Reborn As a System

Chapter 21: have a body


"You're not a woman?"

Shi Qing shouted: "Of course not!"


Shi Qing's anger has not subsided, but looking at Qin Mo's calm appearance, he seems to have accepted it

He felt a little more comfortable, but he was still secretly angry, no one would be happy if a big man was treated as a woman! Although he has no body, can't he feel his powerful hormones and unignorable masculinity from his words and actions

Hmph, forget it, Qin Mo will be able to feel it when he exchanges his body!

Recovering his mind, he continued to struggle with which body to choose.

Qin Mo watched for a while, and then said very seriously: "Actually, it's not a woman, you can also choose this body."

wipe! It turned out not to give up!

The furious Yupei firmly denied: "It's impossible."

Qin Mo touched the jade pendant, comforted him, changed his choice, pointed to the third male body and said, "That's it."

Shi Qing calmed down, looked at the last body, and was really moved.

The three bodies he can choose, the first one is a 1.9 meter tall, burly and sturdy pure man. The advantage is that he has strong physical strength and sufficient arm strength. He has attribute bonuses when practicing foreign kung fu, and he will get twice the result with half the effort. But the disadvantage is that the agility is not enough, and the magic resistance is weak. The result is that learning escape skills and magical spells is double the difficulty.

The second man is 1.82 meters, much shorter than the first, but he is not small, and his muscles are vertical and horizontal. He is a bodybuilder. His strength and endurance are slightly weaker than the first one, but at the same time his agility and magic resistance are also slightly stronger than the first one.

And the third one went in the other direction. Is his height... a little lower than the second male, 1.78 meters, his body is much normal, and he does not have such a strong sense of strength, that is, a normal Asian male. His strength is very weak, and he is not suitable for practicing outside kung fu, but his agility and magic resistance are extremely excellent, and he has his own escape skill: God travels a thousand miles!

The prices of the three bodies are: 2800, 2500, 3000.

Yes, the last one has the highest price! But I have to say, this one is also the best value for money!

At the same time, it is also the most suitable for Shi Qing. Imagine, if you go to the apocalypse world again, will Shi Qing swing her arms to fight zombies, or hide away and throw deadly spells

Obviously the latter!

It stands to reason that Shi Qing should choose the third one without hesitation, but he has a knot in his heart...

He has been obsessed with wanting to compete with Qin Mo as tall and strong!

Qin Mo's height, although I haven't measured it, is at least 1.86 meters, and Shi Qing has seen that figure with his own eyes, which is quite predictable!

Not as muscular as the first and second, he is just right, pleasing to the eye with strength and beauty, especially when he is half-naked, so damn sexy!

Shi Qing recalled it and almost drooled. Now let's look at the first and the second. They look like beasts with huge muscles. Even if they are tall and strong, they don't look good at all.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that there is no need to choose the first two.

Qin Mo added: "The third body type is thin. If you eat more and exercise more, it will still be very malleable."

Eat more! Can eat more! !

This sentence successfully hit Shi Qing's weakness. In the last life, he was a pure foodie, but because of stomach cancer, he was completely insulated from the food in the later stage. He could only drink some soup and water, and the pain was unbearable.

To be reborn, his biggest wish is to have a healthy body and enjoy delicious food!

From this point of view, the third body has the upper hand.

As far as the first and second figures are concerned, if he eats and drinks wildly, his muscles will definitely grow into solid fat, and then he will become a generation of giant fat, contempt for all the world - can't bear to look directly...

The third word is obviously thin. Most of this type of body is a physique that does not eat fat. At least a lot lower risk than the first two.

Seeing that Hei Wu was still hesitating, Qin Mo threw a heavy bullet: "Actually, you don't have to think too much. When you accumulate enough points, you can exchange for a more perfect body."

what! Yup! How could he forget! As long as he has money, he can change his body at will, let alone this one, just buy all three and try to play one by one, there is no problem!

This is his privilege as a system, how could he forget it.

Hehe, Shi Qing finally decided to buy it, and while spending 3,000 points, he also felt the world spinning for a while, and then he felt the down-to-earth feeling that he had not seen for a long time.

He is finally human again!

He stretched out his arms and stomped his feet, and then looked at his hands. He was a little uncomfortable at first, but after a few movements, he got used to it immediately.

Now this body is just like the previous sick body, it is light and comfortable, with endless energy, it is very enjoyable!

His appearance can be chosen by himself, but since Shi Qing is a person, he has long been accustomed to his appearance, so he did not modify it, but directly defaulted to the previous appearance.

After getting used to it for a while, he raised his head, looked at Qin Mo, smiled with his eyes bent, and his voice was clear and loud: "Qin Mo, hello, I'm Shiqing!"

The young man in front of him is only about eighteen or nineteen years old, with short hair that is fluffy and soft, and his eyes are round and bright, full of energy. When he smiles, he looks like a crescent moon, which is extra pleasing. The nose is not straight, but it is well shaped and looks very delicate. The lips are thin, but they are rosy and shiny, and when he smiles, there is a small dimple on the left side, which adds a bit of aura.

Qin Mo watched steadily, this appearance instantly filled the gap in his mind, allowing him to accept it without any barriers.

It's his, it's his own.

Qin Mo stretched out his fingers and tapped on Shi Qing's clean forehead, and then slid down his nose, past his pink lips and slightly pointed chin, and finally landed on the fair and delicate neck skin like a newborn baby.

The blazing heat came through his skin, and he seemed to feel the hot blood, the pulsing arteries, the most fragile and most vibrant place, right under his palm at this moment.

This feeling is stronger than the impact of holding the jade pendant tightly.

Real, hot, and with a strong desire to control rise up is an even more crazy possessiveness.

- Shi Qing, you are in my hands, but only in my hands.

Shi Qing opened his eyes wide and looked at Qin Mo, a little confused. He finally became a human again. When he met Qin Mo, he naturally wanted to introduce himself and get to know each other.

Although it was not popular for the ancients to shake hands with SAY HI, it is also not popular to touch the neck to make eye contact!

But after all, Qin Mo's brain circuit can't be considered by normal people, Shi Qing didn't move away, just blinked and whispered, "Qin Mo?"


"That..." Don't touch it! very itchy! I am no longer a jade pendant or a dagger!

But when it came to his mouth, driven by instinct, Shi Qing didn't say it... He studied silently in his heart, Qin Mo probably wasn't used to it yet, a jade pendant suddenly changed into a living person, and anyone would accept it a little bit. No.

In addition, Qin Mo likes to touch something in his hand. If the jade pendant is gone, naturally there is nothing to touch.

Shi Qing had already made up his mind that he would have the opportunity to find a good jade for the host in the future. Qin Mo finally let go and made a concluding speech: "This person is in good health and is very healthy."

…Is this a physical examination? its not right! Shouldn't the pulse be checked? Where's the neck? Um, is it the carotid artery

Shi Qing: o(╯□╰)o, please give me a copy of "Snake Essence Disease Raiders", he needs to make up lessons!

When Shi Qing got the body, he still had 588 points left. He spent 10 points to change himself into fireproof, waterproof and moisture-proof clothes, and then spent 300 points to buy a food storage.

This is a bracelet that can be used in all worlds. At this price, its capacity is already very large, but it has a disadvantage. It can only store food, and cannot put any other items in it.

However, the food he stored can be kept fresh forever and never deteriorated, just for this, Shi Qing said that he would like to have one. No matter which world we go to, we must not treat our stomachs badly!

Then he spent another 188 points to pick and choose and buy countless delicacies.

Looking at the food in the bracelet, he felt a strong sense of happiness.

Qin Mo glanced over and saw that his eyes were curved into crescent moons, his mouth was tilted up, and the small dimples appeared and disappeared. He was satisfied like a cat's Shi Qing.

After looking at it for a while, he felt that his hand was itchy again, maybe the jade pendant was better, and he could hold it at any time.

Shi Qing got his things and ran over to see Qin Mo.

Qin Mo is much richer than him, and he still has more than 5,000 points left, so much that he can buy a medium-level cultivation manual!

However, Qin Mo did not choose any exercises, but spent more than 3,000 points to improve the various qualities of his body.

This is not wrong, the body is strengthened, no matter what you learn, there is a bonus.

Then Qin Mo browsed the hot weapons that were already available in the store.

Shi Qing came over and asked in confusion, "Aren't you thinking about saving money to buy exercises?"

Qin Mo was in a good mood: "No need, there are as many of these things as you want."

What he said was really tyrannical, Shi Qing was stunned for a while, and then he reacted after a while. is not that right! The world Qin Mo lives in is a high-level cultivation plane, and Qin Mo used to be a leader in this world. Shouldn't there be all kinds of cultivation secrets? Where can you still look at these low-level and intermediate-level people? It is estimated that even the advanced, he does not care very much...

On the contrary, Qin Mo had never come into contact with these hot weapons, so he was quite interested.

Shi Qing still didn't know what Qin Mo was thinking. The ordinary hot weapons sold in the store could only cause limited damage to cultivators.

After browsing all the open things, Qin Mo said, "Let's start the next mission."

Shi Qing was nibbling on a piece of pea cake. It was too soft and sweet. Hearing Qin Mo say this, he said inarticulately: "Okay, wood problem."

The two pressed the button together and saw the background prompt of the next world.

This is a world dominated by orcs, and it is also a world that subverts Shi Qing's three views...

Men can have children... is this so scientific