Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 39: First, stamp a seal to declare ownership


On Sunday, Wen Xinya went to Grandpa Du's medicine house to study medicine. Uncle Zhang couldn't see her off because he had something to do. She planned to take a taxi there by herself. Unexpectedly, as soon as she left Mo's house, a Rex S9 Lucifer (Lucifer) handmade in the Netherlands came slowly. Stop beside her.

The warm sunshine in the morning was orange, shining through the branches and leaves in bits and pieces. The breeze was gently blowing the branches and leaves, and the tiny light spots danced brilliantly on the black car.

At that moment, black was not just black, it seemed to contain some mysterious power that could absorb all light and heat without any reflection, exuding pure black power and weird colors.

The black car window rolled down slowly, and Si Yiyan sat in the driver's seat: "I'll take you to Mr. Du's place."

"Don't bother, I can take a taxi myself." The person in the car was Si Yiyan, which surprised Wen Xinya. Lucifer is Latin, Lucifer in the Bible translation, the star of the morning (bringer of dawn) ), which is the brightest star in the sky before dawn except the moon - Venus, which means the messenger of light! He is the highest ranking angel in heaven.

But... Lucifer has another interpretation. The angel Lucifer degenerated into the devil Satan, the devil who rules the darkness...

You can imagine...the identity of the owner of this unique Lucifer in the world.

"This is a villa area. There are basically no taxis. If you want to take a taxi, it takes nearly fifteen minutes to reach the main road in front." Si Yiyan looked at her wearing a light blue dress. Wearing casual clothes, she looked young and immature. She was obviously ready to fight on foot.

"Go and do your work if you have something to do. I'm just walking to exercise." Wen Wenya subconsciously refused. He was wearing a black shirt, as if his whole person became complicated and dangerous in an instant.

Black is a very powerful color, the most extreme color in the world. It is indescribably weird and mysterious, but it exudes the fear and sorrow of death. It has an unsurpassable illusion and infinite spirit. It is The master of the entire color world.

It represents power and strength. It can be solemn or elegant; it can be mysterious or passionate. Of course, black can also be very dark, heavy, and cruel, representing death and disaster.

Si Yiyan pushed the door open, got out of the car gracefully, walked around the car to her side, stretched out his hand to open the door: "I don't have anything important to do, get in the car quickly!"

The avoidance and caution in her eyes, as well as the evasion and rejection in her words, all showed her intelligence and calmness, but... how could he allow her to refuse like this.

When he acted like this, Wen Wenya naturally couldn't refuse, so she had to get into his car, her eyes were cold and her words were as sharp as ice: "I don't care what your purpose and intention is for living in my grandpa's house, but if you dare to hurt my grandpa, , I won’t let you go even if I die.”

Si Yiyan held the steering wheel and started the car, looking at her with a half-smile: "Why don't you think I have some purpose and intention for you?"

"How is it possible?" Wen Wenya subconsciously denied it. What could she, a fifteen-year-old girl who had been living abroad for fifteen years and just returned to the Wen family, have to do with her? But grandpa was different. Grandpa's status and reputation in the literary world were enough. Let anyone try to take advantage of Fawning.

"How is it impossible?" The smile on Si Yiyan's lips deepened and he glanced at her, his eyes flashing with countless magnificent colors.

I don’t know why, Wen Xinya’s heart is so confused. Don’t look at him at first: “The only thing of some value in me is my identity as the eldest lady of the Wen family, but your identity is not ordinary. You may not be placed in the Wen family. In the eyes.”

"I really don't take the Wen family seriously, but you and I do." Si Yiyan suddenly turned the steering wheel vigorously, and the car turned sharply, and suddenly turned onto a green and cute path. On the road, "Creak... squeak..." The sound of the emergency brake was short and harsh, and then the car came to an abrupt stop.

Because everything happened so suddenly, Wen Xinya's body subconsciously jumped forward. Si Yiyan turned sideways and pushed Wen Xinya back into the car. He tilted his body half-pressed on her body and pressed her with one hand. On her shoulder, a hand held her hand tightly. The two people were entangled and looked at each other.

"What are you doing?" Wen Xinya was frightened and her face was a little pale. She placed a hand on Si Yiyan's chest. She was still thinking about what he said. What did it mean to see her in his eyes

Thousands of red threads slowly stretched out of Si Yiyan's cold eyes. The enchanting entanglements were entangled in the bottom of her eyes, with hidden enthusiasm. When she looked at her, it seemed as if invisible threads were entangled and bound her. , leading her to dance with his gaze, dancing a dance that swayed her heart and soul.

His gaze was so close that when he looked at you, it seemed as if you were the only one in his eyes. Under such a scorching gaze, Wen Xinya could hardly breathe. She wanted to dodge in a panic: "I... I want to get off the car."

Si Yiyan's hand pressing her shoulder suddenly exerted force, and the body that was half pressing on hers pressed down heavily, locking her whole body under him. He suddenly leaned forward and kissed her.

Wen Xinya's eyes widened and she forgot to struggle. She was obviously stunned by his actions.

Si Yiyan's lips pressed against hers, pressing her tightly, heavily, and tightly, but did not move, as if he was sealing it. Only in this way can the seal be clear and distinct.

Only then did Wen Xinya react. She felt that the weight on her body seemed to be as heavy as a thousand kilograms, making her breathless. Her chest was so painful from being squeezed, her bones were stiff and painful, and the strength in her whole body was like a stone thrown into the sea. There was a slight ripple, and the hand against his chest pushed away from him hard, trying desperately to shake off the lips pressed between hers.

As if he was very satisfied with the seal he had stamped, Si Yiyan let her go: "Now you are willing to believe that I actually have plans for you!"

Wen Xinya's heart was beating non-stop, her young face was filled with red clouds in an instant, and her calm and clear eyes were flashing with mist. Once she was free, her reflexes He raised his hand and slapped Si Yiyan.

Si Yiyan did not dodge or hide: "I stamped my seal on your lips, and you left your mark on my face. From now on, we belong to each other."

Si Yiyan's words made Wen Wenya feel ashamed and angry: "You are worse than a beast! I am only fifteen years old this year and not an adult yet. How could you..."

Si Yiyan started the car and said slowly: "First stamp it and declare your ownership. I will wait for you to grow up!"

"You..." Wen Xinya suddenly patted the car door and said, "Stop the car, I want to get out of the car!"

With a smile in Si Yiyan's eyes, the car slowly stopped on the side of the road: "We're here, get up on your own, I won't send you up."

Wen Wenya opened the door and got out of the car in a panic. Si Yiyan said, "I'll pick you up at five o'clock."