Reborn After Widowhood

Chapter 83


Tonight's Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet is divided into two places. Emperor Jingshun entertains all officials at the Meridian Gate, and Empress Qi entertains the ladies of the court and the imperial court in the Imperial Garden.

In the evening, a bright moon slowly rises from the horizon, as bright as a jade plate, and faintly there seems to be a moon palace and laurel trees.

In the Imperial Garden, Empress Qi sat in the main seat in gorgeous clothes. On her left were favored concubines such as Concubine Lin, and on her right were Princess Anle, Huayang, Nankang and other clan relatives, such as Madam Qi and Sun, whose seats were further away.

In the open space between the seats on both sides, the singing girls danced gracefully to the melodious and lively music.

Huayang has attended countless palace banquets like this since he was a child.

However, tonight was special because it was the first palace banquet she attended after her rebirth. Her father was still alive, and Chen Jingzong and her father-in-law were also fine.

Huayang looked at the full moon in the sky and thought that this was a true reunion.

She hoped that everything would go smoothly, that her father would not die suddenly next year, that Prince Yu would not dare to rebel, and that Chen Jingzong would not have to rush to the battlefield again.

"What are you looking at?"

Princess Anle, who was sitting on her left, watched for a long time. Niece Yuemei was more beautiful, but why did she feel that her niece seemed a little sad

Huayang came back to his senses and looked at his aunt. She chuckled and said, "I wonder if Chang'e is really the only one in the Moon Palace. If so, even if she lives forever, it will be too lonely."

Princess Anle understood that her kind-hearted niece was worried about Chang'e!

She laughed and said, "There are so many fairies in the sky. Chang'e really feels lonely. With her beauty, she can just beckon any male fairy and have an appointment to spend time with him in the Moon Palace. It's not as miserable as you think."

Huayang: …

When it comes to immorality, she didn't even know whether Chen Jingzong or her aunt should be ranked first.

Princess Nankang listened from the side and glanced at Huayang inquiringly.

Only those who are unhappy with their lives will wonder whether Chang'e is lonely. If their lives are comfortable, they will only appreciate the beauty of the moonlight.

Huayang is loved by his father, so what could go wrong

Princess Nankang quickly thought of her husband Chen Jingzong from Huayang.

Elder Chen was indeed powerful, having been the Second Assistant Minister first and now the First Assistant Minister. However, the Chen family's roots were too shallow. Chen Jingzong was different from his two older brothers. It was said that he had lived in his hometown of Lingzhou from the age of ten to eighteen. He was a country bumpkin who was illiterate. It was all thanks to Elder Chen that he was able to get a sinecure from his father. And because Empress Qi wanted to win over Elder Chen, he became the son-in-law of Huayang by accident.

Huayang is used to being arrogant and conceited. How could he tolerate a rude man like Chen Jingzong

"Sister, your tone sounds like that of a fairy who longs for the mortal world. Could it be that something has happened between you and your husband recently, and the moonlight tonight has made you feel melancholy?"

Princess Nankang seemed to be concerned.

She did not dare to provoke Huayang too much and lowered her voice deliberately. With the sound of the zither blocking the sound, only Huayang could hear her words clearly.

But Huayang acted as if he didn't hear anything and continued chatting and laughing with Princess Anle, which made Princess Nankang, who had been waiting with her neck tilted for a long time, very embarrassed.

Suddenly, thunderous drumbeats were heard from the Meridian Gate.

The entertainment programs that the emperor and his ministers watched were naturally not this kind of lingering and gentle singing and dancing.

It was clearly an inspiring drumbeat, but Huayang was inexplicably reminded of Chen Jingzong from the night before. It was just like a hammer, fast and fierce.

There was a glass of fragrant and sweet fruit wine on the table. Huayang picked up the wine cup and slowly drank half of it to hide the strangeness on her face. Although she couldn't see herself, she could feel the obvious heat.

Princess Anle was surprised and asked, "When did Panpan like to drink this? I remember that you used to have a very low alcohol tolerance and you would get drunk easily even after drinking fruit wine. Look, you just drank it and your ears are red!"

Huayang smiled at his aunt and said, "I am finally able to celebrate the festival with you again this year. I am very happy."

Princess Anle was also very happy: "Okay, come, have another drink with your aunt!"

She always felt that her niece was too dignified in the past. She was majestic, but lacked a lot of fun. For Empress Qi, there was nothing she could do about it as she was under the pressure of being the mother of the nation. But her niece was a princess, a pampered princess, so she should be free and do as she pleased.

Unable to refuse the kindness, Huayang drank another cup of wine with his aunt. As the fruit wine entered his stomach, a slight warmth continuously emerged from all parts of his body.

Huayang knew that she was a little drunk. She didn't dare drink anymore and started eating some fruits and dishes.

At the Meridian Gate, the men could not do without wine, and the rewards given by Emperor Jingshun were all tribute liquors.

When it was time to toast, the civil officials would just raise their glasses to do it, and they might only barely finish a glass of wine during the entire palace banquet. The atmosphere on the military officers' side was quite different. The young eunuchs would stand respectfully at the back holding the wine jars, and if they saw an official's bowl was empty, they would fill it immediately. Sometimes they would be glared at by the military officers if they were slow.

Sitting on the left of Chen Jingzong was Princess Nankang's consort Meng Yanqing, and on the right was Qi Jin.

These three are all royal relatives, and they are all in charge of the garrison, so it is just right for them to sit together.

Meng Yanqing was a half-dandy, and he loved wine. He was afraid to drink too much because it was a palace banquet, but when he saw Chen Jingzong and Qi Jin drinking non-stop, his drinking bug was aroused. After drinking three bowls of wine, Meng Yanqing was drunk and dizzy. He held the wine bowl and approached Chen Jingzong's table, and complained to him like a good brother: "The princess is too strict with me. I just want a concubine, but she won't give it to me!"

Although he was drunk, Meng Yanqing still knew to speak in a low voice and did not dare to loudly accuse a princess.

Chen Jingzong avoided his arm and kept his distance, saying calmly: "Since you have married the princess, you should not dream of having a concubine."

Meng Yanqing burped, looked at him, and said with a bitter face: "You only know how to make sarcastic remarks. She's been pregnant for more than half a year. Can you bear it if it's your turn?"

Chen Jingzong didn't respond, but just drank silently.

Meng Yanqing thought of the Princess Huayang he had seen when he came to the imperial city in the morning, and envied her: "If Nankang could be as beautiful as Huayang..."

Before he could finish his words, Chen Jingzong swung his fist towards him, knocking Meng Yanqing to the ground.

Even though there were actors performing a heroic and exciting war dance, the noise made by the two princes-in-law still startled all the civil and military officials and made them look over here.

Chen Tingjian's eyebrows were twitching. Ever since the fourth son married the princess, he had never had a peaceful day.

A palace maid had already helped Meng Yanqing up. Wow, there was blood all under his nose.

Meng Yanqing's father was Marquis Jing'an, a famous general in the reign of Emperor Jingshun. He sat opposite Chen Tingjian. He and Chen Tingjian did not get along well. When he saw Chen Tingjian's son hit his son, Marquis Jing'an's temper flared up. He put the wine bowl in his hand heavily on the table and said to Chen Tingjian, "The fourth son of the elder, how polite you are!"

When Emperor Jingshun saw this, he signaled the singing and dancing to stop and looked at Chen Jingzong: "Jingzong, why did you attack Yanqing?"

Usually when Chen Jingzong came to see him alone, Emperor Jingshun would call him "son-in-law", but Meng Yanqing was also a son-in-law, so Emperor Jingshun called both sons-in-law by their names.

Chen Jingzong stood up and left the table. He walked out and bowed to Emperor Jingshun, saying, "Your Majesty, Meng Yanqing just complained to me that Princess Nankang did not allow him to take a concubine. Princess Nankang is Princess Huayang's sister, and therefore my sister. I did not like what Meng Yanqing said, and he kept nagging. I was so angry that I lost control of my fist. I know I was disrespectful, and I ask Your Majesty to punish me."

A group of civil and military officials: …

Chen Tingjian lowered his eyes, and his long beard concealed the slightly upturned corners of his lips.

The corners of Marquis Jing'an's mouth were tightly pursed, and the flesh at the corners of his eyes twitched.

At this time, Qi Jin also left the table, walked to Chen Jingzong, and said with a bow, "Your Majesty, I can testify to what Commander Chen said."

Without waiting for Emperor Jingshun to speak, Marquis Jing'an knelt down and apologized for his useless and hopeless son.

Emperor Jingshun was in a bad mood.

It is true that he loves his daughter Huayang the most, but Nankang is also his daughter, who was raised with great care. Nankang is now pregnant with Meng's child. Meng Yanqing does not feel sorry for his daughter's hard work, but actually goes to complain to another prince consort. What's the matter? Does Meng Yanqing want to instigate Chen Jingzong to take a concubine

Even though Emperor Jingshun had favored other concubines during the pregnancy of Empress Qi and Concubine Lin, he was the emperor after all. There were some things he could do that his sons-in-law could not!

But what made Emperor Jingshun most unhappy was that he could not punish Meng Yanqing openly. After all, women are jealous. Even if she was a princess, she could privately forbid her husband from taking concubines. But if she said so publicly, she would be in the wrong.

Therefore, Emperor Jingshun said to the kneeling Marquis Jing'an with a tolerant look: "My Lord, please stand up. It is because I doted on Nankang too much that I let her wrong Yanqing so much."

After saying this, Emperor Jingshun didn't care what Marquis Jing'an and Meng Yanqing thought, and ordered Eunuch Ma beside him: "Go to the music hall and select four beauties, and give them to Yanqing as his concubines."

Marquis Jing'an was so ashamed that he kowtowed and begged the emperor to revoke his order.

Emperor Jingshun smiled and said, "Men love beauty. This is their nature. My Lord, you don't have to blame yourself. Tonight is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Let's continue to drink and enjoy the moon with us."

As soon as the emperor spoke, two young eunuchs came over tactfully and helped Marquis Jing'an to his seat.

Qi Jin returned to his seat first. Emperor Jingshun looked at Chen Jingzong who was still waiting to be punished and snorted, "Yanqing was drunk. I was just talking to you about personal matters, but you just started a fight. I always say that you are impulsive and irritable, but I didn't believe it. Today I finally understand that what the old minister said is true. You actually beat Yanqing in public. Considering that today is Mid-Autumn Festival, I will not punish you. Go and apologize to Yanqing yourself."

Chen Jingzong: "Thank you for your forgiveness, Your Majesty. I will obey your command."

Emperor Jingshun waved his hand.

Chen Jingzong returned to his seat and apologized to Meng Yanqing insincerely.

Chen Tingjian left the table again, saying that he had failed to educate his son well. He first apologized to Emperor Jingshun, and then made amends to Marquis Jing'an who was sitting opposite him.

He looked like an elegant and modest old gentleman, which made Marquis Jing'an's face turn red with embarrassment, but he had a lot of curse words in his heart that he couldn't say out loud.

After sitting down again, Marquis Jing'an secretly swore that he would give his son a severe beating when he returned home!

The young eunuch came to report what was happening here to Empress Qi.

Empress Qi looked at Concubine Lin and her face darkened.

Concubine Lin felt that any news that made her unhappy must be good news, and asked with concern: "Sister, what happened?"

Her voice was not low, and the nearby princesses, concubines, and Lady Qi, Sun and others stopped talking and looked over.

Empress Qi looked like she didn't want to say anything.

Concubine Lin continued to work hard: "Look, sister, everyone is worried. If you don't tell us, how can we still be in the mood to appreciate the moon?"

Empress Qi had no choice but to ask the eunuch who had just reported the news to repeat it.

The young eunuch's voice was soft but his pronunciation was clear. In just a few words he told the story of the two princes-in-law.

Empress Qi shook her head and said to her daughter, "You should persuade your husband to do something when you get back. How can you hit your own brother-in-law?"

Huayang agreed while holding back his laughter.

Sun also quickly apologized to Empress Qi, Concubine Lin, and Princess Nankang for her son's recklessness.

Concubine Lin's expression was as if she had eaten a fly, it was so interesting.

If she ate flies, Princess Nankang ate shit. After Meng Yanqing's disturbance, soon the people of the capital and the world would know that she was jealous, and even history would record it! She was completely embarrassed. Her father also gave Meng Yanqing four concubines. How could she stop Meng Yanqing from sleeping with the concubines granted by the emperor? Now she had no face left!

Noticing that everyone around was staring at her, Princess Nankang must have been gloating, and suddenly covered her stomach!

After a brief commotion, Concubine Lin and Princess Nankang left early.

Princess Anle laughed heartily and said to Huayang, "This Chen Silang of your family is really a wonderful man. None of the plays that my aunt has heard this year can compare to his performance."

Huayang smiled on the surface, but felt a little strange.

Although she had never mentioned to Chen Jingzong that she and Princess Nankang were not on good terms, as long as Chen Jingzong was not stupid, he should have known that there was no sisterly affection between the two princesses, and Chen Jingzong did not seem like a kind-hearted brother-in-law who would support Princess Nankang.

Although she was watching the fun, Princess Anle was still a little angry: "Meng Yanqing, that bastard, how could he have the nerve to do that."

No matter how unpleasant Nankang's personality is, she is still her niece, and like her, a princess.

Huayang doesn't like Nankang, and he looks down on people like Meng Yanqing.

Fortunately, my father vented the anger of the royal family and seemingly rewarded Meng Yanqing with four beauties. However, Meng Yanqing caused a scandal that will be recorded in history books. Even if he had the desire and courage to covet the singing girls that my father had rewarded him with, Marquis Jing'an would watch over him instead of Nankang, so that Meng Yanqing could not sleep with those four singing girls, and even the maids in the mansion and the singing girls outside would not be able to touch him.

Nankang did lose face, but with the intervention of his father, he no longer had to guard against Meng Yanqing's cheating.

Of course, if it were Huayang, if Chen Jingzong dared to do this, she would just divorce him directly and would not bother to waste all that effort.

(End of this chapter)