Rebirth With The Beast

Chapter 117


Hearing Su Yi's words, Ian opened his mouth and continued hesitantly: "Su Yi, you also know that I am not a smart person. I came here today just to hear your true thoughts."

In fact, here, because females are too rare, many orcs can't find a partner, and they will choose to be with orcs. After all, there is still such a long life, and it would be too lonely to be alone all the time. Of course, there are also orcs who choose to be alone.

Before Ian met Losey, he thought that he couldn't live anymore, so he found a human orc to live with. But then something like that happened, and his heart began to resist the contact of other people.

Now, because of Su Yi and the others' help, he has untied the knot in his heart. Coupled with the meticulous hunting recently, Ian suddenly has the urge to find someone to live with.

People's hearts are actually very easy to shake.

Especially in such a comfortable life now, he has a comfortable home, a safe and reliable tribe, and many friends who care about him. Now, he just wants to get better and better, and he doesn't want to let everyone worry about him anymore.

"If you really like him, you might as well give it a try. However, I want to remind you that Lie is far smarter than you think."

After Ian left, Su Yi lost all sleepiness, so he stretched and went out for a walk. At this time, the rain had stopped, and occasionally two drops of tick-tock fell, hitting Su Yi's face a little cold. Su Yi took a deep breath of the fresh air. The environment here is still good, and the air quality is top-notch.

He had planted a lot of vegetables and flowers in the yard and outside. Since Sinoer's sense of smell is too sensitive, the flowers that Su Yi grows are all those that have no fragrance.

Now on the ground outside, little green shoots have begun to emerge. Sinoer, who was out, came back and saw Su Yi standing outside the yard, and immediately threw the things in his hand and ran over.

Sensing someone behind him, Su Yi turned his head to look over and couldn't help laughing when he saw that it was his partner.

"Are you back early today?"

Sinoer nodded, reached out to support Su Yi, and wanted to take him back to the yard.

Although the weather is slowly getting warmer, but it is raining lightly today, and Su Yi is standing outside like this, Xinuoer is still a little worried.

"Don't get too cold."

Su Yi didn't like Sinoer, so he had no choice but to follow him back to the room.

Su Yi's previous physical fitness was already comparable to that of an orc. But now, even Tang Yu can't compare. When she was squeamish, Su Yi felt that she was not herself, and said nothing, but the gap in her heart made Su Yi a little reconciled.

However, no matter how unwilling he was, he didn't want Sinor to see it.

Compared with the cleanliness of Su Yi's house, Tang Yu's house is very lively. The two little guys who had been playing outside for a long time did not go back to their own house when they were tired, but came to Tang Yu's house as a routine.

They first looked around at the unmoving dragon egg, and then warmly asked Tang Yu if he was feeling well

Tang Yu looked at the two soft buns in front of him, and suddenly felt that having children is actually quite happy. He grabbed little Eli, rubbed his face for a while, and let the two little ghosts run away.

The little guy left with his front feet, and Mino and a few females came over. Mino came over to check on Tang Yu, and then looked at the condition of the dragon egg.

Mino instructed: "I guess it will only be these two days. When you break out of the shell, both of you must be on the side. The little guy hasn't opened his eyes at that time, and he has to rely on his sense of smell to remember his parents." .”

After Mino left, Tang Yu nervously called for Jayers.

"These two days, you don't go out hunting. There is still a lot of dried meat in the cellar, as well as the meat that was marinated before. Mino said that the child must recognize someone."

Jayers nodded in agreement. Since Tang Yu gave birth, his appetite has not been as good as before. Their family doesn't want so much food anymore.

When night was approaching, several orcs came to knock on the door of Tang Yu's house with a few milk beasts.

The milk beast was sent by a hunter. I heard that its shell will break in two days, and the little orc has to eat milk a few days ago.

Tang Yu was a little moved. If they hadn't reminded him, his new mother and father would really not know. When the child breaks the shell, I am afraid that the child will be hungry.

After everyone left, Jayers placed the milk beast in the yard.

Tang Yu lay on the window and looked into the yard. Hearing their conversation, he couldn't help but say, "Is that so? So you want to drink milk? What if you can't find a milk beast when you give birth?"

Geers said to Tang Yu: "Well, if not, I guess I will be hungry for a few meals."

Hearing this, Tang Yu turned around and left the room. He came to those suckling beasts, which were about the same size as pigs in the original world. The milk beast looks like a big furry ball, and its chubby appearance is very stocky and cute. Their eyes are hidden under the fur and can't be seen unless you look carefully.

"Hey, this milk beast is really small. I thought all the beasts in this world were big and strong." Tang Yu said with a smile, seeing the fluffy fur of the milk beast, he couldn't help but reach out and touch it.

Jayers walked to Tang Yu's side, helped Tang Yu gather up his collar, and said in his mouth: "The milk beasts are a small number of small beasts. They are very gentle and vegetarian, but they have no attack power in this world. But they're really fast and hard to catch."

Tang Yu pointed at the round thing, and said with a look of disbelief: "It? It runs fast?"

Jayers also followed Tang Yu's gaze and looked back and forth at the milk beast. In fact, if he hadn't hunted it, he himself wouldn't believe it.

The two chatted for a while, Tang Yu suddenly remembered something, "What do they eat?"

"Well, it seems to be some kind of grass." Giles was not very sure, he only knew how to hunt but didn't know what these beasts ate.

"Then I raise some milk beasts?"

keep? What's the meaning

Tang Yu saw the doubt flashing in Jayers' eyes, and explained carefully: "Just catch them and keep them in captivity in the valley, so that when you need milk, you can get it anytime and anywhere. And the milk It’s a good thing, females with poor health or little orcs with long bodies can also eat more to strengthen their bodies.”

Although Jayers didn't fully understand Tang Yu's words, Jayers still nodded.

Tang Yu made a careful plan again, and Jie'er went back to the house with Tang Yu in her arms. As soon as the two of them entered the back room, the sharp-eyed Jayers saw a very shallow crack in the dragon egg on the bed.

Aware of Jayers' strangeness, Tang Yu couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

Jayers didn't answer, but walked quickly over with Tang Yu in his arms. At this time Tang Yu finally saw it, he jumped down struggling immediately, and then climbed onto the bed nimbly.

Tang Yu was suddenly a little annoyed. After waiting for so many days, why did she just go out by herself

Tang Yu blamed herself for a while, but luckily the dragon egg hadn't broken its shell yet. Otherwise, their children probably won't be able to recognize them when the time comes.

Tang Yu and Jayers were probably too nervous because they were new fathers. Just like this, the two people stared at the dragon egg with big eyes and small eyes, but looking at it like this, the two of them actually had no sleep all night.

It was dawn, and Tang Yu's sleepy eyelids were fighting.

Jayers put his arms around Tang Yu and whispered in his ear, "Sleep, I'll call you."

Tang Yu shook his head, although his face was tired, his heart was still very excited. This is his baby, if he waits impatiently, what is it

So it was a hard wait, and it was like this until the afternoon.

Tang Yu, whose face was ashen from the boil, thought cursingly in his heart: The cub hasn't come out yet, so he can torment people like this, I really don't know who he looks like

Just when Tang Yu was slandering, there was a crisp sound, which was much louder than opening an eggshell. Tang Yu was immediately refreshed, and when he turned his head, he saw a huge crack in the dragon egg.

Tang Yu turned his head cautiously to look over, and through the cracked gap, he could clearly see a dark-colored little guy struggling hard. His body was covered with a layer of liquid, and the little guy seemed to be in pain, and suddenly let out a low moan.

Tang Yu felt pain in his heart, and just as he was about to reach out to help, Jayers stretched out his hand and grabbed her.

"This is his first step, and neither you nor I can help him."

Tang Yu was a little dissatisfied with Jayers' indifferent tone, but Tang Yu knew Jayers was right, so he had no choice but to turn around and stare at Jayers.

Jayers knew that Tang Yu was distressed, and there was a slight smile in his black eyes.

"Hey, he can do it."

As if to prove what Jayers said, the little guy inside the eggshell bumped violently at this moment, and the eggshell suddenly fell down. After a while, the little guy crawled out with slow steps.

As soon as the little guy came out, Jayers wrapped the little guy in an extremely soft animal hide. Then he stuffed the little guy into Tang Yu's arms.

Jiers didn't say anything, he turned and walked outside.

Tang Yu was a little dazed, looking at the little beast in his arms a little stiffly.

Jayers outside first heated hot water, then filled some firewood into the kang, and then milked the milk beast.

When he came back busy again, he found that Tang Yu was still maintaining the previous movements, and the little beast was stretching out its head to lick Tang Yu's hand.

Tang Yu was a little funny and a little angry, this dirty little guy, really, made his whole body covered with strange liquid.

Jayers hurried over with two tubs in his arms, and led the little guy to start cleaning. Jayers' movements were already very light, but Tang Yu still couldn't see it, so he jumped down and grabbed it.

"Go and clean up the bed, I'll take care of this little guy."

Giles smiled, and began to change the animal skins on the bed. When he cleaned up the bed and came back with the eggshells, he saw that the little guy had been cleaned. Tang Yu wrapped him in animal skins, picked up the milk that was warm on the small stove, and carefully fed the little guy.

I have been seeing the little guy clearly before, but now looking at the pocket version of the Western Demon Dragon, Tang Yu thinks it is really cute. Thinking of this little guy who will one day turn into a huge flying dragon, he couldn't help but feel dizzy for a while.

In the evening, Giles took a lot of animal meat and vegetables to the small square, and then told everyone about the broken shell of his little orc.

Because of this happy event, the valley suddenly became lively again.

Su Yi, who had been recuperating at home, also heard the high-pitched roar of the beast, and couldn't help turning his head to ask Sinoer, "What's wrong?"

Just as Sinoer was about to go out, he saw two little guys who were out to play, rushing in from the door in a hurry.

"Father, hurry up, Uncle Tang Yu's baby has broken its shell."

After reporting the letter, little Eli dug out one of his toys, followed Dino and left in a hurry.

During the whole process, little Eli didn't enter Su Yi's room, and all he spoke was by shouting.

Su Yi suddenly felt that there was something wrong with his education method. He still remembered how cute and cute little Eli was when he first came here. That way is quiet and lovable, but now? Da Lie Lie is like a child king, the original soft-spoken is gone, and he likes to shout at the top of his voice every now and then.

Even Dino, who is cowardly at heart, is jumping up and down at every turn.

Su Yi suddenly began to doubt life, and he didn't know what it was like in his stomach.

It's better to be like Sinoer, not like himself. Su Yi really knows himself too well, and really doesn't want another devil incarnation.

After dinner, Su Yi moved out some food and some animal skins from the space, and asked Sinor to take them as gifts.

He also took some small clothes and went with them.

But when he arrived at the place, seeing Tang Yu's house full of people and congratulatory gifts, Su Yi suddenly felt that he had too much stuff. Anyway, he has a good relationship with Tang Yu, and there are still a lot of food from Tang Yu's family in his space, and maybe he will help to pack it in later.

Although the weather has gotten warmer recently, Tang Yu was still afraid of what might happen, so he hugged the little orc outside and asked others to come and have a look.

Most of the people who came to see it were females, and he chirped to express his instructions and joy. Although he was not sure if they were all sincere, Tang Yu was still very happy.

The little guy needs Tang Yu's two hands to hold it. Everyone said that this head is relatively big among the newborn little orcs.

After Mino came, Tang Yu asked Mino to hug him because of his good relationship. While Mino was happily closing his mouth from ear to ear, he felt a burst of envy at the same time.

Su Yi leaned over with a smile all over his face, and took the little orc from Mino's arms unceremoniously, and looked at it seriously.

Seeing that it was Su Yi, Mino couldn't help but said, "Be careful, you still have someone in your belly, you insist on grabbing me."

Su Yi ignored Mino's dissatisfaction, "Not convinced? Come and grab it!"

Mino pointed to Su Yi's big belly and smiled wryly.

"Come on, now you are playing tricks on me just because you are pregnant." Mino looked at Su Yi with a funny face, but he was not angry at Su Yi's words.

"Okay, give me back my son!" Tang Yu said, he hated Su Yide's appearance the most, so he stood up and snatched the little orc back.

The author has something to say:

(?`н??)? Last week I was pissed off by a person's remarks (saying that a man with three wives and four concubines is affectionate, and a woman remarries is a sexist, so angry! It's my first time to be a keyboard warrior, with others What demeanor and upbringing are gone?), In a fit of anger, I want to open a female statue article, do the little fairies think the female statue article is good-looking? I've been making up for it these two days.