Reborn as a Good Child

Chapter 112: Car accident


Among the three people, Bai Yihan’s key suspect was Wei Quan. Because of the four characters "mental history", he picked up the phone and dialed a number, saying, "Chen Feng (the first bodyguard responsible for protecting him), come here. a bit."

After a while, the tall Chen Feng walked in and said respectfully: "Little Master."

Bai Yihan picked up the information of the three people who had just copied down and handed it to him: "You should arrange some manpower and try to check and tell me their current situation, whereabouts, and frequent contacts without disturbing these three people. And monitor their whereabouts from time to time, don't let them leave your sight, be fast, and don't say anything about it."

Chen Feng took the information and said cautiously: "Okay, don't worry, young master, I will arrange it as soon as possible."

Bai Yihan nodded and said: "Of the people around me, you are the most stable. I can rest assured that I will leave the matter to you. Go ahead."

Chen Feng's heart of an iron man was moved instantaneously, and his eyes shone with divine light (starlight?) and loudly responded, "Surely he won't betray the trust of the young master!" After finishing speaking, he strode away with an indomitable momentum.

Chen Feng's efficiency is very fast, so he called and reported the situation in the evening: "Young master, the manpower has been arranged. Li Mao and Tang Jianping are fine, but Wei Quan is a bit wrong."

Bai Yihan shuddered: "What's the matter?"

Chen Feng said solemnly: "After Wei Quan was fired from the company, he had a bad time. Later he went to several hotels and shopping malls to work as security guards, but he seemed to be in unstable mental state and was unable to do long-term. He lives in the south of the city and has a widowed mother. He often talks nonsense at home, saying that the eldest lady is his woman, but ran away with them. People near his home don’t know the eldest lady, so they believe it, and there are even others. He thought it was the "woman ran away with the man" that made him irritated and worsened."

Bai Yihan was so angry that he said, "This bastard, dare to corrupt my sister's reputation so much!"

Chen Feng said: "He said so confidently, it seems that he also firmly believes that this is the truth, but this is not the most important thing. The important thing is that a beautiful woman suddenly came to him a few days ago, and even spent the night in his house. That woman also came frequently. Wei Quan’s spirit seemed to be more irritable these days. He often said something like "Kill him/her". The neighbors had already avoided him, and just now, he and that The woman went to an irregular car rental agency and rented a car together. The woman didn't get in the car. Wei Quan drove away alone. Our people are following him at a distance."

Bai Yihan's whole body shook, and the picture flashed across his mind was the horrible corpse of Shen Tianyang in his previous life. With a chill in his heart, he hurriedly asked: "Where is my sister now?!"

Chen Feng didn't expect him to be so excited, and said blankly: "I don't know this."

Bai Yihan hung up the phone hurriedly and called Bai Xueqing, but after three consecutive calls, her call was always busy.

Bai Yihan was so flustered that he turned to call Shen Tianyang. Fortunately, Shen Tianyang quickly picked up: "Yihan? Is there anything to do with me?"

Bai Yihan said anxiously: "Big Brother Shen, are you with your sister now?"

Shen Tianyang said inexplicably, "No, I'm in the company, what's the matter?"

Bai Yihan was almost crying: "My sister may be in danger, but she won't answer the phone!"

Shen Tianyang said in surprise: "What?! She should be in the company, I will look for her now!"

Bai Yihan let out a "hey", but Shen Tianyang had already hung up the phone, so he had to call Bai Xueqing again, but the line was still busy. He stuffed the phone in his pocket, ran upstairs, took the car key, and strode out. , Sister Yang shouted from behind: "Young Master, where are you going, I ask Lao Xu to drive you!"

Bai Yihan walked away and replied loudly: "No, I drive by myself."

Aunt Yang was so anxious that she suddenly came back to her senses, ran to pick up the phone and called Mu Jingyuan. Mu Jingyuan had just returned to the company, and when she saw that it was Bai’s landline number, she hurriedly picked it up, but heard Aunt Yang eagerly said: "Master Mu, Young Master didn't know what happened just now. After answering the call, he drove out by himself. There is no need to use Mr. Xu, I drove by myself! How unsafe is this!"

Mu Jingyuan was also shocked. He knew that his little guy listened very much to his own words. When he left this morning, he said that he would try his best not to go out today and call him when going out. He would pick him up in person. Under the circumstances, what could make his little guy drive out by himself in a hurry

He said to Sister Yang: "Don't worry, I'll go find him."

After hanging up the phone, he immediately dialed Bai Yihan's number, but because Bai Yihan kept calling Bai Xueqing and couldn't get through, he punched the table and had no time to wear his coat, so he strode out.

Aunt Yang hung up the phone, sighed with relief, think about it, why did I call Young Master Mu the first time, shouldn't I call Master and Young Master? Hey, forget it, calling Master Mu is the same.

Bai Yihan entered the garage and got into a royal blue sports car. This car was a gift that Bai Yan gave him on his birthday last year. Although the car was given, the Bai family refused to let him drive out by himself. He usually When I went out, I always took the car driven by Lao Xu. This car has been kept in the garage and regularly arranged for inspection and maintenance. Bai Yihan once did not know why Bai Yan gave this car to himself, but today he has to thank his brother. , Because only the key of this car is in his hand, if you use Old Xu's car, I'm afraid you have to wait a little longer, and now, you can't delay a minute.

His heart beats chaotically, no matter if the lunatic came at his sister today, he couldn't rest assured if Bai Xueqing and Shen Tianyang were standing in front of him.

Along the way, he kept calling Bai Xueqing’s cell phone, but the line was busy, and then turned off. Bai Yihan was anxious and drove the car fast. At this time, Mu Jingyuan’s call came in. As soon as he connected, Just listen to Mu Jingyuan: "Where are you Hanhan? What happened?"

Bai Yihan couldn't control how he knew his whereabouts. At this time, he felt a lot of peace in his voice, and he slowed down his breath: "Sister may be in danger, I'll go find my sister!"

Mu Jingyuan said, "Where is Xueqing? Tell me, I'll go!"

Bai Yihan said anxiously: "I called Big Brother Shen, and he said that my sister should be in the company. I have to go over and take a look. I was very confused."

Mu Jingyuan felt more confused when he heard it, and hurriedly calmed down: "Hanhan, don't worry, is Xueqing at the company? I'll go right now, and she won't be in any danger. You must be careful when you drive. You are safe. Did you bring it?"

Bai Yihan really didn't fasten it. He was anxious to get angry. Where did he remember the seat belt, when Mu Jingyuan said, he stretched out a hand to fasten the seat belt, and said with a guilty conscience: "Tie it."

I didn’t know many red lights all the way, just in front of the company, Bai Yihan saw Bai Xueqing coming out of the company’s gate from a distance, and Shen Tianyang came down from the car on the side to meet him. Just about to breathe a sigh of relief, the scene in front made his pupils shrink. I

I saw a humble silver-gray Volkswagen suddenly speeding up and ramming in the direction of Bai Xueqing!

Bai Yihan's eyes were cracked, he stepped on the accelerator pedal to the bottom, and rushed over from the side.

Shen Tianyang saw Bai Xueqing coming out of the company in a good manner, and greeted him with a sigh of relief. As soon as he wanted to speak, he saw a car hitting Bai Xueqing's side!

Without even thinking about it, he hugged Bai Xueqing, turned around and threw her to one side. There was a sharp pain in his leg, a loud noise behind him, and the screaming of the person next to him, he looked back. , The Volkswagen was hit by a royal blue sports car from the side as soon as it rubbed its legs. The huge inertia pushed the Volkswagen out for a certain distance. The two cars collided with each other, and the front of the car was dented. Went in.

On the front line of life and death, he was shocked in a cold sweat. He knew that if it weren't for this sports car, Bai Xueqing would be fine today. He would definitely not be able to survive. He hurriedly lowered his head to check the person in his arms. Bai Xueqing was all right. She was dumbfounded, but she was not injured, but she was wearing a skirt and bruised her knee when she fell down.

He gently relieved Bai Xueqing and helped Bai Xueqing up. He wanted to check the owner of the sports car. Before he touched the door of the car, he heard the sound of a sudden brake. Mu Jingyuan jumped out of the car wearing a shirt and trousers. , Ran a few steps to the front of the sports car and opened the door. Bai Xueqing looked inside and let out a scream, making her unable to stand.

The person in the car was Bai Yihan. He sat quietly in the driver's seat, tilted his head, and a line of red blood on his forehead was winding down, shocking.

Mu Jingyuan breathed heavily and held the door of the car with his hands. For the first time, he felt a little at a loss. He didn't even know whether to touch him or not. Shen Tianyang called the ambulance. They didn't dare to move Bai Yihan easily. They waited until the ambulance finally When he arrived, the medical staff leaned into the car and unlocked the seat belt, carefully carried him out and put him on a stretcher.

Mu Jingyuan, Shen Tianyang, and Bai Xueqing all got into the ambulance, and the Volkswagen owner who had also fallen into a coma was dragged out by Bai’s security and sent to the hospital. Shen Tianyang called Chen Jing again in the car. Talking about today's situation in detail, Chen Jing said that he would rush to the hospital with Fang Yi immediately and demand that the owner of the accident be brought under control.

Until Bai Yihan was pushed into the emergency room, a nurse came out after the doctor's preliminary examination and said that there should be no life-threatening situation. The few people were slightly relieved. Shen Tianyang wanted to ask the doctor to help Bai Xueqing deal with the bruises on her leg, and took a few steps. But suddenly kneeling on the ground, Mu Jingyuan and Bai Xueqing were startled, and hurriedly stepped forward to help him. Shen Tianyang waved his hand with a wry smile, and simply sat on the ground and stretched out his trousers. They saw that his right leg was already swollen. I still met just now, but he was worried about Bai Yihan and couldn't hold on until now.

After another turmoil, the doctor concluded that he had a broken calf.