Rebirth With The Beast

Chapter 78


Su Yi deliberately asked the two little orcs to smell the aroma of the food for a while, and when they were almost drooling by the smell of the food, Su Yi asked Dino to take two roasted beast legs with honey sauce and gave them to the two little orcs .

Because the food was given by Dino, the two little orcs more or less liked Dino.

When eating, the little orcs found that their food was not only delicious, but even the things they put it in were very special. Su also motioned to Dino to teach them how to use the bowls and chopsticks. Children's hearts are always pure. Dino helped them a few times, and soon let them let go of their grievances.

Su also hoped that the influence would grow from small to large, so that these outsiders could adapt to this place faster.

Hunting, the third day of being the patriarch.

The members of the Impreza Clan are leaving. Because of them, they have learned almost everything that should be learned and should not be learned. Of course, they didn't learn the weapons made by Su Yi and Tang Yu's ability to make pottery. Su Yi plans to use these two technologies in the future to exchange what they need with other tribes.

As soon as the members of the Impreza family left, the hunter held a meeting in style.

Except for the people in the valley, everyone else is of a different race, and of course they are of the same race now.

The hunter is extremely beautiful, standing in the crowd even if he doesn't speak, it is very eye-catching. People of different races respected him to the point of admiration because of his help before.

The body of the hunted beast is a nine-tailed snow fox, which at first glance looks like a fox demon in many games or novels. His eyes are red, like red gems. The corners of his eyes were slightly hooked up, with a hint of evil charm.

Everyone was waiting for Lie to speak, Lie looked at Su Yi, and said softly: "Actually, I am not suitable to be the patriarch."

As soon as his words fell, there was a burst of discussion around him. Mostly, those who are new to the valley are discussing. They are very satisfied with hunting as the patriarch.

Su Yi blinked, and heard Sinor beside him say: "You are the most suitable, didn't Jayers say you are his friend? You are not only the person Jayers trusts, but also the person they trust .You are the most suitable, no excuses."

Hunting, he smiled in his heart, he didn't want to refuse, he just wanted to hear these words.

With people in the valley saying that, hunting became even more logical.

Sinol looked at Lie with blazing eyes, he didn't know Lie well, and if it wasn't for Jayers' promise, Sinol would not have believed in Lie.

Hunter is so beautiful, she doesn't look like someone who can lead a tribe at all. In the normal concept of orcs, the patriarch should be a powerful figure like Jayers.

However, Jayers said that hunting is very powerful.

Very powerful

An orc who looked like a beautiful female, but Jayers said he was very powerful.

Although Sinor and the others were puzzled, they had to trust Jays, because Jays is not a liar.

After Sinor said such words, the other alien orcs immediately echoed.

A trace of cunning flashed in Lie Honghuo's eyes, "Since I am the patriarch, I hope that both the people in the valley and the people who have just arrived here will live in harmony. When I helped you, it was just like the people in this valley. Helping you is out of the same kindness. I don't want to see anyone deliberately rejecting someone, let alone seeing anyone disrespecting the unknown orc. After a short time together, everyone should know my character." Speaking of this, a trace of coldness flashed in Lie's eyes. That kind of coldness appeared on such a handsome face as Lie, but there was no sense of disobedience, but an indescribable feeling.

Seeing that no one dared to refute, Lie continued: "You should have discovered that most of the people in this valley are unknown orcs. I know many people who fear and hate unknown orcs. I thought so too at the beginning. , but until one day, I met my best friend Gilles... "

Hunter suddenly paused, and then looked at Jayers who was beside him. Lieben wanted Jays to say something, but when he looked over, he found Jays hugging his lover, bowing his head and whispering like no one else.

Jayers lowered his head slightly, with a faint smile on his handsome side face, and his dark eyes were lovingly looking at the person in his arms.

Tang Yu didn't know what to say, her voice was very low, and a trace of anger flashed across her face from time to time.

Lie sighed. The reason why Jayers recommended him as the patriarch should be because he didn't want to waste time on establishing and worrying about the tribe. And that Su Yi, who took his partner out early, probably didn't want Sinoer to be such a laborious job.

Hunting, feeling helpless for a while. But at the same time, I also understand that choosing him as the patriarch will allow people of other races to accept the valley more quickly. After all, the number of people from other races accounted for the majority, and it would be easy to backfire if we rashly let our own people lead them.

Just to give a simple example, if Jayers becomes the patriarch and Jayers asks them to train or build valley defenses, some people may be less willing to obey orders. Of course, Jayers can be suppressed by force, and such a result would make Jayers a tyrant.

There are many tyrants in Chinese history, and it goes without saying what will happen to the tyrants.

For a tribe to be strong, it must have a suitable leader and a harmonious team.

As for hunting, he had been with aliens for a while before. In the hearts of the aliens again, the hero who saved them.

It can be seen that the force value of hunting is acceptable. He has force value and convincing strength. That's one of the reasons why Jayers agreed with him to do it.

"We are willing to listen to you, Lie. We will be very happy if you are our leader." An orc suddenly said loudly. With this orc at the beginning, the others couldn't help but start talking too.

"Yes, Lie, we believe in you."

"Yes! Lie, you are my most admired warrior."

The words made Su Yi's eyes flicker for a moment, he glanced at Jayers intentionally or unintentionally, Jayers felt Su Yi's gaze, and had no choice but to speak.

"I said." As soon as Giles' voice rang out, the surrounding voices suddenly stopped, as if someone had pressed the mute button all of a sudden, and everyone's breathing could be heard in such a quiet.

Jayers continued unhurriedly: "Although Hunter is the patriarch, I hope you know that we are the masters here. Whatever you do, it's best to follow our rules, and don't try to change your habits. We are here."

Gilles is not a talkative person. His tone of voice was always calm. With a kind of self-confidence in strategizing. It's not casual confidence, it's confidence that comes from racial disparities.

The author has something to say:

What is there to be a patriarch? You have to worry about everything and think about everything. Leave the drudgery to the hunter, Jayers and Synore are going to take some lovers out on adventures.

⊙▽⊙Is this a spoiler

After two days, the body will recover, and after recovery, it will be updated every day.