Reborn After Widowhood

Chapter 75


Chen Jingzong returned to Siyi Hall and first asked the servant to bring two buckets of cold water, and then sent someone to inform the kitchen to prepare dinner for him.

After entering the main room, he grabbed the teapot and poured three bowls of tea in a row, drinking them all without leaving a drop.

Fugui stood at the door wiping his sweat, swallowing his saliva while wiping, and breathing heavily at the same time.

An hour of riding on the horse made him dizzy and his legs weak after getting off the horse! Last year, his master complained that he was fat, but now he has lost weight!

And he hadn't eaten yet! When they set out in the morning, the master had clearly said that they would stay at the guardhouse tonight. As a result, the soldiers who were training had just been disbanded, and he was wondering what the kitchen had cooked tonight, when the master ordered him to get the horse and said that they were going back to the city!

Fugui didn't want to come back at all. His master came back for the princess and he was just a runner-up. He just got dust on the road and didn't get any benefit at all.

Chen Jingzong put down the tea bowl, turned around and saw Fugui's dusty appearance, and couldn't help but think of his past self.

He despises wealth and status, so someone as noble and particular as Huayang would only despise him even more.

"Go down and have a rest. You are not needed here anymore."

Glancing at Fugui's hand that was still covering his stomach, Chen Jingzong said with half sympathy and half disgust.

Fugui no longer cared about so much. He was also thirsty, so he turned around and ran towards the servants' room.

The servants brought water and brought it into the inner room.

Chen Jingzong could take a cold shower in winter, let alone at this time of year. He rubbed his body and washed his hair. After using up both buckets of water, he was completely refreshed.

After putting on his clothes, Chen Jingzong went to the backyard. While still in the corridor, he saw her comfortable figure leaning on a rattan chair under the shade of a tree. Next to her was a small table with fruits, tea and water. Chaoyun and Chaoyue were sitting on two small stools, one fanning her head and the other fanning her legs.

Chen Jingzong walked this way.

Chaoyun and Chaoyue looked at the princess, and after receiving her signal, they put down their fans tacitly, lowered their heads and retreated.

Chen Jingzong sat on Chaoyun's small stool, his hand reached for the fan, his eyes already on Huayang's face.

Hua Yang glanced at his still damp hair and asked curiously, "Didn't you say you wouldn't be back tonight?"

Chen Jingzong: "I left you alone in your empty room when you just left the palace. I was afraid that the emperor and the queen would blame you if they knew."

Huayang snorted: "Whatever you say, don't even think about anything tonight."

It's not that she still dislikes Chen Jingzong and deliberately refuses to give it to him, but he is too... If Huayang continues to indulge herself and really follows Chen Jingzong's mood, her body will probably fall apart within half a month.

Besides, this matter should be controlled. She may not know about others, but her father is a living example. He is the same age as her father-in-law, but her father-in-law looks like an immortal even though he is so busy. On the other hand, no matter how elegantly her father is dressed, he looks weak and listless. As the saying goes, her father's body has been drained by the women in the harem.

"You have already set the rules, what can I worry about?" Chen Jingzong said indifferently.

Huayang didn't want to talk about this anymore: "Da Lang is sick. He said he had vomited a lot not long after arriving at the school this morning."

Chen Jingzong frowned: "What did the doctor say?"

Huayang: "It's nothing serious. I prescribed a tonic. But from what Wanyi said, Dalang might have been frightened by his father."

She briefly mentioned that Dalang was scolded for making a mistake in reciting yesterday.

Chen Jingzong sneered: "He is my eldest brother's son. I have no right to control him, and he doesn't want me to interfere. But if we have a child in the future, don't think of me coming here to act like a grandfather."

His expression at this moment was almost the same as when he mentioned his enemy.

Huayang was about to ask again when he caught a glimpse of people being sent in from the kitchen. They were two young eunuchs under Eunuch Feng, each holding a tray.

Huayang said to Chen Jingzong: "You go and have dinner first."

Chen Jingzong was indeed very hungry and didn't want to eat slowly next to her, so he left for the time being and went to the main room.

Huayang's rattan chair was actually facing the main room. Chen Jingzong glanced at her and deliberately sat on the south side, eating with his back to her.

Huayang was not in the mood to watch. He just fanned himself and admired the gradually fading clouds in the sky.

Chen Jingzong finished eating quickly.

Huayang had already moved to the inner room. He had taken a bath in the evening. He washed his hands, face and feet, then lay down on the bed.

There was an ice tripod inside the bed with a large piece of ice inside, emitting a slight cool air.

Even so, Chen Jingzong still took off his shirt, revealing a muscular chest with firm and tight muscles.

Huayang took a look and then closed his eyes, as if he was not interested at all.

Chen Jingzong came over and half pressed her down.

Huayang pushed him.

Chen Jingzong: "Guangqin still doesn't allow it?"

Huayang pointed at the collar of his shirt: "This is the boundary, above is OK, below is not OK."

She didn't want to roll around with him and sweat, which would cause trouble later.

Chen Jingzong only kissed her on the mouth.

But he still has a pair of hands, and she didn't say that hands cannot cross the line.

Isn't it better to hold the delicate and soft princess in his arms than to sleep alone in the guard post

This kind of ear-to-ear contact lasted for a long time, until Huayang's lips felt a little uncomfortable, and Chen Jingzong finally stopped.

Huayang was very thirsty. He leaned on his arms and drank a full bowl of warm water. Only then did he seem to come back to life.

While Chen Jingzong went outside to put the tea bowls away, Huayang wrapped himself in his quilt, making it clear that he wanted to distance himself from him.

Chen Jingzong didn't care. He turned off the lights, lay down and prepared to sleep.

Hua Yang had something else on his mind, so he said to him, "When we were still in Lingzhou, I once heard my mother mention that you didn't like studying when you were a child. Was it because your father and the people around you liked to compare you with your elder brother and the third brother?"

Chen Jingzong tilted his head: "Why did you think of asking this?"

Huayang: "Regarding Dalang, I'm a little curious about what you were like when you were a child."

Chen Jingzong: "I am much smarter than Dalang."

Hua Yang: "I think you don't even know how to write the word humble."

Chen Jingzong: "Look at you, you want to ask, but you don't believe what I say. What's the point of talking? Let's go to sleep."

Huayang: "Okay, I believe you are smart. If you are so smart, why are you afraid of competing with your brothers?"

Chen Jingzong: "Who said I'm scared? I don't want to study. It has nothing to do with them. I just don't want to see the old man blowing his beard and glaring. He is the top scholar and a university scholar, but he doesn't know kung fu. I want to see how he can teach me after I learn martial arts."

Chen Jingzong was silent.

Huayang suddenly thought of Dalang lying in bed pitifully, and asked incredulously: "Did you also get sick from being scared by your father?"

Chen Jingzong said in a bad tone: "No."

He was smarter and braver than Dalang. When he was three or four years old, he might be a little afraid of the old man, but when he was seven or eight years old, Chen Jingzong was not afraid of him anymore. He hated and detested him. He didn't want to see the old man's cold face or listen to his scolding. The old man asked him to go to the study, but he didn't go. He ran around the garden. No matter how many servants there were in the house, they couldn't catch him. He ran to the rockery when he was forced. When his mother was scared, she would scold the old man, and the old man could do nothing.

But this is not something to be proud of, and Chen Jingzong naturally would not tell the princess beside him.

"I just don't want to see him, and I won't listen to him obediently, just like you disliked me in the beginning, why should I listen to you?"

It was because Huayang was beautiful that Chen Jingzong compromised to some extent. He could even call her ancestor. If it was an average-looking girl, even if Chen Jingzong had to marry her, he would not rush to serve her. If the princess didn't want him to sleep with her, he wouldn't even bother to touch her!

Huayang: …

She pinched him and continued, "Tell me how strict your father is."

Chen Jingzong looked at him suspiciously: "Do you want to confirm whether Dalang is too timid and the old man is right, or do you want to confirm whether the old man is too strict?"

Huayang: “Is there any difference?”

Chen Jingzong: "If it's the former, I'm too lazy to tell you, but if it's the latter, I can still tell you about it."

Huayang recalled some of his previous sarcasm, always saying that she loved her father-in-law and his family, and said helplessly: "Father is not only your and Dalang's teacher, but also your brother's teacher. I am a little worried that he will teach his brother the same strictness."

Chen Jingzong paused: "He dares?"

It seemed natural for the father to teach his sons strictly. In the words of the eldest brother, as sons, they should accept how the old man treats them without complaint.

Chen Jingzong always thought that the old man was only so strict at home. Even if he was strict with the prince in the palace, there would be a limit.

Huayang: "Anyway, my younger brother complained to me about my father before, but I didn't take it seriously at that time. I remembered it when I saw Dalang today. You don't know that my mother is also a very strict person. If she asks my father to be a strict teacher in front of my younger brother, why should my father restrain his strict teacher nature?"

If the Queen Mother dotes on the younger brother and the father-in-law really wants to be a strict teacher, as soon as the younger brother cries and acts like a spoiled child, the Queen Mother will side with the younger brother and reprimand the father-in-law. With the addition of the Emperor, how can the father-in-law not be afraid

I was afraid that given my mother’s strictness, she would secretly ask my father-in-law to treat my younger brother as just a student, rather than a crown prince.

Emperor Jingshun and Empress Qi appeared in Chen Jingzong's mind.

It has to be said that in terms of majesty and momentum, Empress Qi is far superior to Emperor Jingshun.

Huayang inherited Empress Qi's beauty, but her majesty was far inferior to that of Empress Qi. Otherwise, Chen Jingzong would probably have kept his distance from her and not teased her with words.

"What other examples do I need to give of severity? Look at him now, he scolds me whenever he wants, without any mercy on his face. I'm used to it. He's an adult, so why should I be afraid of him? It's different for Dalang and the others, they're all children. When the old man frowns, they tremble. If the old man scolds them again, they will think they've made a big mistake. In fact, they just recited the wrong book, which is not worth mentioning at all."

"Once or twice is fine, but if he does this every day, who can stand it?"

Seeing Huayang remained silent, Chen Jingzong thought for a moment and said, "You may not understand, because since you were born, probably no one has ever given you a cold shoulder."

She was a princess, and the only two people who dared to teach her a lesson were Emperor Jingshun and Empress Qi. But who would be willing to say a harsh word to such a beautiful daughter

Huayang tried to recall, and the only cold face she could remember was Chen Jingzong from her previous life, but she was not afraid of him.

But Huayang quickly thought of a solution.

The tenth day of July is the day for court officials and students to rest and relax.

Chen Tingjian slept a little longer in the morning, which was a rare occasion. When he was having breakfast with his wife, his granddaughter Wanyi came with a smile on her face.

Sun: "Wanyi, have you eaten yet? Do you want to eat some more with grandpa and grandma?"

Wanyi shook her head and said to her grandfather, "Grandfather, Mr. Qiu had to take half a day off yesterday because of something at home, but we don't want to miss that half-day class. Can we ask you to teach us later?"

Sun rushed to say, "Grandfather is too tired, ask your father or your third uncle to go."

Wanyi: "But grandpa is the best. My father and third uncle are not as good as grandpa in teaching."

Chen Tingjian smiled. Among all his grandchildren, the eldest granddaughter was the most sensible. Look, she is so studious and she knows to learn from the best teachers!

"Okay, you guys go wait in the school, I'll come over after grandfather finishes eating."

Wanyi said goodbye happily.

Mrs. Sun looked at her granddaughter's back with concern. This child is usually very smart, why is she so stupid today? She could have played for the whole day, but she came to the old man to suffer. Could it be that she was made pedantic by her eldest brother

On the side, Chen Tingjian finished his meal, rinsed his mouth, combed his long beard, and walked towards the school with an immortal look.

In the school, Dalang, Erlang and Sanlang all looked at their sister with resentment.

Wanyi smiled and said, "Just listen to the class and I'll take you out to play in the afternoon."

Erlang: "Your words are effective? Grandfather is at home, he can't ask us to go out, even my father doesn't dare to make the decision."

Wanyi: "I helped my fourth uncle last time, and he promised to meet one of my conditions."

The three boys immediately believed their sister's promise.

When Chen Tingjian walked in with his hands behind his back, he saw four good children sitting upright with expectant looks on their faces.

Chen Tingjian first asked about the children's homework progress. Wanyi, Dalang and Erlang were all in the same group, but Sanlang was young and was still in the learning-to-read stage.

After assigning homework to Sanlang, Chen Tingjian focused on teaching the three older ones.

His attendant and the children's maids and servants were waiting outside.

Suddenly, they saw the princess and her husband walking towards them side by side.

Just as everyone was about to salute, the prince consort gestured for them to be quiet. With the princess around, no one dared to disobey, so they continued to stay in the shade.

The school had window paper pasted on it. Chen Jingzong took Huayang to the window and quietly poked two holes with his fingers in a place where she didn't have to bend over.

Hua Yang was doing this kind of sneaky thing for the first time, and his face turned red. He asked him, "You don't want to see it?"

Chen Jingzong: "Only you can appreciate this kind of old man."

Huayang: …

(End of this chapter)