Reborn as a Good Child

Chapter 51: Empathy, don't fall in love?


Mu Jingyuan spread his hands and said, "Look, you can't imagine that your liking for me is different from what I do to Hanhan and Shen Tianyang to you."

Bai Xueqing thought for a while, it seems that this is really the case. After thinking about it, it is suddenly enlightened. Isn't it

Mu Jingyuan said again: "Xue Qing, you are not the kind of little woman who will be caught by feelings. If we are really married, then it will be the tragedy of the three of us."

Bai Xueqing nodded unconsciously. Thinking about it this way, she was really scared, but she couldn't lose the battle: "Okay, let's go, don't you just want me to help you? If you don't say me, don't you It doesn’t matter. After all, it’s about my younger brother. Since he likes you, I, the older sister, must help him so that you can be together just right. Mu Jingyuan said, "But your method won’t work. Reputation has too much influence. "

Bai Xueqing rolled her eyes very unkindly and said: "What's so big? We are getting married. No one knows except for my family. Will my parents and big brothers discredit my reputation? From the outside, I just fell in love, what's wrong?"

Mu Jingyuan raised his eyebrows and said: "The news hasn't been released yet?"

Bai Xueqing said: "There have been many things these days, and the news hasn't been released yet. Mom is still choosing a date."

Mu Jingyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Then how do you empathize with you? With whom?"

Bai Xueqing glanced at him, lazily said, "Didn't you mention Shen Tianyang just now? That's him."

Mu Jingyuan frowned and said: "Shen Tianyang treats you sincerely, this is not fair to him."

Bai Xueqing said helplessly: "Can I still play with his feelings? I will sign an agreement with him. He is willing to be my boyfriend for a while. If I don't want me to play with others, how simple it is."

Mu Jingyuan thought for a while and said: "Then he must be willing. This is also an opportunity for him."

Bai Xueqing said: "If he is as infatuated as you said, why don't I give him a chance?"

Such a good man is so obsessed with herself, it also proves her charm from the side, and it still makes her feel very fulfilled.

Mu Jingyuan smiled and said: "Well, since I won't say it for the time being, then I will go back to accompany Hanhan first, so that he won't find me when he wakes up."

Bai Xueqing crooked her mouth. My mother just broke up in love, so don't say anything to comfort me!

She looked at the door of the room brought by Mu Jingyuan, and suddenly smiled. This feeling of letting go after knowing that there was no chance at all was not heavy, but a little relaxed. Perhaps like Mu Jingyuan said, she has been I was all mistaken. I was not in love with Mu Jingyuan, but she was arrogant and subconsciously focused on the strong person who could stand by her side.

Mu Jingyuan returned to Bai Yihan’s bedroom. The person on the bed was still sleeping very heavily. It seemed that he was really exhausted last night. Mu Jingyuan smiled on his lips and sat on the edge of the bed. A kiss fell on Bai Yihan's forehead, his heart overflowing with tenderness.

The hopeless love yesterday turned around after a night, Mu Jingyuan felt that his life was complete.

Sitting by the bed for a while, he thought about it, got up on the bed, took Bai Yihan and the quilt into his arms, let out a contented sigh, and kissed the little guy’s lips softly. He closed his eyes with a smile.