Reborn After Widowhood

Chapter 78


After bidding farewell to his parents-in-law, Huayang returned to Siyi Hall.

After entering the inner room and checking the clepsydra, she realized that including the time spent on the journey back and forth, she had actually stayed in Chunhe Hall for more than half an hour.

She took off her coat and lay down on the bed.

"Princess, what did you say to the Lord and the Madam? Why do you look a little tired?" Chao Yun bent over and stood beside the bed, asking with concern.

Hua Yang shook his head and ordered, "I'll sleep a little longer, you all can leave."

Chaoyun had no choice but to obey the order, put down the veil and walked out.

The surroundings became quiet and Huayang breathed a long sigh of relief.

Chen Jingzong took the children out to play. She started thinking about how to persuade her father-in-law after lunch. Although she lay in bed to take a nap, she actually didn't sleep for a moment.

She is a princess and she can order her father-in-law to do certain things, but what she wants is for her father-in-law to truly realize that his constant strictness may backfire.

If she spoke too harshly, her father-in-law might get angry. Scholars all value integrity. If her father-in-law really thought that she was questioning his suitability to be the Crown Prince's Grand Tutor and hurt his reputation, he might go to the Emperor and the Empress Dowager to resign and make the matter worse!

But if she spoke too lightly and only considered Dalang's feelings, her father-in-law would think she was too soft-hearted and would not take it to heart.

Fortunately, my father-in-law still has a rebellious son, Chen Jingzong!

Chen Jingzong complained that he suffered severely at the hands of his father-in-law when he was a child. Didn’t his father-in-law also suffer from his son’s defiance and disobedience

It's not a big deal that the father and son don't like each other, but if the cabinet chief and the crown prince also develop to this point, Huayang only needs to give a little reminder, and the father-in-law will know the pros and cons. Even if there is only such a hidden danger, the father-in-law will definitely nip it in the bud, unless he really doesn't care that his younger brother will oppose his good policies for governing the country in every way because of this rebellion after he ascends the throne in the future.

Recalling her father-in-law's expression when they were playing chess, Huayang thought that her efforts that day must not have been in vain, as her father-in-law really listened to her.

His tense emotions relaxed, and Huayang fell asleep unknowingly as he lay on the soft and comfortable bed.

The red sun outside the window gradually set in the west. When wisps of green smoke began to rise from the kitchens in the courtyards of the Chen Mansion, Chen Jingzong finally returned with the children.

"Uncle, next time we have a day off, can you take us out again?"

When they said goodbye in the front yard, Sanlang said reluctantly.

Chen Jingzong: "Dream on, I'm just your uncle, not your father."

Wanyi and Dalang both laughed, while Erlang and Sanlang pouted their lips in resentment.

Chen Jingzong had been harassed by his nephew and niece for the entire afternoon and had become impatient, so he strode towards Siyi Hall.

Wanyi thought for a moment, then called out to her brothers who were also trying to sneak back home, saying, "Grandfather must know that we're out. Let's go pay our respects to him first."

Dalang, Erlang and Sanlang suddenly became eggplants hit by frost!

But you still have to go.

When the children came over, Chen Tingjian was walking in the yard with his hands behind his back. This was Sun's request, saying that he had been sitting in the study for too long and would not have dinner if he didn't walk for fifteen minutes.

When he saw the four children, Chen Tingjian did not stop, but just looked at them one by one.

Dalang, Erlang and Sanlang stood in a row at the edge of the yard nervously.

Wanyi walked to the old man with a smile, and while walking with him, she said obediently, "Grandfather, it was my fourth uncle who asked me to coax you into giving us lessons this morning. As a reward, my fourth uncle took us out to play for the whole afternoon. But we have realized our mistakes, so please calm down and forgive us this time."

Fourth Uncle was the least afraid of Grandfather, so Wanyi pushed Fourth Uncle out without any guilt. Besides, Fourth Uncle was the princess's consort, so it was only right for him to help take the blame.

Sun sat at the door, watching and listening with a smile.

Chen Tingjian nodded and asked his granddaughter where she had been playing for the past half day.

Wanyi spoke a lot like a lark.

Chen Tingjian looked at his three grandchildren again and said, "Just play, don't forget the homework assigned by the teacher. Go back, it's time to eat."

Wanyi was very surprised. She looked up at her grandfather and found that his expression was peaceful, his long beard fluttering in the evening breeze, and he looked kind.

Sun smiled and said, "Let's go quickly, be careful or your grandfather will regret it later."

Wanyi thought, it must be that grandma had spoken for them in advance, grandma is the most loving!

Siyi Hall.

Chen Jingzong never expected that after he took a shower, changed his clothes and went to the backyard, Huayang was still sleeping.

Before entering the inner room, he asked Chao Yun, "Is the princess feeling unwell?"

Chao Yun shook his head: "Maybe I'm tired."

Chen Jingzong: "The princess is out?"

Chao Yun: "I just went to sit with the old lady and the old lady, and then I came back and rested."

This is not a secret, so it’s okay to tell the prince consort.

Chen Jingzong nodded and went to the inner room.

The gauze curtain of the bed was still hanging. The sky outside the window had already darkened, and there was no light in the room, making it even darker inside the curtain.

Chen Jingzong slowly came to the bedside.

Huayang was lying on his side facing him, covered tightly with a thin blanket, with only one arm stretched out.

She probably just planned to take a nap, her hair was still in a bun and she was still wearing a pearl hairpin. Perhaps because she turned over several times in her sleep, her hair was crooked and the pearl hairpin was messy.

Chen Jingzong sat down and helped her take off the jewelry.

After picking just two things, he woke up.

Chen Jingzong's hand was still hanging in the air.

Huayang looked at him, then at the sky behind him. His confused eyes gradually regained clarity. He changed from lying on his side to lying flat on his back, still a little sleepy and asked, "When did you come back?"

But she doesn't need to care. A princess with fairy-like beauty would still be beautiful even if her hair was messed up or if there was some mud on her face.

Chen Jingzong had never seen her ugly, including when she had just gotten married, with her tense face and disdainful eyes, she was beautiful in a unique way.

"I just got back. If you don't wake up, I'll think you're going to pretend to sleep all night and shirk your responsibility."

Huayang: …

The remaining sleepiness was completely gone, and Huayang supported himself on the bed and sat up. When he sat firmly, the bun on his head was obviously tilted, his black hair was scattered, and a pearl hairpin fell to the side.

Huayang touched his hair and realized that he looked ungraceful at the moment. He lowered his eyes and said, "Go out and ask Chaoyun and the others to come in and help me comb my hair."

Although my hair used to be loose before going to bed, I would comb it carefully to make it smooth and silky. Now it must be a mess.

Huayang didn't want to give Chen Jingzong the chance to laugh at her.

Chen Jingzong stood up, walked a few steps away, took her phoenix-patterned white jade comb from the dressing table, sat down on the bed again, looked at her and said, "It will be dark soon. We will go to bed after dinner. Why are you still dressing up? Just dress casually."

Hua Yang was about to retort when Chen Jingzong suddenly smiled: "Or do you want to dress up specially for me?"

Huayang: …

She snatched the comb and carried it on her back.

"Let me do it, your arms have no strength at all." Chen Jingzong snatched back the comb, held her shoulders, helped her take off all the jewelry first, and then started combing from the top of her head downwards.

The princess, who was spoiled in the palace, had a skin as white as snow and black and shiny hair that was soft and smooth to the touch, not much worse than her beloved Shu brocade.

Huayang lowered her head slightly. She always enjoyed the relaxation and comfort when having her hair done, and Chen Jingzong was also very good at serving her.

"Did you go to see your father this afternoon?"

After combing his hair for a while, Chen Jingzong suddenly asked.

Huayang: "Well, when we went to eavesdrop, the courtyard was full of servants, so father would definitely know. Of course I had to explain and persuade father not to be so strict."

Chen Jingzong: "Will he listen to you?"

Huayang smiled: "I have a reason and evidence, and my father is convinced. Of course he will listen to me."

Chen Jingzong was curious about how her method was based on logic and evidence. His mother had been advising the old man since he was a child, but the old man had never changed.

He also believed that the old man was only fooling her on the surface today and would continue to treat her harshly in the future.

Hua Yang: "It's very simple. Let me take you and your nephew as an example. If father continues to teach your younger brother and Da Lang strictly, your younger brother might look like you when he grows up, and Da Lang will look like your second uncle. Father has been tormented by you and your nephew for many years, how dare he teach another pair?"

Chen Jingzong: …

He turned to Huayang and gritted his teeth and said, "I, your consort, am really useful. I can repay your favor and serve as a negative example for you to advise the elders, right?"

Huayang had indeed taken advantage of him, so he was willing to give him some sweet treats. He stroked his long hair, which had been combed almost to the point of being done, and said with a smile, "When I mentioned you to my father, I asked him what he thought of your talent. Guess what he said?"

Chen Jingzong showed no interest: "Let him say whatever he wants."

Huayang just thought he was being stubborn: "Father said that you are even better than the eldest and third brothers."

Chen Jingzong was unmoved: "I am your consort. If he doesn't praise me in front of you, wouldn't you feel embarrassed?"

Huayang paused, looking disappointed: "I see. I thought you were smarter than my elder and third brothers, but it turns out that father was just trying to fool me."

Chen Jingzong: "… I am smarter than them, but you, the old man, don't think so, but you flatter me in front of you."

Huayang had racked his brains for a while, but he didn't want to get involved in the prejudice between the father and son, so he stretched his legs to his side and said, "Put on your shoes, I'm hungry."

Chen Jingzong squeezed her ankle and then did as he was told.

After washing his face and having dinner, Huayang regained his spirits.

Before it got completely dark, she wanted to take a walk in the Chen family's garden and stretch her muscles. After all, she had just woken up and was going to bed right away, so how could she sleep

Chen Jingzong sat motionless on the chair and pounded his legs: "I've been walking all afternoon, I don't want to walk anymore."

Huayang was in high spirits and set off with Chaoyun and Chaoyue.

Chen Jingzong moved to the second room, lay on the couch waiting for her, and closed his eyes to rest.

Huayang walked outside for about three quarters of an hour. The refreshing evening breeze completely blew away all her distracting thoughts. When she returned to Siyi Hall, she felt her muscles and bones relaxed and her body as light as a swallow. She even had the urge to go for a ride on horseback.

The comfort of her body was reflected on her face. When she stepped into the second room, her cheeks were rosy and her eyes were watery. It was obvious that she was not sleepy.

It just so happened that Chen Jingzong was not sleepy either.

He closed the door of the side room and asked Huayang to wait here while he went inside to get the lotus bowl.

Huayang pursed his lips and turned off all the copper lamps in the side room while he was away.

But Chen Jingzong actually took out a lamp from inside and deliberately placed it on the ground.

The dim and soft light projected from below to above, warming Huayang's waist and abdomen.

Until a slender and strong hand came over, blocking out the warmth of the light, but it was hotter than the light.

(End of this chapter)