Rebirth With The Beast

Chapter 113


"The cold season is coming, and a herd of beasts is coming towards us. They went out to hunt early in the morning in order to eat fresh beast meat."

While talking, Su Yi found a meatball and handed it to Tang Yu's mouth. Tang Yu opened his mouth to take a bite, and was immediately attracted by the delicious food. Meatballs, deep-fried, charred on the outside and tender on the inside, with a lingering fragrance after a bite.

"This is delicious!" Tang Yu sat up with difficulty, Su Yi immediately found a cushion and placed it behind Tang Yu. If he didn't rely on anything, Tang Yu would easily fail and fall down.

Once Tang Yu fell down, it was as if the world had been turned upside down, and it was just a dream to get up by himself.

When Tang Yu was at his home, Jayers went out once, and when he came back, he saw Tang Yu lying on his back on the bed with a hopeless expression on his face. Before Jayers left, he helped Tang Yu up, but in order to reach for a fruit, Tang Yu accidentally lay down again, and after lying down, he couldn't get up again. So Tang Yu just stood there with a big belly, waiting for Jayers to come back with a look of lovelessness.

After that incident, Tang Yu was always afraid of being alone. So when Jayers went out this time, he sent Tang Yu here, not only because it was safer at Su Yi's house, but also because it could prevent Tang Yu from turning over again.

Su Yi and Tang Yu were chatting and eating. Before they knew it, the two of them ate everything they could eat.

Su Yi suddenly came back to his senses, and immediately patted his stomach in disgust, "I'll go, sure enough, foodies will also be infected. If I continue to eat like this, my perfect body will lose shape."

Tang Yu gave Su Yi a contemptuous look, then reached out and touched his stomach.

"Hey, I always feel like I have a basketball in my pocket."

basketball? Su Yi glanced at it, couldn't help but moved to Tang Yu's hand, and then stared at Tang Yu's stomach.

Tang Yu felt uneasy when he saw it, and hurriedly said, "Be careful if you touch it."

Su Yi immediately stretched out his claws, but the claws stretched out halfway, and suddenly retracted. Because he remembered that his mother once said that when she was pregnant with Su Yi, the neighbor next door came to their house and begged to touch her belly because she had never had a child. If you say something, you can borrow some luck, maybe you can get pregnant too. Later, Su Yi's mother saw them pitifully, so she asked the aunt to touch them, and the amazing thing was that the aunt was really pregnant.

Although this statement is not credible, Su Yi still thinks not to take the risk. Although he likes children very much, there are already two in his family, so let's enjoy the world of two now.

Seeing that Su Yi was in a daze, Tang Yu thought that Su Yi was afraid of making a move, so Tang Yu reached out and took Su Yi's hand, and put it on his stomach without warning.

Tang Yu said with a generous face: "Captain Su, from now on you will be the child's godfather, what is there to be afraid of?"

Su Yi was stunned as if he had been electrocuted.

He lowered his eyes, staring at the claws he had placed on Tang Yu's belly, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

Tang Yu saw that Su Yi's face changed drastically, and asked a little worriedly: "Captain Su, are you alright?"

Su Yi slowly withdrew his hand, then smiled wryly, "Sure, it should be fine."

What do you mean should be fine? Tang Yu rolled his eyes, didn't he know if he had something to do? Really drunk.

In the afternoon, Jayers and the others came back and brought back a rich prey.

Maybe he noticed something, and like Sinor, he handled all the prey, and then moved them all to Su Yi's house.

Jayers was also the one who hunted the most before, but every time their family couldn't eat, Jayers would leave some of it for others. But this time, everyone has enough prey, and it would be a pity to throw it away. So Jayers, cheekily, moved all the things to Su Yi's house.

Although the others were curious, they didn't ask too much. They all know that there is a big cellar in Su Yi's house. Maybe so many prey were stored in the cellar of Su Yi's house by Jayers.

Later, Sinor took Su Yi out for a trip. It turned out that in order to deceive others, Jayers and Sinor actually put more prey in the cave outside the valley.

Su Yi looked at the prey piled up in the cave, and couldn't help but twitched his face. Before these prey were dealt with, Su Yi resignedly dragged one to the river.

But after walking a few steps, Su Yi suddenly felt dizzy.

"What's the matter, you look so bad?" Sinoer immediately sensed Su Yi's discomfort, hurriedly dropped the things in his hands, and carried Su Yi back home.

Su Yi didn't feel uncomfortable, but felt lazy. Later, those prey were all dealt with secretly in the middle of the night by Jayers and Sinor.

When it was almost dawn, Sinoer boiled water and took a bath before he dared to enter the room. But even so, Su Yi still smelled a strong smell of blood on his body.

Just as Su Yi was about to speak, his stomach churns.

Seeing that Su Yi's face changed drastically, Sinor hurriedly reached out to help him, but was pushed away by Su Yi.

Sinoer froze for a moment, then realized that it was probably his own smell that made Su Yi feel uncomfortable.

But in the past, Su Yi let alone the smell of blood, even hunting with his own hands was no problem. But now, what happened

Su Yi and Sinor were both puzzled.

In desperation, Su Yi and Sinor slept in separate rooms for the first time, making it seem like they had a seven-year itch.

Su Yi couldn't sleep well for several days in a row, always dreaming about all kinds of children, or dreaming about small animals running around in the forest.

But these few days, the orcs are very busy. Because a few days ago, a herd of beasts came. The orcs killed so much that the bloody smell around the valley lingered for several days, and it was estimated that more beasts would be attracted.

For the safety of the valley, everyone has been very busy these days. More traps need to be built, the defense of the valley must be strengthened, the tunnels must be repaired to make them more comfortable, and food and water must be stored in the tunnels. They don't want to part with their females and are wronged in the tunnel.

In this way, another two or three days passed. The ice in the big river has completely melted. In the middle of the night, there was a sudden knocking sound from the sluice gate on one side.

In the valley, horns sounded immediately.

Sinoer got up and went out when he heard the sound, Sinoer came back after a while. He wrapped Su Yilian in human and animal skins, and took the two children out of the house.

It was very noisy outside, and every house was a mess of people coming and going.

Su Yi hummed a little uncomfortable: "What's wrong? It's cold!"

Sinoer lowered his head and kissed Su Yi's forehead, then walked quickly towards the tunnel.

After Su Yi and the child were settled, Sinor said, "Sleep well, don't worry."

Su Yi moved his eyelids, "Well, be careful." At this moment Su Yi has become a little more sober, but he is too lazy to move now. He knew that there should be a herd of beasts outside, and there should be a lot of them. After Sinor left, more females and children were brought in.

Tang Yu was sent here at the last time. He didn't seem to want to stay here, and kept losing his temper with Jayers. With a cold face, Jayers placed the person next to Su Yi, and then put a lot of food in Tang Yu's arms.

Because the tunnel was not as warm as at home, Jayers didn't bring any fruit to Tang Yu, but there were quite a few dried fruits.

Tang Yu was holding a sealed jar, which contained the bone broth made by Jayers. Although Giles's craftsmanship is not very good, but fortunately Tang Yu is not picky about food.

Tang Yu hugged the jar and started drinking. Su Yi was more energetic now, and pointed at Tang Yu's jar with his finger.

Tang Yu glanced at Su Yi, and always felt that Su Yi, who was so lazily ordering others around, deserved a beating.

Tang Yu handed the jar to Su Yi, and said, "Here, I thought you would go hunting with me?"

Su Yi took a sip, then closed his eyes and didn't want to speak. On the contrary, the two children are very energetic. Little Eli first ran to find his friends to play with, then ran back and squeezed into Su Yi's arms.

Compared with the lively and active little Eli, Dino is much more obedient. He helped Tang Yuna eat from time to time, and occasionally took a bite by himself. Seeing Su Yi turning over and the animal skin quilt falling apart, he reached out to help Su Yi cover the quilt.

Tang Yu looked at it and said in his heart: When I have a baby, my baby must be raised like Dino.

But Tang Yu didn't know that his son, how could he be like Dino? In fact, his family is more like him, a troublesome little devil.

This time the herd of beasts came a lot, and many orcs were injured. Neither Mino nor Ian entered the tunnel, and the two of them helped treat the orcs.

After being so bored in the tunnel for a day, Su Yi finally couldn't bear to go out and have a look. Responsible for guarding the orcs in the tunnel, seeing Su Yi coming out in a daze, he didn't make a sound to stop him. If it was an ordinary female who came out, of course they would not sit idly by, but it was different when it was Su Yi who came out. Su Yi's ability is obvious to all, even if he looks bad at the moment, everyone knows that Su Yi is powerful.

Su Yi, who was crowned with the word "powerful", looked up at the sky, no wonder they were put into the tunnel this time, so there were flying beasts in the herd this time

Su Yi seldom saw someone who could fly, so he couldn't help frowning. The valley can block the wild beasts outside, but it cannot stop these birds.

Su Yi didn't take a few steps, and the beast hovering in the air immediately spotted Su Yi's figure.

At this time, there were no females and children in the valley. The wild beasts that flew in went to every house and courtyard to destroy them. In some people's homes, the dried meat was dried in the yard, and it was almost eaten up at this time.

Now suddenly seeing Su Yi's moving flesh, all these beasts rushed towards Su Yi. Su Yi was taken aback, and immediately headed towards a person's house behind him.

As soon as he got in, Su Yi took out a bow and arrow from the space. He aimed at the one closest to Su Yi. This beast was not very big, but it had very sharp claws and teeth.

Su Yi shot through the head of the beast with an arrow, and his brains were scattered everywhere. Just as Su Yi was about to continue to take the arrow, he felt dizzy for a while. Su Yi's heart felt cold, and he closed the door and sat down on the ground.

Su Yi felt uneasy, what happened to him? Could it be that the white-haired disease before has not completely healed? Su Yi was suspicious, and at this time, many wild animals had already surrounded outside.

The movement here immediately attracted the attention of others.

A beastman turned into a beast and ran towards this side, which could attract the attention of so many beasts, one thing is that a certain female or child was trapped. The orc roared, scaring off a beast or two.

But there are more wild beasts who are completely unwilling to back down for food. They roared at the orc, showing their fangs.

Su Yi took a deep breath, looked down from the crack of the door, and realized that the orc outside was actually that wandering orc

The wandering orc still had old wounds on his body, so he was not allowed to participate in the task of cleaning up the beasts outside the valley. So he stayed in the valley to deal with these birds that could fly but were not very aggressive.

Although these beasts are not powerful, but there are too many beasts, and the wandering orc is a bit too busy.

Soon the wandering orcs had a few scars on their bodies. Su Yi took out his bow and arrow again and shot two arrows in a row.

These two arrows flew past the wandering orcs, and they shot through the heads of the two beasts without any mistakes.

The wandering orc looked at the fallen beast, and then looked at the half-hidden door.

He didn't say anything, and moved more neatly to deal with the beast in front of him.

Su Yi shot an arrow from time to time, and soon there were fewer beasts gathered, so Su Yi walked out covering his mouth and nose.

Seeing Su Yi, the wandering orc was taken aback for a moment, and then a hint of understanding appeared in his eyes. He looked at Su Yi's expression, hesitated for a moment and walked into the house, then found a large animal skin and came out.

"Well, feel wronged." The wandering orc said, wrapping the animal skin around Su Yi. Su Yi did not refuse, but he is now top-heavy.

"Well, send me to Minona, and don't tell Sinor about my coming out." Su Yi's words made the wandering orc hesitate. Originally, wandering orcs was like sending people directly to Sinor. Although he is not smart, he can tell that Su Yi's appearance is not good. Females are uncomfortable and always want to be around their mate. He thought that Su Yi had ventured out to find Sinor.

The wandering orc sent Su Yi to Mino. As soon as Mino lifted the animal skin, he saw Su Yi with a pale face inside.

Mino immediately put down the things in his hand and began to examine Su Yi's body carefully. Ian over there immediately came over.

"What's the matter?" Ian panicked when he saw Su Yi. He had never, ever seen Su Yi look so weak.

Mino checked, and was stunned for a moment while checking, and then he checked again with a look of disbelief.

Mino raised his head abruptly and said, "He, he's pregnant!"

"Pregnant?!!!" Ian raised his voice and repeated.

Immediately, the other people in the room also made a mess. Pregnancy is a happy event. Those injured orcs, regardless of their own injuries, insisted on coming over to see what a "pregnant man" is

Others limped out because they were so happy.

Su Yi was in a daze, and he heard the people around him talking.