Rebirth With The Beast

Chapter 23


When they appeared before, they moved very quickly, but Su Yi still saw the tail behind the young orc. It was a lion's tail. Although the young orc deliberately hid the tail when he was talking, Su Yi had already seen it.

"We don't have a tribe. To be more precise, we are the same as you." After Su Yi said this, Mino showed a suddenly realized expression. No wonder these orcs attacked them. It turned out that these orcs were also unknown orcs. They should have lived in this valley. Su Yi and the others broke in suddenly. These unknown orcs thought that other tribes came here to expel them.

The two orcs froze for a moment, apparently not understanding what Su Yi said.

But Esby on the side understood it, and Esby turned into a human form. When the two orcs saw the little orc's arm, their eyes finally loosened. Probably because they were of the same kind, their previous scary expressions eased a little.

"Can you let go of my child first?" Su Yi stretched out his hand towards them, the orc who grabbed Little Eli hesitated, and finally put Little Eli back on the ground. As soon as he got back to the ground, little Yi Lai slid back into Su Yi's arms.

"Sorry, we thought they were from other tribes." The young orc smiled honestly, and the tail behind him no longer hid. Mino stared at them blankly, feeling that they were different from the ominous orcs that the tribal people said in his memory. The ominous orcs were very cruel and liked to rob females, plundering food from other tribes would even injure orcs.

But the unknown orcs that Mino saw now were different from the legends. Sinor is very gentle and handsome, Esby is sensible and cute, and the two in front of him are a little silly and honest.

The young orc was too nervous before, but now he found that there was no danger, so he relaxed. When he saw Su Yi's beautiful appearance, he suddenly became a little shy. Then thinking that Su Yi already had a child, he was embarrassed to keep staring at him. As soon as he turned his gaze away, he saw another little female looking at him. Driven by the orc's instinct, the young orc smiled kindly at Mino.

"Hello, my name is Dilson. Because we are unknown orcs, we had to hide in the valley. I thought you belonged to other tribes. We did that because we were afraid of being expelled. I hope we didn't scare you."

Su Yi pointed to himself, "My name is Su Yi, and the one in my arms is my little boy Eli. The little orc is named Esby, and the female behind me is named Mino, and she is still single."

Mino was blushing because the orc looked at him, not knowing what to do. At this moment, I suddenly heard Su Yi introduce himself, and even mentioned that he was single by name. Mino stared at the back of Su Yi's head angrily, then ran away blushing.

When Dilson also heard Su Yi's words, he was taken aback for a moment.

The hint in Su Yi's words is too obvious. Dilson's companion, Gero asked uncertainly: "What do you mean?"

Unknown orcs have no right to own females. Although the female just now was very cute, they didn't want to harm others. There were also unknown orcs before, because they were abandoned by the tribe since they were young, and they hated other people. Those ominous orcs stole the tribe's food and injured the orcs, and even snatched the tribe's females as their own. But such unknown orcs are still in the minority. Most of the unknown orcs, like Sinor and Dilson, chose to live alone by self-reliance.

So when Su Yi hinted that they could pursue Mino, none of them dared to take action except they were shocked.

"He was also abandoned by the tribe. If even you guys despise him, alas, poor Mino will be alone for the rest of his life." Su Yi made a pityful expression on purpose.

When little Eli heard that Mino was going to be alone for the rest of his life, he suddenly said in a childlike voice, "Father, little Eli grows up and can pursue Mino."

The two orcs, who were still struggling at first, immediately became happy when they heard this.

When Xinor, who was worried over there, came, he smelled the orc. However, no big movement was heard, and Sinor was not very worried. Because he knows Su Yi's strength, if he is really in danger, Su Yi will definitely take action.

Su Yi saw Sinor approaching from a distance, quickly pointed at Sinor and said proudly: "He is my partner, and an unknown orc. He belongs to the Winged Serpent Clan."

Hearing Su Yi's words, Sinor couldn't help but look at the two orcs opposite.

After all, Dilson was still a child who had just grown up, and when he knew that Sinole was the partner of this beautiful female, he immediately showed admiration on his face.

"You, you actually have your own female? How did you do it?"

Sinor opened his mouth, but before he could speak, Su Yi preempted him.

"Of course it's the pursuit. If you don't try it, how will you know it won't work?" Su Yi would not let Sinor say that he was traded by Sinor in exchange for his prey. Sinoer came to Su Yi's side, but he didn't open his mouth to expose Su Yi's lies.

"But ordinary females would faint from fright when they saw us." Dilson said innocently.

Soon they became familiar with each other. When Su Yi chatted with them, he realized that they had only come here two months ago. With them were two young orcs and a middle-aged orc. That middle-aged orc was not an unknown orc, but a widowed wandering orc. Because I didn't want to stay in that tribe full of memories, I wandered around outside. Originally, he planned to wander until his death, but after meeting these young children, the middle-aged orc found that they were all good children after spending a short time with them. So the middle-aged orcs planned to follow them, mainly because they didn't want these kind children to die in the dangerous forest because they were young. It was also the middle-aged orc's idea to choose to settle here.

Su Yi and the others followed Dilson and the others to visit the middle-aged orc. The middle-aged orc was named Tiger, and he didn't look old at all. In Su Yi's eyes, he was at most a handsome uncle in his thirties or forties. Tiger is a silver winged wolf, with many wounds all over his body, which are the evidence of his years. Tiger has a pair of very calm gray eyes, and he is cool and not very talkative. Even if Su Yi talked to him, Tiger just nodded at Su Yi very friendly.

Dilson belongs to the Winged Lion Clan and has just come of age this year.

When it comes to age, I have to say it carefully. The female here becomes an adult at the age of 16. After the age of 16, the female can choose the orc she likes, and the orc is considered an adult at the age of 20. If one of the couples is under the age of majority, they must wait until both of them are of age before they can become a couple.