Rebirth With The Beast

Chapter 121


The little orc, who was called a monster by the wandering orc, happily followed behind the wandering orc and chattered non-stop.

The wandering orc didn't speak a word during the whole process, and the little orc told his whole story like pouring beans into a bamboo tube. It turns out that the child is also an unknown beastman, but his characteristics are not obvious, so no one discovered it for a long time when he grew up. Not long ago, he accidentally found out by himself, and confessed to his family. Then, as expected, he was kicked out by his family.

The little orc didn't complain about his family's actions. Compared with other unknown orcs, he is really lucky. After all, he is eleven years old now, and he can already hunt and live by himself. Although living alone outside is not as safe as being in the tribe, but he is very optimistic that it can be regarded as an exercise before adulthood.

The wandering orc returned to the valley and brought back a little ominous orc. For the people brought back hastily, the wandering orcs were afraid of causing trouble to the tribe, so they went to find the patriarch to hunt.

After seeing the little orc, Lie didn't say anything, but asked someone to help him find a place to live first.

Besides, Su Yi and the others, after solving the serious problem in their hearts, Su Yi's mood improved a lot. For the next few days, Su Yi stayed at home guarding the freshly baked buns.

In the past two days, little Eli felt that he had a lot of face. Because there is a little female in the family, his little friends are very attentive to him. In their valley, there are not many little females, and finally there is one more, and all the little orcs look like they have been beaten with chicken blood. Occasionally, I would go to Su Yi's house with little Eli or Dino, and then sneak a peek into the room.

When Sinor came back from hunting once, he saw a very cute little orc with a thick head and a tiger head, standing on tiptoe and looking into the room by the window. Especially when he saw his drooling face, as if seeing some delicious expression, Sinoer suddenly felt very complicated. How old is his baby, which attracted the prying eyes of the little orcs. I can't believe what kind of scene it will be when he grows up

Recently, the baby of Su Yi's family is getting more and more beautiful, and it is getting more and more beautiful every day. It looks pink and tender, like a little person made of snow.

When the child is full moon, it is also the hot season. Su Yi finally left the house with the little bun in his arms. As the weather gets hotter, there are more mosquitoes. Su Yi was near his home last year and planted a lot of mosquito-repellent grass. He asked Mino to make some of this kind of mosquito-repellent water, and kept it with him every day just in case.

Su Yi's little bun is too delicate, if he is accidentally bitten by a mosquito, a red envelope will appear on Bai Nennen's body. Once bitten, the little guy will cry uncomfortably. Because it is a premature baby, although it is nourished by the water in the space, the little bun is still weaker than other little females. When crying, only humming, the voice is very small. But this appearance made Su Yi feel bad every time.

Compared with the little buns in Su Yi's family, the buns in Tang Yu's family are much more troublesome. Long Zai'er perfectly interpreted the three words Xiongzi, as long as he didn't pay attention, he would go to the house to expose the tiles.

Every time Tang Yu saw the messed up room, he suddenly had the urge to beat up the bear.

This day Su Yi came to visit with the little bun in his arms, and saw Tang Yu carrying a dragon cub that looked like a mud monkey, bathing the dragon cub in the yard.

Tang Yu's face was very dark, and he was talking to himself while washing.

"Who does this brat look like? Where did I give birth, I really wonder if I hugged it wrong."

Jayers, who came out of the room with his little clothes, heard Tang Yu's complaint: "It's obviously a dragon kid, don't be a brat, I'm a dragon."

Tang Yu rolled his eyes, and just about to refute something, the little dragon pounced on a dragon in the barrel, and the water splashed all over Tang Yu's face and body.

Tang Yu snorted, "Come on, Father Long, I'll leave it to you."

Su Yi couldn't help laughing, Tang Yu saw Su Yi who was watching a good show at the door.

Su Yi walked in and looked at the dragon cub enjoying himself in the wooden barrel playfully. I saw the little dragon cub pouting his buttocks to drink the bath water. With sharp eyesight and quick hands, Jayers immediately lifted the dragon cub out.

Tang Yu wiped her hands, then hurriedly stood up to pick up the little bun in Su Yi's arms.

When Tang Yu saw her bear child and compared it with Su Yi's family, she suddenly felt that she was still a cute little girl.

After Su Yi handed the little bun to Tang Yu, he asked, "Have you decided on a name?"

Tang Yu looked at the soft little bun in his arms, and replied with a smile: "Well, the nickname is Xiaolongbao."

The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched. He was thinking that if Tang Yu had a nice name, he would come over and ask Tang Yu to help him think of one. But now hearing Tang Yu's words, Su Yi suddenly wanted to turn around and leave.

In fact, regarding naming, Tang Yu considered it very seriously at the beginning. At that time, the dragon cub was just born, and he hadn't worn out his patience yet, so he was always trying to think of various names in different ways. But the name is always used within a few days, and it will be changed immediately. So after doing this, there is no normal name until now.

As for Xiaolongbao, these three words were because Su Yi called her baby Xiaobaozi, and Tang Yu suddenly came up with inspiration.

Jayers doesn't know what Xiaolongbao is, but he understands the sound of dragon.

The two chatted for a while, and someone came to Tang Yu and asked Tang Yu to teach them how to raise milk beasts. Su Yi's family also raised two, but Su Yi has been taking care of the little buns and has never paid special attention to them.

When Su Yi went back, there were groups of females coming back from outside the valley with baskets on their backs. Now that the weather is hot, a lot of vegetables and fruits grow in the forest outside.

When they saw Su Yi, they greeted Su Yi. When they saw the little bun like a snow baby in Su Yi's arms, they couldn't help but come and watch.

When Ian came back, he was carrying a thorn dragon on his back. He happened to see Su Yi and walked towards Su Yi quickly.

"Su Yi."

Su Yi heard the sound and turned his head to look over. Ian threw the thorn dragon to the ground, then wiped his hands on his clothes, and then came over to ask the little bun to hug him.

Ian really likes the little bun. Although this kid is in poor health, he is not afraid of strangers at all, and always stares at a pair of big black eyes. He is so curious about the outside world that he can't get enough of everything.

Ian hugged the little bun, and the thorn dragon turned into Su Yi took it. Su Yi, who hadn't exercised for a long time, found that his physical strength was not as good as before. Su Yi planned to wait for a while before starting to hunt with them. He couldn't really make himself as weak as those females just because he had a baby.

On the same day, Su Yi gathered his friends at his home, and he planned to use the ice cubes saved during the snow season to make some fruit salad, milk ice cream, and ice porridge with minced meat and fruits and vegetables for them. As soon as these things were produced, the coke spoiled Tang Yu and the children. Tang Yu really missed ice cream. He thought he would never eat it in his life, but he didn't expect Su Yi to be so powerful.

The happiest thing is Dino, and little Eli also likes to eat, but because he is a cold-blooded animal, he can't eat too much ice. And Dino has no problem at all, and after eating enough, he brought some to give to his future partner.

Su Yi waited for everyone to eat almost, and then he revealed his main purpose, which was about naming his buns.

Mino was a bit greedy, listening to Su Yi's words, he couldn't stop eating, but it was Dilson who couldn't stand it and stopped him, and Mino stopped with puffy cheeks.

Ian thought about it for a while, and then asked uncertainly: "Well, how is Ariel?"

Mino read it silently, "It's better to be called Chinos."

Ian and Mino started a debate, and the two started to fight each other. In the end, the name was decided, which was surprisingly called Su Nuo. Tang Yu came up with the name Su Nuo, so he just said it casually. But it makes Su Yi and Xinuoer like it very much, not because the name is so nice, but because there are two people's names in it.

"Su Nuo, Su Nuo, sounds good." Sinor's beautiful eyes flashed, and his eyes fell on Su Yi tenderly. Su Yi didn't understand what Sinor meant, and suddenly his old face couldn't help but blush.

Su Yi nodded, "Yes, it's really nice." As he spoke, he couldn't help but look at Sinoer, and Tang Yu felt blinded when he saw the two sticky faces.

"If you follow the way your children are named, wouldn't mine be called Downs? Downs, Tangsi? It's fine if it's a female, wouldn't it be too boring for a little orc to be called this name?" Tang Yu said, with a pair of The eyes couldn't help but look at Jiers, wanting to get an answer from Jiers.

It was rare for Jayers to elicit a smile, which immediately brought a hint of surprise to his icy face. He turned slightly, and said in Tang Yu's flushed ear, "If you like the name Downs, then we can try to have another one."

Tang Yu immediately frowned, stared at him with a flushed face, and then threatened with bluff: "Go away, what kind of life is born, if you want to have it, you will have it, I don't want it."

"Okay, I'll be reincarnated." Jayers said, his obsidian-like eyes flashing with a hint of complacency. Anyway, after climbing into the bed, Tang Yu was the one who got pregnant in the end. Tang Yu didn't understand what Jayers was thinking, and he gritted his teeth in his heart, but he couldn't continue talking to Jayers in front of so many people.

Dilson is a straight person, and he was very anxious when he saw that both of them had babies. I couldn't help but ask, "Jers, do you have any way to have a baby? Why did Mino and I work so hard, but still haven't gotten pregnant?"

Hearing this, several people looked at each other in blank dismay. Is there any special way to have a baby

Lie, who had nothing to do with him, couldn't help but raise his head. If there is a special way to conceive a child, he would not mind listening to it. Although Ian has no way to conceive, as the head of the clan, he can tell the secret recipe to conceive a child to other people in the tribe.

There was nothing on Su Yi's face, but he began to complain in his heart: Is there a shortcut these days to have a baby

Su Yi didn't think so much, but Tang Yu couldn't help but think of Su Yi's space water that can cure all diseases. Tang Yu couldn't help but winked at Su Yi. Su Yi was also a ghost, so he immediately thought of something.

It was also inconvenient for Su to explain this clearly, so he got up and said that he was going to get some food. He paid special attention to what Mino ate, and then deliberately brought another fruit salad of the same style. Of course, at this moment, Dilson was only focusing on learning from Jayers, and didn't notice that Su Yi gave Mino food at all. When Dilson noticed the chewing sound in his ear, he found that Mino was eating bitterly.

In the hot season or something, it is really comfortable to eat something cold. Mino rubbed his belly and felt emotionally in his heart, but suddenly felt a chill, and found that Dillson Yan was staring at him.

"Eat so much cold food, your stomach hurts, and you'll have to suffer at that time." Speaking of Dilson getting up, he felt that he couldn't stay any longer, otherwise Mino would definitely not be able to bear it and continue eating.

Su Yi waved goodbye to Mino, and when they left, he couldn't help whispering: "I don't know, will it work?"

Sinoer pressed close to his ear and asked, "Give it to him?"

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Xinuoer knew everything without saying anything. After everyone else left, the two coaxed the little bun Su Nuo to sleep. Su Yi took the initiative to nest in Sinoer's arms, and kissed Sinoer's cheek intimately. The two of them haven't been intimate for a long time. Seeing that Su Yi provoked him, Sinor looked at Su Nuo in the small wooden cradle, and said in a low voice, "Let's keep our voices down."

Dillson took Mino home, because he was stimulated by other people's buns, and Mino was disobedient and greedy for cold, which made Dillson, who has always been honest and loyal, a little angry. When Mino returned home, he felt the low air pressure emanating from Dillson's body. Ingratiatingly, he reached out and stroked Dillson's tail, and apologized to Dillson in a low voice.

Dillson was not as obedient as before, but looked at Mino seriously, "Go to bed!"

Mino was frightened, bit his lower lip, and lay down obediently with red eyes.

Seeing Mino's pitiful red eyes, Dillson's anger disappeared, but thinking of Mino's disobedience recently, Dillson secretly made up his mind to punish him. Thinking of this, Dillson continued to say seriously, "Take off your clothes."

Mino felt very aggrieved, but his character has always been well-behaved and cowardly. In addition, it was indeed his fault today. Dillson cared about him, so he shouldn't continue to be greedy. So while sucking his nose, he quickly took off his clothes.

Dilson suddenly felt that his little friend was really not ordinary cute. Let him take off his clothes, and he stripped off innocently and swiftly. She took off her naked body, and even looked stupid about what she was going to do next. Dilson suddenly felt that this was not a punishment for Mino, but a punishment for himself. Dillson didn't bother to continue to punish, and immediately rushed towards the stripped child.

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Modify the bug