Reborn as a Substitute

Chapter 69


Xie Xuanming stood by the drum set throughout the performance.

The director kept wiping his sweat off the stage, and kept hinting that the lights should be moved away.

The lighting teacher moved the lamp post to the front of the stage, to a position where it could illuminate Xie Xuanming but not Ji Sheng.

But who knew that as soon as the light moved, Xie Xuanming took two steps back without raising his eyes, and walked towards the back of the drum set that the light couldn't reach.

"Stop, stop, don't move!" The director was really afraid that he would run behind the drum kit, so he hurriedly yelled with the walkie-talkie.

The lighting teacher was sweating, and silently moved the lamp post back.

Seeing the two glued to each other on the stage, the director became numb.

"Director..." The director wiped his sweat and leaned over, "Will you cut this episode when it's broadcast?"

"What cut? What cut?" The director hit the gun, and the director jumped up and cursed, "These two are about to become conjoined twins! If you want to cut it, you can only cut it together! Do you dare to cut the scene of Xie Xuanming? His fans Will you be in charge of spraying ten in the program group in the future???"

"This..." The director was annoyed by his machine gun spray, "but this dirty artist..."

The director almost didn't come up in one breath, he was about to wave his hand and say that it's dirty, Xie Xuanming doesn't care about his little lover cuckolding him, so we migrant workers don't care about others...

However, before he waved his hand, a person from the public relations department hurried over: "Director!!"

Before the director asked why he was in such a hurry, the man stuffed the tablet into his arms.

"Look at Weibo! Public opinion has reversed!"

The director took a closer look, and the number one in the hot search was still:

[The trainee clarifies for Ji Hui]

The one who came out to clarify was an amateur. She posted dance videos on several video platforms and gained some attention. Fans who followed her also knew that she was a trainee preparing to debut.

This former trainee was the girl Ji Sheng rescued in the ktv. She posted a self-testimony and a long article, describing how she was forced by the company to socialize and was almost molested but was rescued by a kind person.

Ji Sheng was the one who rescued her, and the girl was sure in the long article that Ji Sheng was also forced to come here, and after saving herself, she left the box, and naturally there was no such thing as a benefactor if she hadn't hooked up with anyone.

Then the girl posted in the comment area the two hairpins that Ji Sheng borrowed to play the drums. The people who eat melons compared it with the photos posted on the news, and found that there was indeed a girl wearing the hairpins in the photos. After restoring the image quality, you can confirm the style of the hairpins in the two pictures unanimous.

After hammering the girl at the scene, Ji Hui's fans finally stood up and asked in the comments if Ji Hui had hugged the man in the picture.

In this regard, the former trainee gave a negative answer.

The focus finally returned to the authenticity of the photo. Ji Huifang once again issued an article to complain about the p-picture, and many technical experts also appeared, affirming the fact that the photo is a ps.

At this point, the "Golden Master Gate" dust settled, and passers-by and fans focused their attention on "the brokerage company forced the trainees to accompany the drink". The traffic of the broken company directly reached the highest peak since its establishment.

Ji Sheng had just left the stage, and before he had time to check Weibo, he was called away.

"Lu Haoren's phone call." Huang Sizhe glanced at Xie Xuanming, and said loudly intentionally, "It's for Nirvana members, and people who have nothing to do with it should avoid it."

Xie Xuanming raised his eyebrows lightly, and took two steps back to the other side of the room to make room.

Huang Sizhe clicked his tongue, and complained in a moderate way: "Like a dog guarding his bones, he never leaves."

Ji Sheng: …

Ji Sheng didn't know whether Xie Xuanming, who was called a dog, should be unhappy, or he, who was called a bone, should be more angry.

So he chose to remain silent.

"Now there's good news and one bad news." Lu Haoren made a phone call, turned on the phone hands-free through the keypad, and the members formed a circle around him.

"What?" Huang Sizhe asked.

"The good news is that Xiaohui's scandal has been clarified. The bad news is that our company is gone."

"What?" Before the members had time to be happy about the first point, they were stunned by the latter news. Guitar stammered and asked, "Wh...what do you mean the company is gone?"

Lu Haoren succinctly explained the fact that the company forced artists to drink with them and exposed them. Afterwards, fans and righteous passers-by blasted the company with public opinion, and even called the police... Nirvana's little broken company was originally a small demon, but now it is cleaned up immediately when it hears that something is going wrong. Running from east to west, the official blog directly announced that the company was bankrupt, and all the artists under it had terminated their contracts and no longer had anything to do with the company...

Nirvana, the only group under Xiaopo Company: "..."

"No?" The keyboard was inconceivable, "Isn't our contract still three years away, can this be solved at will?"

"Yes." Ji Sheng answered after carefully studying the contract.


"It's written in our contract that if something unexpected happens, Party A can terminate the contract on its own without negotiating with Party B." Ji Sheng explained.

"I also signed this unreliable thing???" The keyboard was shocked.

"You didn't read the contract at all when you signed it, did you?" Huang Sizhe said angrily, "It's good if you solve it, anyway, our company is useless in the first place."

"It's true..."

Everyone was silent for a while, and Guitar suddenly remembered something important: "What about our salary, who will pay us? The company won't take money and run away."

" does have this willingness." Lu Haoren changed the topic, "But several companies are willing to buy the 'Nirvana' label and sign us. If the deal is concluded, we should be able to get paid in the new company .”

"That's good." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Nirvana ended the meeting, and Ji Sheng saw Xie Xuanming contacting someone in the corner in a blink of an eye, so he didn't go there immediately. At this moment, two staff members just passed by his side, whispering about the hot search.

Ji Sheng caught the word "Xie Xuanming" with his ears, turned around and hastily stopped one.

"Did something happen to Weibo again?"

"Don't you know, the black material on Weibo has been completely clarified." The staff stood still and said, "But... During the performance just now, Mr. Xie has been standing next to the drum kit, and an audience repo came out Yes, now it's on the hot search... There are some rumors in the comments that speculate about the relationship between the two of you... Teacher Xie!"

The staff was talking, when they suddenly saw Xie Xuanming came over after finishing the matter, and hurriedly bowed to say hello.

Xie Xuanming nodded, lowered his eyes and asked Ji Sheng: "Let's go?"

Ji Sheng was flustered by the "rumors" and the phone was not with him, so he hurried back to the lounge to get it, and said, "Let's go."

After getting the phone, Ji Sheng realized how euphemistic the staff's words were.

The so-called "some" is actually to get rid of Xie Xuanming's fans, and the rest of the fans are guessing.

[I'm shocked, am I watching some love variety show? ? ? Is it possible to watch this kind of plot where the light does not shine on you and I shine on you without paying?]

[My mother, the last time Best Actor Xie took care of others like this was still...]

[When Ji Sheng was still there...I told you upstairs for you]

[By the way, Ji Hui and Ji Sheng do look a bit alike this time]

[Absolutely, actor's substitute lover]

Of course, there are also those who don't buy it.

[Now the industry has become involuntary like this? Xie Xuanming went to the sea to sell rot?]

[Didn't he stay in the sea all the time kk]

[The two noble passers-by upstairs should not say a few words, it would be bad if the accused of spreading rumors goes to court]

[Here it comes again, Ji Hui, the marketing guy, is here again, it's fine to step on Xie Xuanming's marketing, Ji Sheng, a dead man, has to pull it out again and again and say, human blood steamed buns are so delicious]

[The Xie fans above changed Xie Xuanming's profile picture before talking. If they want to eat, they eat together. Why did you pick Xie Xuanming so clean?]

[Laughed, you are the one who deleted Sheng Bailian on the homepage, it smells of green tea from the master, it's disgusting]

The ten-second video of Repo sneaking away had over 10,000 comments in less than ten minutes. Xie Xuanming had fans protecting him and managed to control the field, but Ji Hui was miserable. At least half of the 10,000 comments were scolding him.

Ji Sheng had a big heart, and flipped through the comments without changing his face, only slightly worried that Xie Xuanming might be degraded because of this matter.

Flipping to the back of the comments, Ji Sheng looked more and more wrong. Cursing comments gradually decreased, replaced by fan remarks of [Xie Xuanming, you are really a Bodhisattva], or sighs of passersby [It's not easy for everyone in the entertainment industry (smoking)].

Ji Sheng couldn't figure out why the comments suddenly became harmonious, until he quit the comment area and saw the popular reposts.

Hot transfer number one, Xie Xuanming.

Ji Sheng was stunned, and looked at the time carefully, the forwarding time was probably when Nirvana and Lu Haoren were on the phone.

Click on Xie Xuanming's Weibo, and the first post is to forward it.

[The cooperation with Nirvana is very pleasant. Someone once told me to go into the light and walk with the light. I have managed to walk into the light, and I am also working hard to bring the light into the dark.]

Most of Xie Xuanming's fans made his debut. Most of them remembered the difficult days of Xie Xuanming's black draft when he debuted, and they quickly understood that Xie Xuanming's actions today were to take care of the younger generation and to protect the players from being covered by capital and shady like himself.

My idol has such a good idea, and the fans who were originally angry with Ji Hui to pull cp blood were too late to get angry. They couldn't help but feel sorry for Xie Xuanming's miserable situation when he debuted, and were pleased that he is now taking responsibility. They ran to the original Weibo to post comments Explain, and suppress those ugly suspicions.

Passers-by saw the explanation and gradually stopped guessing. Even black fans are speechless, after all, black has its own way. Hei also has to be reasonable, Xie Xuanming has already accepted the initiative, how can he still say that a film king is forced to pull the 18th-line drummer to fry CP? What are you drawing? Does Shang catch up with blood transfusions to create fever

Xie Xuanming is a lunatic but not a fool...

Ji Sheng looked at the comment section with mixed feelings.

He also watched Xie Xuanming walking step by step, and compared to Xie Xuanming's fans, he has seen Xie Xuanming in a more embarrassed state... The resolute boy in the past with hemp rope, or the child who would be wronged because of a broken watch , transformed into the status of the "savior" who is stable and responsible today.

Ji Sheng sighed.

Ji Sheng was sighing, his side sank, Xie Xuanming sat down beside him, glanced at Ji Sheng's screen, and said flatly, "Look at this."

"Yeah." Ji Sheng wanted to cover up his hands and turned the screen away, "I didn't know you thought so much on stage."

"Actually not." Unexpectedly, Xie Xuanming denied his statement, "These were tasted after I stepped off the stage and thought about it."

He looked at Ji Sheng with deep eyes.

"When I'm on stage, I just want to be by your side."