Reborn as a Substitute

Chapter 74


"You..." Ji Sheng's throat was dry, and he said with difficulty after a while, "How did you recognize it?"

"How could a mother fail to recognize her own child?" Ji Yueming smiled, stretched out his hand to caress Ji Sheng's cheek, and said coaxingly, "Even if you recognize it, there's no need to cry..."

Ji Sheng blinked, only to find that his cheeks were moist.

Looking at Ji Yueming's gentle expression, he finally couldn't hold back any longer. He threw himself forward and hugged him, and said in a low voice, "Mom..."

Ji Yueming patted Ji Sheng's back gently, and his eyes were a little red: "We, Xiao Sheng, have suffered a lot of grievances."

Ji Sheng didn't speak, just buried his head on Ji Yueming's shoulder, and cried like a child.

Xie Xuanming leaned against the door, turned his face away slightly, and left space for the mother and son who had a rare reunion.

After about ten minutes, Ji Sheng calmed down, let go of Ji Yueming, and smiled embarrassedly.

"Is everything okay?" Ji Yueming asked, "You...why?"

"It's been a good time." Ji Sheng wiped away his tears, omitted some details, and briefly described what happened to Ji Yueming.

"The criminal who killed you has been arrested, right?" Ji Yueming asked after he finished speaking.

"Well, I was arrested two days ago, so it should be difficult to come out again."

"That's good." Ji Yueming heaved a sigh of relief, "Then I can go back with peace of mind."

"Where are you going?" Ji Sheng was stunned, "Aren't you with me?"

"You don't live at home now." Ji Yueming pinched his face with a smile, "I want to go back and visit your grandma."

When Ji Yueming was young, he played rock and band, and pushed back the marriage that the family had made. The family was so angry that they cut off contact with her. Later, Ji Yueming's mother couldn't bear it, and tried to contact Ji Yueming several times, but Ji Yueming, who still hadn't let go, returned. declined.

Ji Sheng hadn't seen his grandmother a few times since he was a child, and he knew a little about Ji Yueming's family, so when he heard Ji Yueming said he wanted to go back, he was a little dazed.

"When people go to hell, they always want to open something." Ji Yueming sighed, "And I still want to continue rocking, how can I stay by my son's side and be a rice bug?"

Ji Yueming's eyes were shining, and Ji Sheng knew that she had such a personality, so he didn't force it: "Well, you should pay attention to safety, and call me in time if you feel uncomfortable or wrong."

"Okay, okay." Ji Yueming smiled, "I'm your mother after all, and I've eaten more than you for twenty years, so don't make me seem so ignorant."

Ji Yueming turned to look at Xie Xuanming at the door with curious eyes: "Is Mr. Xie the one who came to eat at home before?"


"It's changed so much that I can't even recognize it." Ji Yueming nodded thoughtfully, "But you two have a really good relationship. I feel relieved to have such a sincere friend by your side... Go ahead, let people wait for a long time Alright, I'll go back by myself in a while."

Ji Sheng looked at her, hesitated to speak, and finally stood up and went to Xie Xuanming's side.

Ji Yueming was determined to go back to his home, Xie Xuanming arranged for someone to go through the formalities, sent him away, and then took Ji Sheng into the car.

On the way back to the villa, Ji Sheng received an anonymous call.

Real Estate Agents? illegitimate? reporter? still is…

Ji Sheng made a guess in his head, and he was not surprised to hear Sheng Kongzhi's voice after picking it up.

"Hello, Xiaosheng?" Sheng Kongzhi's voice could be felt a bit haggard just by listening to it, "Sorry to bother you again, I want to ask, do you know what happened to Qing recently?"

Ji Sheng didn't answer directly, he hasn't paid much attention to Qing Chu recently.

He took the phone away, turned around and asked Xie Xuanming: "Did something happen to Qing?"

"Well. One of the major shareholders came in, the capital chain was broken, the artists under him left, the public trust collapsed, and all parties demanded to withdraw their capital..." Xie Xuanming described them one by one.

"Oh, it's so miserable." Ji Sheng replied without sincerity, and the phone was close to reply Sheng Kongzhi, "I know, what's the matter with you calling?"

"Xiaosheng, I know that Qingchu has something to say sorry to you, but we are willing to compensate for these things... But in this situation... Brother Tan was so angry that he was sent to the hospital. I really have no choice but to come to you. You are also Qingchu. The one who came out, can you look at the past and ask for Xiaoxie for me, and let the green out... "

"Wait, let me ask." Ji Sheng listened patiently to a long paragraph of his words, covered the microphone and turned his head, "Can you let Qing out, please."

"Do you ask?"

"No, Sheng Kongzhi."

"Oh, don't let go." Xie Xuanming said indifferently.

"Okay." Ji Sheng nodded, and said into the microphone, "Sorry, he won't let go."

Then he said: "And if you really want to intercede, I advise you not to call me Xiaosheng, and don't call him Xiaoxie. I'm afraid Qingchu will be punished even worse."

"small… "

After Ji Sheng finished speaking, before Sheng Kong knew how to struggle, he hung up the phone and added this number to the blacklist by the way.

"You know me quite well." Xie Xuanming glanced at him, seeing Ji Sheng lowered his eyes, wondering what was on his mind, and then asked, "Do you want to let Qing Chu go?"

"It's just a little emotional... I'm not that kind." Ji Sheng said, "It's also revenge for revenge, kindness for kindness."

Xie Xuanming didn't speak anymore.

Before he arrived at the garage and was about to get off the car, he casually asked, "Is that right? How do you pay it back? Do you really understand?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for an answer, Xie Xuanming unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car, leaving Jisheng in the passenger driver, waiting for the lights to dim, sighed quietly, and opened the door to get out of the car.

"The Sound of Music 2" ended earlier than planned. This troubled show failed to hold three stages like the previous season, plus a final stage, and finally gave birth to a debut group under the eyes of everyone.

In the second season, the rules of the program have been changed, from the most popular musicians to form a debut group to the most popular band as a whole signed to debut, and the length of the program was also forced to shrink due to various rumors and public opinions, and the second office ended in a hurry .

Although the show was a mess, the attention was not low, especially the Nirvana band that participated in the show, because rumors about the drummer were frequent, and the rumors were clarified again. The popularity of the Nirvana band has taken a qualitative leap, and it has firmly secured the position of the first band after the second, and formed a gap in popularity with the second.

The members of Nirvana also can't laugh or cry about the strange way of their own popularity. They have been working hard for three to five years and running commercial performances without splashes. Once they are rumored and hyped, they become famous.

It can only be said that the entertainment industry is a game of capital, and Nirvana, as the unfortunate lucky one, has hard work and talent beside him, and his strength and popularity are somewhat matched.

Before the night of the finals, Lu Haoren was discharged from the hospital and merged with Nirvana. The complete Nirvana performed perfectly, drawing a successful conclusion to this ups and downs journey.

On the night of the finals, after the performances of several bands, the host came onto the stage with a small card with the name of the champion written on it. After whetting his appetite, he finally announced the debut band: "Congratulations... Nirvana—"

"Wait a minute!" Suddenly, someone interrupted from the waiting area, "I have something to say."

The host slammed on the brakes, looked along the source of the sound, and the light lens also turned to cover Ji Sheng.

Ji Sheng was holding a microphone, the host was stunned for a moment, and glanced sideways at the director offstage.

The director and the host met their gazes. There was no such paragraph in the script, and both of them looked confused.

The host couldn't figure it out, and the director didn't give any hints, so he could only signal: "Contestant Ji Hui, please speak."

"Participating in the program "The Sound of Music", I have met many friends and gained many fans, which made me very flattered, and I cherish the moments spent on this program..." Ji Sheng said the usual words of thanks, but Suddenly the subject changed, "However, due to my personal reasons, I have caused a lot of trouble for this program. After discussing with the members, we agreed that we should not be shameless to cause trouble for the program, and we are not entitled to any benefits. The glory belongs to the winner, so I'm sorry... Please allow me, on behalf of Nirvana, to choose to retire at this moment."

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar at the scene.

As soon as the host spoke, everyone confirmed that the champion was already in Nirvana's pocket.

You must know that although KUZI's methods are disgraceful, the resource that the show gave to the champion - the one-and-a-half-year contract with Harmony Entertainment, is undoubtedly an excellent resource for a small band with no name and no background.

What's more, Nirvana has just been terminated by the company. It can be said that the future is bleak due to the ups and downs of life. Now Ji Sheng has withdrawn from the competition on behalf of the band and gave up the contract.

"Then what..." The host's expression was stiff, trying to save him, "Has Contestant Ji Hui confirmed this decision? Maybe we can reconsider..."

"Don't think about it, this is the common choice of our band." Lu Haoren took over the microphone. He was still a little unsteady, but at the moment he spoke calmly and was particularly convincing, "Thank you for the care of the show, and thank you fans for your support. Support and understanding from the audience. Looking forward to the rebirth of Nirvana and the day when I see you again."

After all, Nirvana no longer hesitated, the members bowed to the camera together, and walked down the messy scene.

"Is it really okay for us to retire like this?" Guitar began to fear after getting off the stage, "I won't be banned by KUZI for not showing face."

"What are you afraid of! Teacher Xie is covering us!" The keyboard hugged him carelessly.

Nirvana dared to play this play in the final scene, of course it was not a whim. The suddenly raised stage, the collapsed beams... These unexpected accidents made Nirvana complain about KUZI for a long time, and Harmony Entertainment is also known to squeeze entertainers, so it is not a good place...

It would be fine if there was no choice, but on the edge of the cliff, Xie Xuanming extended a helping hand and offered a good contract.

Nirvana has no reason to refuse.


"Do you really want to sign it?" Huang Sizhe leaned over to Ji Sheng and asked in a low voice, "The contract is seven years, if you really sign it, you really can't get rid of that Xie."

"This is a labor contract, not a contract of sale." Ji Sheng laughed dumbfounded, and comforted him, "Besides, Xie Xuanming is actually a nice guy, and he treats me... very nicely, so don't worry."

"But… "

"Oh, the electronic version of the contract has been sent!" The keyboard excitedly interrupted the conversation between the two.

Ji Sheng and Huang Sizhe terminated the conversation, and all Nirvana members got together and looked at the electronic contract curiously.

The company's logo was printed on the first page, and it was the first time Ji Sheng had seen the content related to Xie Xuanming's company, so he came to it out of curiosity.

When he saw the logo, his pupils shrank in astonishment.

Two black lines form mountains and rivers. In front of the mountains, there are two horizontal and vertical strokes, and a quaint house is located in the center.

Under the trademark, the company's name is impressive.

Xuan Sheng