Reborn as a Good Child

Chapter 114: This is love


Shen Tianyang smiled warmly: "Mom, I love her and never care about losing. As long as I can be with her and make her fall in love with me, then I will be the biggest fan."

Mother Shen smiled and said: "Bai Xueqing is a happy woman to get my son so in love with each other. No, according to what you said, she hasn't fallen in love with you yet?!" Then you are in vain

Shen Tianyang coughed dryly, his eyes flickered and said: "Of course she is in love with me. I mean, I have been stunned by Mother Shen looking at her son's rare unnatural look and inadvertently aiming at the door. She sighed deeply in her heart. Take a sigh of relief: My silly son, Zhizi Moruomu, why can't I guess your thoughts? Forget it, see if your mother can help you, let you get what you want, believe in my son's eyes The girl she likes must be one in a thousand, and she also knows that the daughter of the Bai family is a shrewd and capable woman, without any bad reputation. I am afraid that she is too shrewd and powerful, and her son is afraid. You have to be suppressed for a lifetime, but there is no way. In the state of a son, even if he is suppressed, I am afraid that he will be happy.

She sighed softly: "I hope she can be touched because you saved her life and fall in love with you. Alas, chasing a girlfriend is really dangerous for you, you almost lost your life."

Shen Tianyang said: "No wonder she, Xueqing was the victim this time in the accident. Mom, someone wanted to kill your daughter-in-law."

Mother Shen squeezed her carefully crafted nails and sneered: "Yes, it seems that our Shen family is so easy to talk. Everyone dared to step on it. Even my daughter-in-law dared to kill her." Kill my son!

When the mother and the son were thinking about each other, the door was knocked gently, Shen Tianyang lifted up, and said hurriedly: "Please come in.

Mother Shen looked at her son with shining eyes and sighed again.

Bai Xueqing pushed the door in, saw Mother Shen, smiled decently, and walked over generously: "Hello, auntie."

Mother Shen smiled and said: "Hello, how is the Third Young Master now? He was injured to save Tianyang, I should go face to face to thank him."

Bai Xueqing smiled and said, "Yihan is already awake. Auntie, you are serious, Yihan can't afford it."

Mother Shen said: "Why? Tianyang saved you, he was willing, but he said to me just now that the collision with one Han saved his life, and one yard goes to one yard. Thanks, you must be thanked. of."

Bai Xueqing apologized: "The murderer's target was me, and Tian Yang was injured completely to save me. Xueqing really doesn't know how to express my apology."

Mother Shen smiled and took Bai Xueqing's hand and said, "Silly boy, everyone knows what happened this time. You are also a victim, and you have done nothing wrong. What can I apologize for? I just said that, Tian Yang He was willing to save you. If you are fine, his goal is achieved. You don't have to feel guilty." She covered her lips and smiled: "Furthermore, he also said just now that it is instinct for a man to protect his beloved woman. , He is sad if you don't let him protect.

Bai Xueqing nodded, moving in her heart. The incident happened suddenly. Although she was a little confused about the situation, she remembered the process clearly. When the danger came, not only did Shen Tianyang not hesitate at all, she also turned around to expose herself. Under the wheel, if there was no collision from the younger brother, he would have been lying in the morgue now, seeing the true love in adversity, and people's subconscious actions can reveal the true heart the most. The more at this time, the more clearly he can see clearly. For a person, Shen Tianyang’s reaction at the time was not only to save lives, but to exchange lives. A man can live and die for himself. This is the extravagant hope of too many women, but now she has got it, it is her blessing, should Cherish it well.

Mother Shen looked at her complexion, made a "V" with the back of her hand behind her son, and smiled lovingly on her face: "Okay, I'll go to see Yihan, please help Xueqing take care of Tian Yang for me. "

Bai Xueqing smiled and said: "Auntie, you are too polite, Tian Yang is my boyfriend, and the goddess I should do to take care of him has personally admitted their relationship! Such a serious look! In front of his mother!

Shen Tianyang's hand repeatedly grabbed the quilt twice, and he was about to take off on the spot! If he can move freely, he really wants to hug his mother and kiss him! My mother, my mother, I love you!

Mother Shen smiled and said: "Oh? You are already together? When did it happen? My silly boy really got what he wanted. He is a blessed person, and Xueqing is a good boy at first sight."

Bai Xueqing's face blushed, and she whispered: "Also... It didn't take long. I wanted to tell my parents during this time, but unexpectedly something like this happened. Let us meet in a hurry in the hospital. It's really a rude to the younger generation. ."

Mother Shen smiled softly: "The important thing is not where you meet, but who you meet. If you are a girl like you, I would be happy even if I meet next to the garbage dump."

Bai Xueqing's face became even more red, and Mother Shen shook her hand and said: "Okay, I'll go to see Yihan, and you two should also talk carefully. This time is really dangerous. Don't worry. I found out who dared to touch my Shen family's daughter-in-law, I must make him look good!"

Bai Xueqing said seriously: "Thank you, auntie."

Mother Shen smiled and nodded, opened the door and went out.

Bai Xueqing turned her head and looked at some pale and weak men lying on the bed with a cast on her right leg. He has always shown himself in a rigorous image. Every time he appeared, he was dressed appropriately and behaved gracefully. At this time, he really knew him. It was the most embarrassing moment since, but at this moment, she felt that this man's appearance was unprecedentedly charming. The slightly messy hair, pale face, and thin lips without blood were all that people. Distressed.

She walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, gently stroked the hair on his cheek, and asked softly, "Does your leg hurt so much?"

The fingertips of the goddess touched the side face, and Shen Tianyang was so excited that his heart throbbed. He really didn't feel any pain at all. He shook his head, craned his neck to look at Bai Xueqing’s knee, and said : "I'm fine, how about you? How is the injury?"

Bai Xueqing laughed and said, "It's just a little scratch, nothing at all."

Shen Tianyang said seriously: "How can it be okay? If you don't handle it well, leaving scars will affect your wearing of skirts."

Bai Xueqing leaned forward slightly and said, "Will you dislike me leaving scars ugly?"

The goddess was so close to herself, almost about to breathe, Shen Tianyang's originally pale face quickly rose red clouds, feeling that she would not be able to get up, and stammered: "Why... Why? How are you... What are you... nice."

Bai Xueqing kept this posture and said, "Since you don't dislike being a boyfriend, what's the big deal with leaving scars?"

Shen Tianyang's face continued to heat up, and he said: "Girls, it's natural to love beauty, I'm just afraid that if scars are left, you will be sad..."

Bai Xueqing felt that this posture was too tired, so she put her hands on Shen Tianyang’s ears, leaned down slightly, and looked into his eyes and said, "Don’t worry, I’m not the kind of little woman who will be sad if I lose a scar. You hurt your leg and will be unable to work for a long time."

Shen Tianyang breathed hot on his face, and whispered softly: "It's okay, it's good to take this opportunity to take a break." He gently curled his lower lip and asked, "Xue Qing, you just told my mother... I... I'm your boyfriend's business, are you serious? I mean, the kind that has nothing to do with that agreement."

Bai Xueqing raised her red lips slightly and said with a chuckle: "I thought you had to think about when he finally asked this question?"

Shen Tianyang was taken aback for a moment, Bai Xueqing pressed down a little, kissed him softly on his lips like a dragonfly, and lifted up and said, "Now, do you think I'm serious?"

Shen Tianyang felt that he had been blown into fireworks. It was erratic and unreal, and his lips felt a little tingling. He opened his mouth gently, oh, it was still moving.


His gaze crossed Bai Xueqing's body and saw his right leg in a plaster cast. His gaze darkened, and then moved back to Bai Xueqing's beautiful face. His slender fingers pinched the quilt silently, and a far-fetched look appeared on his face. Smiled and said: "You don't have to force yourself, I actually... Hmm!"

Bai Xueqing watched his gaze turn, and the blush on her face faded. According to the direction he was looking, she used her injured knee to figure out whether he felt that he was obstructing his life-saving grace, or that he was pitiful before agreeing to him. of.

At this time, it's useless to talk more about it, and gagging is the easiest way. It is said that women are crazy about thinking and worry about gains and losses. It turns out that men are the same!

At the end of the kiss, Shen Tianyang's face was hot enough to spread eggs. Bai Xueqing couldn't help but chuckle as she looked at him. Why didn't she find this man so cute before

She looked at Shen Tianyang's watery eyes, and slowly said: "If Bai Xueqing wants to repay me, there are some methods, but I don't want to agree with my body. If you think like this, you are insulting my feelings."

Shen Tianyang said anxiously: "Xue Qing, I didn't mean that!"

Bai Xueqing blinked and said, "Then do you believe me?"

Shen Tianyang hurriedly said: "Believe, I believe, Xueqing... I... I love you, I love you very much, you try not to...

… do not want… "

Bai Xueqing interrupted softly: "Don't hurt you, I know, by the way, I am a woman, shouldn't I say this?"

Shen Tianyang smiled bitterly: "I know this is not enough for a man. My mother told me that in this emotional war, I had already lost a big defeat before I started fighting. Xueqing, I'm not afraid of losing, I'm afraid I can't get your sincerity. At this moment, Bai Xueqing deeply felt the heartbeat and distressed feeling. She couldn't help lowering her head and kissed Shen Tianyang's lips again, muttering vaguely: "You didn't lose, Tianyang, you have already I got... "Jingyuan, you are right, it turns out that this feeling is love.