Reborn as a Substitute

Chapter 76


"Cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough—" Ji Sheng almost coughed himself to death.

"What's wrong?" He coughed so loudly that Xie Xuanming was even attracted by the sound to put down the kitchen knife and come over.

Xie Xuanming wanted to start, but immediately found that his palm was wet, so he lightly touched the side of Ji Sheng's neck with his wrist.

"It's okay, cough." Ji Sheng blushed, "I'm choking."

"Oh." Xie Xuanming continued to stand beside him for a while, and turned back to the kitchen when he looked better.

Ji Sheng finally calmed down, patted his chest to stabilize his emotions, and in a blink of an eye, he met last Ji Yueming's gossiping eyes.

Ji Yueming looked at him with admiration and gave him a thumbs up.

Ji Sheng: …

Ji Sheng wanted to cough again.

"Mom, can you stop looking at me with that 'you're amazing' look?" Ji Sheng held his breath.

"Kebao, you are really amazing." Ji Yueming said sincerely, "Why didn't I see men like this when I was young."

"? I didn't watch it!!" Ji Sheng was extremely wronged.

"Okay, okay, I didn't look at it." Ji Yueming coaxed repeatedly, but after a while, he quietly came over and asked in a low voice, "Isn't it true?"

"No." Ji Sheng almost went into a rage, "He's just...a good friend."

"Really..." Ji Yueming muttered, "Then this kid is very nice, he always helps his friends..."

Ji Sheng was quiet for a while, and said to himself: "That's great..."

So good that no matter what decision you make, you will feel guilty.

Xie Xuanming came to Ji Sheng's house, but he cooked the meal as a guest, which aroused Ji Yueming's admiration for a while.

Xie Xuanming lowered his eyebrows in front of Ji Yueming and was as cute as a Pomeranian that anyone can knead. Ji Sheng looked at Xie Xuanming like this, and black lines fell from the top of his head. Blind and think that other animals are harmless.

Like a son, like a mother, Ji Sheng likes this type of good boy, so Ji Yueming naturally likes it too, the more she looks at Xie Xuanming, the more she likes him, and after a meal, she can't wait to recognize him as her godson.

The three of them chatted for a while after eating, Ji Sheng and Xie Xuanming got up, and said goodbye to Ji Yueming.

"Go back and be careful." Ji Sheng hugged Ji Yueming when he went out, and instructed.

"Okay, okay." Ji Yueming said, "Son, you too, pay attention to safety, remember to call me if you need something."

The two hugged for a while and let go, Ji Sheng took a step back, waited for Ji Yueming to close the door, turned around and said, "Let's go."

Xie Xuanming, who was waiting at the back, said in a low voice, "Yes."

Get in the car and ask, Xie Xuanming asked: "What are your plans after Nirvana?"

"I thought it was you who made the decision, didn't you sign Xuan Sheng?"

"I'm not in charge of the operation of artists." Xie Xuanming said.

"So... no one has told us about the upcoming itinerary yet." Ji Sheng said, "But the members all want to take advantage of the popularity of the show to hold a tour. Whether they can go or not has to be discussed... Tomorrow we will meet with our new manager, and we will discuss the itinerary by the way. .”

"Oh." Xie Xuanming seemed to remember Ji Sheng's displeasure about his previous "personal tour", frowned, and didn't speak any more.

On the other hand, Ji Sheng glanced at him a few more times and wanted to say something, but he didn't speak in the end.

On the second day, Xie Xuanming had something rare to do, so he asked the driver to take Ji Sheng to the company instead.

Ji Sheng habitually pulled the co-pilot away, only to react to the driver's confused eyes.

"Sorry." He closed the front door, rubbed his head and sat in the back seat after a long absence.

Habits are a terrible thing.

Ji Sheng thought.

The new manager is still the old cold-faced brother. Ji Sheng is not surprised by this. This person is designated as Xie Xuanming's person, and it is normal to send him to be in charge of Nirvana.

Nirvana has no objection to this. Although the manager's face is a bit cold, he does a good job and sometimes even acts as a bodyguard.

The members were surprised for a moment, and quickly accepted the fact that the manager hadn't changed.

With Xie Xuanming's relationship, Xuan Sheng respected Nirvana's opinions very much, and almost put a bunch of resources in front of Nirvana, letting the members choose by themselves.

Nirvana had never seen this scene before, and was dazzled by a row of resources that they had never seen before. The members gathered around to discuss for a while, and came to the conclusion that they didn't understand these twists and turns, so it's better to let the company arrange.

And what Nirvana really cares about...

"Tour!" The keyboard shouted, looking at the manager, "When can we go on tour?"

In the past, the Nirvana band had a long time off, and when they were not working, they would write songs in a small dormitory. The number of songs produced was long enough to support a two-hour performance. However, due to the company's lack of funds, the members have not been able to Go to even a small stage to perform your own repertoire.

Now that he has changed to a rich and powerful owner, this old dream is taken for granted.

"For the tour, we can help Nirvana contact the venue now." The manager replied, "Counting the planning and publicity period, we can start at the end of next month."


The unattainable goal is now close in front of his eyes, Nirvana cheered, and even Ji Sheng smiled a little, he lowered his head and smiled a few times, raised his head and raised his hand and said: "I have a question."

The member looked at him, and the manager said, "Speak."

"Can I bring one more person on tour?"

"Bring someone?" the agent said, "Guest? If you want to invite a guest, you need to report to the company in advance. The publicity department can also add the photo and name of the guest on the promotional poster. Artists from other companies, we can also negotiate with the other party about the performance fee."

"It's not that complicated." Ji Sheng touched the tip of his nose, and said a little embarrassedly, "I just want to invite a guest."

"Which company?"

"It's our company."

Before the manager could react, the members of Nirvana thought of something first. Huang Sizhe jumped up, his face full of disbelief: "Ji Hui, aren't you? Are you going to bring Xie with you during the tour?"

"Yeah." Ji Sheng said, "He was also a singer before, and he also has the idea of performing recently, so I just want to take this opportunity to invite him to a performance or two..."

"No?" Huang Sizhe ruffled his hair irritably, just about to say something but was interrupted by the keyboard player.

"Xiao Huang, please be quiet first." The keyboard player directly pointed out the key question, "Xiao Hui, are you sure that the actor Xie Yingdi would be willing to come to our little broken band's tour?"

"Don't worry about that." Ji Sheng was the only one who was confident about this question, "If I invite him, he will be willing."


Nirvana staff: …

I always feel that my eyes are stabbed by some strange light.

"Okay." The manager broke the silence first, "It's fine to invite guests, it can play a role in promoting the tour. Ji Hui, go back and discuss with the boss, and then report to me which shows he will come to."


Nirvana ended the meeting, and the manager called Ji Sheng to stop him.

"The boss told me to take you back."

"Huh?" Ji Sheng was a little surprised.

"He has something to do these two days. If he doesn't come back, I will be responsible for the pick-up and drop-off."

"What's up."

"do not know."

"..." Ji Sheng felt a little weird in his heart, but he still said, "Okay, I'll trouble you."

In the car, Ji Sheng held the phone with both hands and turned it unconsciously. The screen was turned countless times at his fingertips, but he still didn't make a decision to make a call.

In the end, Ji Sheng bowed his head in resignation and unlocked the screen.

He clicked on the social software, and before he had time to operate his eyes, he paused, and unexpectedly found out where Xie Xuanming was going.

On the hot search, the court trial video of the illegitimate child was released, and the official also notified it.

The official notification still blurred the names of the relevant artists, but netizens still found the relevant artists through the last names of the judges in the video when they asked.

After all, Ji, Xie, and Sheng are not considered popular surnames.

Especially when they appear together, it confirms the speculation of netizens.

The court trial record, which was released for less than two hours, greatly shocked public opinion.

In the video, the illegitimate student admitted to scratching Ji Sheng's wrist, and also admitted that he caused the car accident.

Although the illegitimate student denied that the two injuries were intentional, the video still shocked the people who eat melons.

On the one hand, Qingde never announced that Ji Sheng's wrist was injured. Netizens only found out that Ji Sheng had been chopped up today. On the other hand, if the car accident was man-made, why did the public opinion draft insist that Ji Sheng's death was due to drunk driving after his death

Netizens who smelled the scent of a big melon followed the vine and found the drunk driving draft a year ago, and began to dig graves and question why the marketing accounts were spreading rumors.

Under the turbulent public opinion, several marketing accounts could not bear the pressure, and admitted that the drunk driving draft was "taking money to do things".

Ji Sheng's fans who had been silent for a long time finally came forward, and summarized the content of the newsletter that was sent out on weekdays by the rumor-mongering marketing account.

The four typical marketing media have posted a total of 5,458 microblogs since two years ago, of which 1,762 are related to Sheng Kongzhi, which is much higher than other artists, and all of them are positive Amway.

In addition, these marketing accounts are also very friendly to artists other than Ji Sheng, and they have over a thousand positive promotions.

The data is presented, so far, it is clear at a glance who spent money to raise the marketing account, who tried his best to spread rumors, and who ate the steamed buns of human blood.

Rumor-mongers died in such a way that they stepped on the dead, causing the victims to be blamed for their innocence.

Qing Chu's deeds were outrageous, which ignited public opinion and aroused public outrage.

In the afternoon of that day, a group of girls wearing masks appeared at the gate of Qingchu Company. They were all fans of Ji Sheng, and they all held up photos of Ji Sheng performing on stage in the past.

The one in the center of the crowd is a station lady, and most of the photos shown this time are from her hands.

With red eyes, she held up a sign in the fan center with a few large characters written on it.

[I just want you to see how dazzling he was when he was destroyed by you]

This group of photos was posted on the Internet, causing fans to empathize and become even more angry.

The one who bears the brunt of this anger is the person who eats the most bonuses.

Angry netizens went straight to Sheng Kongzhi's Weibo, and all the black material and bad behavior in the past were exposed.

Make ticket debut, privately connect fans, encourage illegitimate children, bully actresses, spread rumors about ex-teammates...

A series of bloody and tearful complaints poured into the comments. Sheng Kong knew that although he had many fans, he couldn't control the scene before the anger of the public. They tried their best to defend in the comment area: "Sexual harassment" has not been clarified, and Sheng Kongzhi is also a victim, so he should not be criticized...

So who should bear the pressure of public opinion

Sheng Kongzhi's fans couldn't find a hapless ghost to launch a diversion of firepower for a while. After all, their usual scapegoat, who had been abused for many years, was finally redressed today, and they had hoped for long-lost justice.

When Sheng Kongzhi's fans were still stubbornly resisting Yu Yumu, a piece of news was sent out, which completely shattered their last hope.

Xuansheng Company issued a blog, officially announcing that it will produce the online drama "The Drummer".

The web drama is adapted from real events, and Xie Xuanming will participate.

Ji Sheng watched Weibo for most of the day, and now he was sitting on the sofa, staring blankly at the ten-second video under the official announcement.

Xie Xuanming appeared in the video, staring at the opening of the camera.

"This show will tell the short but brilliant life of a drummer."