moving smiling face instantly made Taigemi's messy. The little devil in Su Yi's heart snickered, and bent his elbow into Tiger's arm fiercely. As soon as Tiger's arm became sore, the strength in his hand loosened. Su Yi quickly climbed onto Tiger's thick arm with both hands, turned around 180 degrees, and spun half a circle around Tiger's arm to come to Tiger's back. His bent knee hit Tiger's arm hard. on the nape of the neck. The back of the neck is a very fragile part of the human body, and most people can knock people out by hitting the back of the neck hard. But because Tiger is not an ordinary person, and Su Yi's strength is not enough, Su Yi has to do the previous series of plots despicably.

This time Tiger fell directly to the ground, like a big tree collapsing. Su Yi pressed on Tiger, and then grinned very proudly.

"Haha, you lost."

Tiger wanted to get up, but his head was dizzy for a while, and he glared at Su Yi angrily.

"You cheat, this doesn't count."

Su Yi grabbed Tiger's hair fiercely, his voice was full of threats, "What are you talking about? I have already won!!"

The orcs around you look at me, and I look at yours. They all felt that they were deceived by Su Yi's beautiful appearance before. This female is not only cruel and violent, but also very cunning. For such a female, they all looked at Sinor with sympathy. Thinking of this ominous orc is also quite miserable. It is not easy to have a female who is still such a ferocious type.

Sinoer was not as surprised as the Impreza family. Ever since the female woke up, he knew that the female had changed. First, they became better and better to their father and son, then there was a strange space, and then they dared to challenge the orcs. Sinoer has gradually gotten used to this series of changes. He felt that this female was a miracle given to him by the beast god in pity. So no matter how amazing the female made, Sinor didn't think he was surprised, he just felt very surprised and happy.

Ed glared at Tiger who was still remembering to resist, and said with a bad face: "Forget you win, let's go."

Ed turned and left, and the other orcs followed immediately. Only then did Su Yi let go of Tiger, and Tiger glared at Su Yi angrily, feeling extremely angry in his heart. This female is simply too cunning, without any feminine tenderness. The attack was even more ruthless and accurate. If it wasn't for the female's lack of strength, Tiger really felt that the female wanted to kill him.

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