Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 45: Xu Er, you are looking for death!


Zhou Tianyu was amused by her expression: "When Jiang Yuqian was first taken back to the Zhang family, the Zhang family didn't like her very much. The children of her age in the compound looked down on her identity as an illegitimate daughter, so they bullied her. And you know Xu Er, sometimes he likes to act silly. One day, I don't know what got into him. When he saw Jiang Yuqian being bullied, he actually stepped forward and knocked the bully to the ground. From then on, the children in the compound didn't dare to bully her. It was said before that Jiang Yuqian had a serious princess syndrome, so she thought Xu Er was the prince sent by God to save her, and she had a crush on Xu Er. She was hostile to any girl who talked to Xu Er."

Wen Xinya was speechless: "So she is hostile to me because of jealousy?"

Zhou Tianyu deeply felt that Wen Xinya was a very interesting girl, so she had a good impression of her: "You can say that."

"How old is she? How come kids nowadays mature so precociously?" Wen Xinya sighed and turned her head to look at Xu Er who was drinking. His short hair was dyed back to black, and under the slightly dim light, it looked like there was a halo on his head. His pair of peach blossom eyes looked wet because of the alcohol, making him look even more charming. His blushed face was full of enchantment. He was indeed a young and beautiful boy. No wonder he could easily attract other people.

Zhou Tianyu poked her waist and said, "You sound like you are so big."

Wen Xinya looked at her seriously: "I am fifteen years old in body and twenty-five years old in soul."

Zhou Tianyu naturally refused to believe it and pushed her away: "Go away, you can't fool people like this."

Wen Xinya shook her head and said to herself, "Ah! Life is as lonely as snow. No one would believe me even if I told the truth."

Zhou Tianyu laughed out loud: "Go away, you are still as lonely as the snow, how old are you, what do you know about loneliness, you are just a shabby person!"

Wen Xinya also laughed. In her previous life, she was always laughing and cursing like this. After being reborn, she had hatred in her heart and always restrained her true nature. However, Zhou Tianyu's cheerfulness made her feel like they had known each other for a long time.

Zhou Tianyu chatted with her in a relaxed manner. It seemed that they were talking about some gossip in the Beijing circle, but Wen Xinya could actually hear that Zhou Tianyu was trying to introduce her to some prestigious and famous nobles in Beijing in a roundabout way.

Regarding this, Wen Xinya was filled with gratitude towards Zhou Tianyu. Even though she had lived for ten years in her previous life, she didn't know much about the affairs of these famous nobles in Beijing, because no one had ever told her about them. She had never entered that circle and was always wandering outside that door.

Zhou Tianyu looked up at the group of boys in the room who were drinking so hard that their faces turned red and their necks became thick. "Although they look arrogant, you will know that they are very loyal if you get along with them."

Wen Xinya naturally knew that Han Mofeng was that kind of person, and those who could get along with Han Mofeng were naturally not much worse.

Zhou Tianyu continued, "With Xu Er leading you today, you can be considered to have officially emerged in this circle. In the next few days, everyone will probably invite you to their gatherings. You can't refuse."

Wen Xinya naturally knew that entering this circle would play a decisive role in her efforts to build connections, so she would not refuse: "Of course."

"By the way, my birthday is on the 2nd of next month. I will hold a small party. You must come then."

Wen Xinya knew that Zhou Tianyu wanted to help her integrate into this circle as quickly as possible, so she made this invitation. This was the first time Wen Xinya received such an invitation after her rebirth: "I will definitely go."

Everyone was eating, drinking, and having fun, and they all got drunk. Wen Xinya called the waiter, who brought some sobering soup for everyone to drink. If they drank the soup now, they would not have a splitting headache tomorrow morning.

The party didn't end until eleven o'clock. When everyone left, they exchanged contact information with Wen Xinya, which was a test of accepting her.

The waiter helped Xu Chenyu out of the ninth heaven, and Wen Xinya took Xu Chenyu. Xu Chenyu hugged Wen Xinya and put his head on her shoulder: "Wen Xinya, uh... It's my birthday... You haven't... You haven't wished me a happy birthday."

Wen Xinya pulled Xu Chenyu helplessly, but Xu Chenyu staggered so much that he couldn't stand at all, and suddenly threw himself into her arms again: "Hurry up and say... Wish me a happy birthday."

Wen Xinya said unhappily: "Okay, I wish you a happy birthday, okay?"

But Xu Chenyu was playing tricks on her and bit her shoulder gently: "Just saying birthday... happy birthday is... not enough, you also need to... give me a gift..."

Wen Xinya was bitten by him and it hurt a little. She reached out and slapped Xu Chenyu's face: "Xu Er, you are born in the year of the dog."

"I'm not a dog... I'm a wolf... a howling wolf, I want to... want to swallow you up in one bite!" Xu Chenyu suddenly opened his mouth and let out a howl from his throat, then pounced on Wen Xinya's face.

A strong smell of alcohol hit her face. Wen Xinya turned her head and slapped his face away: "Xu Er, you are looking for death."

Xu Chenyu was like a little kid, lying in her arms and acting like a spoiled brat: "I'm not looking for death, I... I want a gift, you have to give me a gift..."

Wen Xinya was so annoyed by him that she had to take off the earring with diamonds around the edge and a pink pearl in the middle and handed it to him: "Now it's okay!"

Xu Chenyu watched her take the earrings off her ears, as if he remembered the day at the airport when he took them off and gave them to her. His heart began to beat wildly, and he said, "No... You have to help me... Help me put them on my ears!"

Wen Xinya then noticed that Xu Chenyu was wearing six colored earrings on his left ear, and the position for the red diamond was still empty. She touched her left ear and found that the red diamond was still on her ear, so she naturally picked up her own earrings inlaid with broken diamonds and pink pearls and put them on his ear.

Xu Chenyu felt her hand was soft and cool, gently resting on his ear, her whole face was close to his ear, her warm breath gently sprinkled on his ear, and her faint fragrance drifted into his nose. All this made his heart beat wildly, he had difficulty breathing, and he felt like his whole body was feverish.

"My earrings are not as valuable as your red diamond, please don't despise them." Wen Xinya put on the earrings and took a step back to look at him. The earrings were beautiful, but they looked a bit out of place on him. She couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Xu Chenyu touched the earring on his ear, but his heart was still pounding.

At this time, a taxi stopped beside them. Wen Xinya stepped forward and helped Xu Chenyu into the car. She told the address of Xu's home and planned to send Xu Chenyu back first.