Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 146: Transform into a rich lady in one second


Those are all antiques, cultural relics! So... the real property she owns is not just a few billion! Thinking of this, Wen Xinya suddenly understood the expectations of the older generation for the younger generation. The inheritance of book knowledge is the most precious treasure in the world.

"The items whose value can be appraised are gold, silver and jade. Although the value of gold has depreciated in recent years, that batch of gold items was not greatly affected because they were original gold and contained pure gold."

"There are fewer silver wares, but the most jade wares are jade wares. In recent years, due to over-exploitation of jade veins, high-quality jade wares are becoming less and less available on the market. Therefore, the value of jade wares has skyrocketed in recent years. This batch of jade wares is worth as much as 1 billion."

"There are also some gemstones, rare items, ancient embroidered fabrics, and various precious wood objects. Together, they are worth nearly 300 million. I estimate that by the time you can use these things, their value may increase."

Grandpa's words were like a heavy hammer that hit her brain hard. Wen Xinya's mind was in a mess. She felt like a big pie fell from the sky, making her dizzy and swollen: "Grandpa, this is the legendary pie falling from the sky!"

Seeing that she looked confused, but her eyes were still clear, and she had not lost her mind because of this sudden wealth, Mr. Mo rubbed her head and said, "I will transfer this batch of dowry to your name when you are eighteen years old. You can take care of yourself!"

Wen Xinya said in confusion: "Grandpa, the Mo family and the Ren family have such rich heritage."

Old Master Mo laughed softly and said, "Your mother's grandmother, that is, your grandma, used to be a famous jeweler. When she married into the Ren family, it was a sensation in the city. Unfortunately, your grandma died early, and the Ren family only has your grandma's bloodline, so this batch of dowry was given to your grandma. Your grandma left it to your mother, and your mother left it to you."

"So that's it!" Wen Xinya still felt like she was dreaming. She felt that this dowry was a form of inheritance rather than a real treasure. Even though she knew that it was hers and she could do with it as she pleased in the future, when she heard her grandfather say this, she had no intention of using it.

Grandpa Mo looked at her sternly: "Although you have such a fortune, which can help you avoid many detours, but grandpa hopes that you can constantly strive for self-improvement, and not be lazy and seek shortcuts just because of this wealth."

Wen Xinya nodded solemnly: "Grandpa, please believe me. I will never use those things unless it is absolutely necessary. They were left to my mother by her grandmother, and then to my mother. My grandmother left them to me, and I also want to leave them to my children in the future, and pass them down from generation to generation as heirlooms."

Mr. Mo understood her thoughts and felt comforted. He patted her head and said, "Things can only show their value when they are used in the most appropriate place. Otherwise, they will always be dead objects. I know you have great ambitions, and there will always be a place where you will be needed in the future."

Wen Xinya nodded obediently: "Grandpa, I will make good use of this dowry."

He trusted this child's character. Old Master Mo stroked her hair and said, "I'll ask Mother Jiang and Mother He to pack your things. Your grandfather will come to take you back to the Wen family in a while."

Wen Xinya took her grandfather's arm and said, "Grandpa, I want to stay here with you!"

Although she knew that although she had moved back to the Wen family, she would still study music, chess, calligraphy and painting with her grandfather at the Mo family during the day, but she still felt reluctant in her heart.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Now that your introduction dinner has been held, you are the real eldest daughter of the Wen family. It is inappropriate for you to live in the Mo family anymore." Mr. Mo felt a little uncomfortable. He still hoped that she could live in the Mo family forever. A place like the Wen family, surrounded by fierce and treacherous people, was really not suitable for an underage girl like her to live in.

Thinking of what Wen Haowen did at the dinner yesterday, he felt uncomfortable. That beast had no feelings for his own flesh and blood, and treated an adopted daughter better than his biological daughter.

Wen Xinya knew it in her heart, so she made an excuse to act coquettishly with her grandfather: "Anyway, I'm just sleeping at the Wen family. I still have to come over during the day to learn music, chess, calligraphy and painting with grandpa."

"When you return to the Wen family, be careful everywhere. Your father is a heartless man who only cares about profit. You can tell from the mother and daughter of Ning Shuqian that they are very capable and will not just let it go. I can't quite figure out Xia Ruya, but she gives me a very bad feeling, so you shouldn't have anything to do with her." Although the child is smart and sensible, he is only fifteen years old after all, and he is really worried.

Wen Xinya felt mixed emotions at the moment. Her grandfather had also said these words to her in her previous life. She had a big fight with him at that time and said that he was deliberately trying to sow discord between her and the Wen family. She still remembered his disappointed expression. If she had listened to him at that time, she would not have ended up in such a miserable situation.

Now, hearing the same words again, she felt at peace: "Grandpa, I am now the legitimate eldest daughter of the Wen family, and I own 5% of the Wen Corporation's shares. Ning Shuqian and the others dare not do anything to me."

Mr. Mo naturally knew that Xinya said this just to reassure him: "It's easy to dodge an open attack, but it's hard to guard against an arrow from the dark. Even a tough man like Mr. Wen couldn't stop Ning Shuqian from becoming the daughter-in-law of the Wen family. You can imagine how clever she is."

"Grandpa, I will be careful. I won't become her open enemy until I am strong enough." Wen Xinya thought of Yang Chongguang's death, and felt that Ning Shuqian was shrouded in a layer of fog. She currently did not have enough strength to become Ning Shuqian's open enemy, so naturally she would not fall out with her.

"It's good that you know the limits." Old Master Mo nodded. He was afraid that she would become too proud of herself and forget her limits because of the aura of the eldest daughter of the Wen family.

Wen Xinya shook her grandfather's arm and said coquettishly, "Grandpa, please don't just mind my business. I'm moving back to the Wen family. You don't have to practice calligraphy and painting too late at night. You have to go to bed at ten o'clock. You have to get up at seven o'clock every morning and practice Tai Chi three times. You are not allowed to refuse the medicinal food prepared by Jiang Ma and He Ma. After dinner, you have to go for a walk in the backyard for fifteen to thirty minutes."

Wen Xinya kept chattering away, almost forgetting that even though she had returned to the Wen family, she still had to spend most of the day at the Mo family.

Mr. Mo looked at her in silence for a long time!

Wen Xinya said a lot in one breath, and after she finished, she thought for a moment and said, "I'll let Uncle Zhang watch you."

At this time, Zhang Bo happened to walk into the room and quickly assured Wen Xinya: "Young lady, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of the old man."

Wen Xinya smiled proudly at her grandfather: "Grandpa, just be obedient!"