Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 111: Buddha cannot help you reach Nirvana, but I can help you transcend


In the afternoon, Wen Xinya went to Huayuxuan for a beauty SPA, and then returned home to start preparing for the birthday banquet tonight. Her grandfather asked her to present a gift so solemnly, which shows how much he values this friend.

She opened the cloakroom. The originally empty cloakroom became full because of the last time she went to Saint Jolan, where she met Si Yiyan. That day, Si Yiyan bought almost all the clothes styles in Saint Jolan that were suitable for her. There were about twenty pieces in total, including clothes that could be worn on all occasions.

Wen Xinya picked out a beige waist-length dress. Just as she was about to take it off, she thought of the pair of silver-gray shoes that Si Yiyan had personally changed for her. It seemed that she had never worn that pair of shoes since she bought them.

Wen Xinya changed her mind again and picked another dress.

The dress is made of gold and silver velvet threads, which give it both the nobility of golden color and the luxury of silver, but is neutralized by the light gray, making it less eye-catching.

Wen Xinya changed into a dress, took out the pair of shoes from the shoe cabinet and put them on. She stood in the mirror and walked gently a few steps. The lotus leaf skirt of the dress rolled delicate waves with her lotus steps, and from time to time it brushed against the jewel-studded shoes on her feet, which was a perfect match.

She stared at the shoes on her feet in a daze, as if she could still feel the slight tremor caused by his slightly calloused hands holding her ankle.

As she was thinking this, her cell phone rang.

Wen Xinya quickly gathered her thoughts, took out her cell phone and answered the call without even looking at the number: "Hello, I'm Wen Xinya!"

"Xinya, it's me!" Si Yiyan's voice came through the phone and reached her ears in an instant.

Wen Xinya's heart trembled suddenly. Si Yiyan's voice was not as clear as usual. It was slightly hoarse and turbid, and carried deep fatigue and weakness. Her heart suddenly tightened.

"Why don't you speak?" Si Yiyan asked in a low voice.

The voice became increasingly hoarse, not as clear as usual, as if it was from a patient who had been ill for a long time: "Where are you now? Why did you suddenly disappear?"

There was a hint of questioning in her tone. Even though he showed up and saved her when she was kidnapped, she still felt upset about his leaving without saying goodbye. Did he know... For many days after he left, she had been speculating on the reason why he left.

"There are some things that need to be dealt with. I guess I won't be in the country for a while, and I can't contact you for the time being." Si Yiyan's voice was hoarse, weak, and dejected, and he even seemed a little out of breath.

Wen Xinya suddenly clenched the phone in her hand: "Si Yiyan, is there something wrong with you?"

She had previously guessed that Si Yiyan had a dark background, and his words at this time confirmed her guess. After all... With the development of technology nowadays, it is common to make phone calls and video calls even abroad, but he said that he cannot be contacted for the time being!

She couldn't think of any other situation that could cause the two people to be unable to contact each other, except that Si Yiyan himself was in danger!

But as soon as she asked the question, she felt regretful. Since he hadn't mentioned it to her, it would seem a bit too intrusive if she asked it herself. What if he didn't want to say it? Wouldn't it be very embarrassing? Thinking of this, she quickly changed the subject and said, "Si Yiyan, thank you for saving me when I was kidnapped before!"

Si Yiyan said: "Your previous kidnapping was a premeditated act. I guess it has something to do with Ning Shuqian, but I haven't found any useful information yet."

Then she told her what had happened to Fu Tianyang that she had asked Gu Yuehan to investigate.

Wen Xinya suppressed the anger and hatred that surged in her heart and said in a hoarse voice: "How could they do anything to achieve their goals, wantonly hurting innocent people and taking human lives."

Si Yiyan's voice became earnest: "Since you know who you are dealing with, you must be careful in your future actions. Don't do it again like what happened on Black Sunday. Once you are involved with it, you can't get rid of it. Of course, don't be too nervous. After all, you are the eldest daughter of the Wen family, and the granddaughter of Mr. Mo. They dare not kill you."

"I know my limits, you don't need to worry." The Wen family is wealthy and powerful, and although my grandfather is just a scholar, the people in this world who can truly shake the foundation of a country are always those scholars who are responsible for passing on their legacy to the world. Otherwise, there would not have been so many tragic incidents of burning books and burying scholars since ancient times.

In her previous life, even though her grandfather passed away and the Wen family gave up on her, Ning Shuqian did not dare to take her life directly. Instead, she waited until she became a completely abandoned child of the Wen family before daring to kill her.

After a long silence, someone suddenly said, "Wen Xinya, can you recite the Guanyin Heart Sutra to me?"

Wen Xinya was stunned. She didn't expect Si Yiyan to make such a request: "Okay!"

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva... Form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from form, form is emptiness, emptiness is form... Because there is no attachment, there is no fear, far away from upside-down dreams, finally Nirvana..."

The Heart Sutra of Guanyin is an article that teaches people to be enlightened, educating the world that all desires are false, and that only when one has no thoughts or worries in one's heart will one have no panic or fear and achieve peaceful transcendence. She didn't know why Si Yiyan suddenly wanted to listen to this Heart Sutra.

After reading one, Si Yiyan said in a hoarse voice: "Wen Xinya, I believe in Buddhism. The Heart Sutra can help people achieve happiness and liberation. In the past seven years, I have often used this Heart Sutra to warn myself that no matter what I do, I must keep the final awakening heart. Only in this way can I seek liberation."

Wen Xinya remained silent, not knowing what to say, and unable to guess what he was going to say next.

Si Yiyan added: "Wen Xinya, it is difficult for me to transcend in this life! Because I have desires and ties, these emotions will become obsessions, and become tangible constraints. Once the obsession is formed, I have the desire to execute it."

His voice became more and more hoarse and unpleasant, like the sound of an untuned piano. She was not a fool, so how could she not understand the meaning of his words? He just wanted to express that she was the source of his desire and the source of his concern, and what he was about to do now was against his heart.

In this way, he tactfully and obliquely answered her impulsive and awkward question: "If Buddha cannot help you achieve Nirvana, I will help you transcend."

By the time she realized what was happening, these ambiguous words had already reached the other end of the phone. She thought she would be upset and regretful, but strangely, she felt peace and joy in her heart.

"Okay! I will believe you from now on!" Si Yiyan's hoarse voice was tinged with joy, and the hoarse voice now sounded a little clearer.

Wen Xinya couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in her heart. Buddha is a kind of belief. Si Yiyan said to believe in her... So does he mean to regard her as his belief in this life? Her heart shrank slightly, and her mind subconsciously thought of the man she had loved so much in her previous life. She also regarded him as a belief, but in the end, her belief was shattered and she lost all hope in life.