Rebirth With The Beast

Chapter 119


But it is obvious that Lamila's thinking is too naive. First of all, the position of the patriarch of the hunter was given to him by Su Yichan. Secondly, hunting is not a good person. And Lie's lover is also Su Yi's best friend. Lamila, who came late, obviously didn't know how deep the water in this valley was.

If it wasn't that Su Yi was about to give birth, and his pregnancy symptoms were stronger than others, it would be impossible to succeed with his poor design.

It was Su Yi's unlucky thing to say, other people's pregnancy did not have as many reactions as his, and he either fainted or vomited faintly when he was pregnant.

With a livid face, Mino said that someone shot and hurt Su Yi, otherwise Su Yi would not have given birth prematurely at this time. Mino found suspicious scars on Su Yi's body, and the scars were still on Su Yi's stomach.

Upon hearing this, the people present at that time panicked. At that time, everyone wanted to help Su Yi with good intentions, but they didn't expect that someone would take the opportunity to retaliate.

Lie led people to surround Su Yi's house, and arrested Lamila and his partner without saying a word.

Although everyone said that it was Su Yi who made the first move. But Su Yi's body was injured, which meant that someone was plotting something wrong. And Lamila, who had a major conflict with Su Yi, became the direct target of everyone.

In the eyes of these simple people, no matter how much hatred there is, they should not attempt to harm unborn children. So as soon as Lamila was arrested, she was surrounded by everyone and cursed. But no matter how angry they were, Su Yi's condition was very bad.

Tang Yu hurried over, and when he heard that Su Yi was injured, he returned home with a livid face.

Su Yi asked him to pay attention to that Lamila. He had been staring at Lamila for a long time, but Lamila remained silent. Tang Yu thought he wouldn't do anything, but he didn't expect that he would suddenly appear at this time. And he felt that someone was trying to catch Su Yi's child's attention.

Tang Yu came back again with an ugly face while holding something. The rest of the people immediately silenced when they saw Tang Yu's pot-like face.

When Tang Yu entered, Sinor had already turned into a half-beast. He hugged Su Yi tightly and looked around vigilantly. I always feel that he may rush towards other people anytime, anywhere.

Jayers drove out everyone around him, leaving only Ian, Mino and Tang Yu.

Sinor had no way to drive him out, so he could only wait outside anxiously.

"Ian is going to boil hot water, Jayers, bring in the wooden barrel, and then prepare some boiling water for drinking."

Tang Yu shouted loudly, with his ears pricked up all the time, as soon as he heard Tang Yu's words, he immediately followed suit.

When Ian came out, he smelled of blood, and his face was in a daze. Now Lie at the gate of the yard, looking at his lover's pale face, couldn't help feeling distressed. Ian was really frightened, Lie really wanted to go over and hug him carefully, but his footsteps moved, but he didn't go over. Lie knew that Ian didn't like it, and was treated as a weak female by Lie, so although Lie felt sorry for Lie, he still obediently stood there without moving.

The two children in the yard were surrounded by other children, and the children talked and comforted Eli and Dino. But the two of them still kept crying silently. They are annoyed, why don't they stay with their parents? But they didn't know that Lamila had chosen the right time to come when they were not around. If they were all there, Ramira wouldn't be there either. All of this, just as Su Yi thought, was prepared and planned for a long time.

Su Yi is very sad at the moment, the most embarrassing and vulnerable time in this life is probably now. He is tired and has a stomachache. He has never given birth to a child. Although he doesn't know what the pain of giving birth is like, he has a feeling that the pain of giving birth is different from his pain at this time. This feeling made him feel like he was about to drown, but found that he couldn't swim. So powerless, so lonely and desperate.

But he knew that no matter how tired he was, he couldn't close his eyes. Once he closed his eyes, it would be difficult to open them. That guy Sinor is probably going to die of grief. I don't know if Tang Yu is reliable, will he forget what he gave him

Just then, he felt someone feeding him water. When Su Yi tasted the familiar taste, he couldn't help but feel relieved, Tang Yu really came here. But after my heart relaxed, I couldn't resist the drowsiness. He was so sleepy, his eyelids seemed to be glued together, so sleepy...

When Su Yi opened his eyes again, two days had passed. He opened his eyes in a daze at first, then remembered something and moved suddenly. His movements were very light, but still alarmed the people around him. Sinor, who had been guarding him all the time, suddenly raised his head after Su Yi moved.

The two looked at each other, and Sinor suddenly trembled all over, and wanted to reach out to hug him, but remembering Mino's words, Sinoer finally held back and did not go forward to hug him.

Su Yi looked at the haggard Sinoer, looked at his strange eyes, which were full of red blood. He slowly stretched out his hand and touched the side of Sinor's face.

"make you worry."

As soon as Su Yi's words came out, he became hoarse.

Sinoer hurriedly turned around and went out, following him out, there was a burst of chaos outside.

First of all, the two children rushed in in a hurry. Before they climbed onto the bed, they were grabbed one by one by Sinoer behind them.

Little Eli whimpered and looked back at Sinoer, his eyes were already red and swollen, he must have been crying like this for a long time. Dino immediately calmed down when he was pulled back.

Then they came in, Tang Yu who was a little dazed, and Mino who was a little anxious.

After seeing that Su Yi really woke up, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

Sitting next to Su Yi, Tang Yu finally let go of the stone in his heart. Mino ran to the side and brought Su Yi a cup of hot water.

Sinor reached out to catch Mino's water, then carefully supported Su Yi, and carefully handed the water to Su Yi's mouth.

Su Yi drank a few sips, suddenly thought of his child, and couldn't help but ask, "Where is the child?"

Upon hearing Su Yi's question, Ian quickly turned out of the room and carried the child from another room.

Su Yi stared blankly at the milk doll in Ian's hand, there was no mistake, it was a milk doll. He asked a little uncertainly: "This, this was born by me?"

There was a snort.

Tang Yu laughed unconscionably. He looked up at Baidudu's child, and said with a smile, "It wasn't born by you? Could it be that I gave birth?"

Su Yi was already in a semi-comatose at that time, but fortunately Tang Yu sent water over, otherwise Su Yi who passed out would not be able to give birth at all. But I can't remember the process of Su Yi's birth. All he knew was that he was in excruciating pain.

When the child was born, he was very thin and weak because he was less than a month old. Even when crying, the voice is very weak. The child is a female, so it is born as a doll. However, due to trauma and premature birth, the little female almost couldn't keep it.

At that time, Tang Yu secretly carried the child and went to other rooms. Because he didn't protect Su Yi well, he was already full of guilt. If the child Su Yi worked so hard to give birth to was accidentally lost, Tang Yu felt that he would have no face to see Su Yi at all. So Tang Yu made a bold decision to feed the water that Su Yi gave him to the child.

That night, everyone stayed up all night. Early the next morning, the child and Su Yi finally got better, and everyone took turns to rest.

Su Yi listened silently. After listening to Tang Yu's words, he was a little scared. If one is not careful, he or the child will be gone.

Thinking of Su Yi stretching out his hand, he took the child into his arms. Su Yi's hands were still trembling, and he lowered his head to look at the doll in his arms. The doll is not as wrinkled as it was on the first day, but it is still very thin. Su Yi estimated the weight of the doll, and estimated that it should only be more than six catties.

Su Yi felt uncomfortable, but asked in a cold voice, "Well, where is that guy now?"

that guy

Everyone immediately understood who he was talking about, and it was Tang Yu who answered: "I was caught by hunting."

Su Yi nodded, then put the child beside him, and then yawned. Everyone immediately understood that Su Yi was going to rest. So he asked a few words, and then left one after another. These few days, they have been staying at Su Yi's house. Now that Su Yi is awake, their hearts are also relieved.

The two children were also sensible, and went back to their room with three steps and three heads.

After they left, Su Yi opened his eyes, which were filled with terrible coldness.

Sinoer came over and hugged Su Yi, the coldness in Su Yi's eyes suddenly melted. He softened his body. Leaning in Xinor's arms.

"I know what you're thinking, but you should rest now, and leave the rest to me."

Su Yi shook his head, "No, I know Sinor is very powerful now, but I want to express my anger personally."

Yes, if he doesn't let out this tone, he will feel uncomfortable for the rest of his life.

Su Yi slept for a while, then entered the space, and then diluted a basin of water. He took a shower first, and then drank a lot of water in the pool. He had to recover immediately, he didn't want to be weak now. With him like this, Su Yi couldn't help but recall his powerlessness before.

So helpless, like a waste that fell into the water and couldn't swim. Su Yi, who is used to being strong. I really don't like myself like this.

After drinking the pool water, Su Yi once again curled up on the ground in pain all over his body. After a while, he got up from the ground.

After getting up again, Su Yi's face changed, and so did his eyes.

After Su Yi came out, he changed into clean clothes. Su Yi found that his hair was a bit long, so he took out the dagger and began to trim his hair.

Su Yi's hair was cut very short, but he became more energetic because of it, especially now that he was covered in snow-white animal skins all over his body. Because it is the last month of the cold season and the hot season is about to enter, the weather is already a bit hot.

The animal skin on Su Yi's body is that kind of short-haired white animal skin, which is very soft and thin. Because Su Yi didn't grow out recently, Su Yi, who was originally tanned, turned white again. Against the white animal skin, Su Yi looked even fairer and more beautiful.

Su Yi and Sinor took the child out, then sent the child to Mino's house first, and then walked towards the hunter's house.

Lie was just before Su Yi gave birth, and had just moved to Ian's house. Because of this matter, everyone in the valley discussed it for a long time. But they just talked and talked, and they didn't have the guts to actually do anything. Ian's mentality is getting better and better now, and he doesn't care much about these discussions anymore.

Su also found out from Minona that the man was locked in a cave near Ian's house. Su also went to that cave, because it was close to Ian's house, so Ian used it as a storage place.

Su Yi didn't go to say hello to Ian, but walked into the cave with a solemn expression. In the past few days, Su Yi's condition has not been good, and Ramila and his partner have been locked here.

The cave is very damp and dirty, and you can smell an unpleasant smell when you enter it. Lamila, who was tied up, raised her head when she heard footsteps. When she saw Su Yi, Lamila couldn't recognize her for a while. The main reason is that Su Yi's appearance is very different from when she was pregnant with a child, both in momentum and appearance.

But when Lamila saw Sinor behind Su Yi, his face suddenly changed and he shouted, "It's you, why aren't you dead yet?"

Ramila's sharp voice sounded in the cave, startling his sleeping partner.

Sinor didn't speak, he knew that Su Yi would come by himself, although he was very upset, but he didn't make a sound or move.

Su Yi squatted down slowly, looking at Lamila lazily with his eyes without any emotion. But Lamila, who was looked at by him like this, couldn't help but turn pale, and her body trembled slightly. Behind Lamila, his partner also had a look of fear.

They will be so scared because he has been threatened by many people these two days. Among them are Su Yi's two children, Tang Yu's husband, Lei Dela and so on. When they came, most of them didn't speak, but looked at them coldly. They didn't say anything, but Ramira knew they were warning him.

Premature females like Su Yi, especially Su Yi, were also injured. I thought that, the soft female would die. But at this moment, when they saw Su Yi outside who was intact and even looked good, they suddenly felt even more uneasy.

Such Su Yi remained silent, just looking at them like this, making them feel like a dead thing.

Lamila finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "Miriel, Miriel, I really didn't mean it. I just wanted to annoy you, I just wanted to get a better life. I really didn't, Wanted to kill you."

Su Yi made a gesture of reaching out to touch his stomach, and when he saw Lamila's paler face, Su Yi said quietly: "Well, Miriel is dead. Since you clansman, jointly betrayed him After that, he's dead."

If Miriel hadn't been so lucky to meet Sinor, what would have happened to Miriel? Maybe become as miserable as Ian, or even become a tool for giving birth to children, or be played with and broken and thrown away to die. Either way, the outcome will be tragic. Although Miriel was annoying, he didn't really hurt anyone after all. But the person in front of him, because of jealousy and intolerance, betrayed his fellow clansmen.

Then what? When I met someone who had hurt me again, not only did I not regret my mistake, but I wanted to ask for something from Su Yi with a stern face.