Reborn As a System

Chapter 46: Exclusive space (4)


Yan Qi was very worried, very, very, very worried.

He is Qi Zimo's personal attendant, and has been with the little master since he was twelve years old.

At that time, the little master was only six years old. He was just a child, but he was quiet like a child of this age.

It was the little master who picked him and rescued him, pulled him out of the mud, took him with him, and served him with him.

He was forever grateful, and he would never forget that scene. A beautiful angel-like child stretched out his hand to him, white and immature, as if shrouded in pure white holy light.

However, his own hands were thin, jet-black, stained with mud and blood, and were embarrassed.

In stark contrast, he didn't dare to extend his hand, but the boy on the opposite side, who was six years younger than him, pulled him up forcefully, and when he stood up, he saw that the angelic face turned dark. colored pupils.

It carries the persistence and identification that does not belong to this age.

The childish voice of a child is as beautiful as a beautiful lark, but the words that land on the ground hit the heart.

"Follow me and I will give you a new life."

Without any hesitation, Yan Qi knelt on the ground halfway, and made a big ceremony of confessing her allegiance to the death.

He was fed up with being trampled in the mud, fed up with the discrimination and contempt that came from the source, his space was born with waste, he couldn't change it, but he was unwilling to admit defeat!

The master pulls him up, and he will try to stand up!

In the blink of an eye, four years have passed, and Yan Qi has been following Qi Zimo.

Qi Zimo is not easy to get along with, but he won't embarrass others. Yan Qi's space is useless, but he still found all the courses, let Yan Qi learn by himself, and even paid attention to some self-defense techniques, so that Yan Qi Seven exercises.

Many of them were things that Yan Qi could never touch in his entire life. Qi Zimo's generosity and caring made him even more determined.

But these few days, Yan Qi didn't know what happened, but he could deeply feel that something was wrong with the little master.

After waking up that night, the little master did not continue to sleep. He sat by the window for the whole second half of the night and survived.

The next day everything was as usual, but at night, it was still sleepless.

How can a ten-year-old body not sleep for two consecutive days and nights? How can this hold up

Yan Qi turned around in a hurry. He whispered a few times to persuade him, but Qi Zimo just looked at him. His black eyes were deeper than before, and his appearance was exquisite like an angel, but it was unbearable to be stared at him so Live in fear.

Yan Qi didn't even dare to look at him...

However, there is still less than a month before the space evaluation. The young master's mental state is so unstable. If something goes wrong during the evaluation, it will affect the whole life!

Yan Qi thought about it, and could only report the matter to the little master's father. No matter what, he could not delay the evaluation of the space.

For everyone in this world, the eleventh birthday is a watershed in life, either bright or falling into darkness.

Yan Qi understands the pain better than anyone else, so how could he let the little master bear it

But the head of the family has not come back for two weeks. This month is the food harvest season in his exclusive space, and it is the busiest time. This is related to the food supply of more than half of the population of the Qi family's territory.

With such a busy family head, how could it be possible to receive a small attendant

The wife of the family, Yan Qi would not say anything, and even had to cover it up.

If the madam finds out, it will only make things worse.

After two days of tossing and turning, on the third night, the little master who had been silent for a while suddenly stood up and shouted four words sharply.

Yan Qi stayed outside and rushed in immediately. What he heard in a trance seemed to be: "Where are you!"

But as soon as he came in, Qi Zimo suddenly looked at him, and then ordered: "Get out!"

Yan Qi was stunned for a moment, and wanted to speak.

But Qi Zimo's icy eyes softened, and he lowered his voice and said, "Yan Qi, stay outside and don't let anyone approach."

When Yan Qi heard this, although he had doubts in his heart, he had no choice but to take orders and leave.

Qi Zimo suppressed the tumbling emotions in his heart and quietly waited for the other party's reply.

He couldn't explain it, and he couldn't explain it. After waking up, he couldn't fall asleep again. Sleeping was extremely unfamiliar to him, like something he hadn't experienced for hundreds of years and thousands of years.

Mentally, he thought he didn't need sleep, but his physical exhaustion was increasing day by day.

This crazy stalemate between being unable to sleep and having to sleep kept tormenting him. He didn't understand why he couldn't sleep. He clearly remembered that his sleep was normal.

But his consciousness was reminding him no matter what, he couldn't sleep, he didn't need to sleep, he fell asleep... Everything would be out of control.

This kind of emotion bothered him, made his mind tense at all times, which exacerbated the physical drowsiness.

He knew that he had to sleep. With such a weak body, if he didn't rest seriously, the consequences would be disastrous.

But no matter how many reasons there were, he could not be persuaded. The hollowness in the palm of the hand, the loss, and the ensuing anger is like a raging fire burning his heart, making him violently want to... destroy everything.

Destroy it, and you can make all out of control disappear. Destroy it, and let those who leave, those who escape, those who are separated from him, lie beside him forever, and stay in his palm, even if there is only a pile of debris left, even if there is no life.

It doesn't matter, as long as it can be repossessed.

The wild clamor of the beast in his heart almost made him lose his mind.

Until a message appeared in his mind out of thin air, this strange thing couldn't even arouse his sense of crisis, and he just stared at that sentence.

That name was as familiar as it was engraved in his bones, and all his emotions had found an outlet. He wished that through these words, he could hold the person on the other side tightly in his palm and lock him in his arms.

Without any hesitation, he asked sharply, "Where are you!"

Tell me I'll find you and never let you go.

Shi Qingjong looked at the four words sent by Qin Mo, but they were full of momentum, especially the exclamation mark at the end, which made him feel the fierce anger of the other party!

What's the matter!

Isn't his host amnesia

What about the cute little buns? Why does it feel so bad

Did closed memory fail? impossible!

Shi Qing was a little uneasy, it was true that the snake essence disease was not easy to provoke.

After deliberating for a long time, he decided to stay put, and sent out a tentative sentence: "I am studying in the space in the central district."

In almost a second, a reply came from the opposite side: "I can't get in."

Shi Qing: "..." Of course you can't get in! You are not yet eleven years old! But this tone, this attitude, do you have a closed memory, host, QAQ...

Shi Qing continued to consider and said softly, "There are still two months before you can come over."

"too long."

Shi Qing really didn't know what to say, but then, he saw another message: "Shi Qing, I want to see you."

For a moment, Shi Qing was dumbfounded, and then he felt an inexplicable surge of emotions, messy, intricate, and indescribable, and then his heart softened.

The little bun, Qin Xiaomo, is in an unfamiliar environment. There are tigers in front of and behind wolves, and foxes and hounds on both sides. All of them bully Qin Xiaomo, who is cute, weak and cute, causing Qin Xiaomo to be lonely and in a bad mood. .

Then he counted on him, a powerful system monarch, to save him from the sea of misery.

Check it out! Such soft words have been said, this is how much grievances have been suffered.

Shi Qing: QAQ, I am so distressed!

Feeling distressed, he was impulsive, and he immediately replied: "Tomorrow Saturday, I will go home, and I will find you then!"

"where is your home?"

Shi Qing reported the address without thinking.

Then the other party didn't reply.

Shi Qing couldn't hide his excitement, thinking that he was going to see Mengmeng's pitiful Qin Xiaomo tomorrow, he couldn't fall asleep impulsively, tossing and rolling, and couldn't tell what he was feeling.

For a while, the brain made up for the young Qin Xiaomo, and for a while it seemed to see the adult Qin Mo again.

After falling asleep in a daze, he actually had a dream.

In the dream, he seemed to have returned to the world of orcs, but Qin Mo was not like Alec, he still maintained his body and appearance. He was wearing a capable riding suit, which made him look taller and taller, while the delicate eyebrows hung with shallow eyes. Smile, make the already perfect face even more breathtaking.

They seemed to have said a few words, and then, he was embraced by Qin Mo, and a hoarse and seductive voice sounded in his ears, as if gently plucking the strings: "Shi Qing, I want... you."

In a word, it was like the flame of a firecracker, which instantly set Shi Qing on fire. The emotion in his heart was about to overflow. It was full, sweet and sour, and it was unclear.

But then, the heat that he felt in the beast world flowed through his body like an electric current, as if he had encountered a period of fluctuation again, and the strong desire made him almost lost his mind.

And Qin Mo's eyes became deeper and deeper, with a dark red flame burning in the ink color, a focused expression, a blatant desire, and a passionate kiss that could not wait for the rude and unbearable falling.

Intense, fiery, lingering... The chase in the mouth, the glue on the tip of the tongue, the unreserved demand from each other, like a beast that has been hungry for a whole winter, devoured its prey frantically, and wished to merge with it. one.

Qin Mo lowered his head and licked his neck, rubbing and biting gently. When the most vulnerable place is treated like this, Shi Qing can almost feel the other party's intention to bite down, to completely monopolize it, and try to declare his ownership.

This perception made him shudder, and the bursts of torrents made him almost unbearable.

Kisses, caresses... none of these satisfy the fire that burns in his heart, he wants more, longs for more...

He almost moaned happily when the clothes were gone and skin was touching.

Forgetting everything, he was greedy for pleasure, he still remembered the tingling pleasure last time, and under Qin Mo's leadership, he climbed to the top and was extremely cool.

After his mind went blank, Shi Qing suddenly woke up.

A burst of cool air came, which made the heat after the climax subsided a lot.

He sat up in shock, this is the dormitory of the college, he was lying on the bed, only himself.

But he had such a dream, the stickiness between his legs reminded him how absurd it was just now...

Shi Qing didn't dare to think too much. He blushed and got out of bed, took off his clothes, and started cleaning in the middle of the night. He barely calmed down until he was exposed to the sun on the balcony.

He went to bed again but couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

His mind was full of Qin Mo, and his mind was full of those fascinating black eyes and seductive voice.

He was a little scared, this strange emotion made him overwhelmed.

When you close your eyes, you will see Qin Mo, and you will think of their kiss, as well as that forgetful... soothing.

Thinking of this, I felt a little restless in my heart.

Somehow, he opened the system message and saw that sentence again...

"Shi Qing, I want to see you."

Seeing it again, it was still so strong, like an electric current running through his heart. Even though it was only six words, he was able to imagine Qin Mo's expression when he said these words.

Looking at it fixedly, he unconsciously touched his pants, and the little brother who had raised his head was held tightly.

Shi Qing couldn't care about it at all. He stroked quickly, squinted his eyes, full of things he shouldn't think about, and whispered involuntarily, "Qin Mo... Qin Mo... Qin Mo..."

The sound was very small, like a feather falling to the ground, almost inaudible, but it was light and swept in my heart. The excitement, shame, and unspeakable emotions all turned into electric currents, making him completely carried away.

When his hands got wet again, Shi Qing slowly returned to his senses.

At one o'clock in the morning, the night was thick, but the moonlight peeked in through the gap in the curtains, and shone on Shi Qing's flushed cheeks.

He stared blankly at the palm of his hand, unable to comfort himself any longer.

When he woke up from the dream, he read Qin Mo's name and reached the peak...

Shi Qing shook his head desperately, as if he was able to throw these thoughts out... It wasn't until his head became dizzy that Shi Qing felt that he seemed to be a little normal...

He got out of bed again with a red face, and the second pair of pajama pants was also exposed to the balcony.

Fortunately, Mother Xia was careful and prepared three sets of pajamas for Xia Nuo, otherwise, Shi Qing would not have to wear them now.

This time, he really didn't think much about it. It was also possible that the exhaustion after venting came up, and when he touched the pillow, he fell into a deep sleep.

Outside the ordinary houses in the East Eighth District, a car was parked that was out of tune with the environment here.

There was a hazy yellow light in the car, and on the left side of the back seat sat a young man of about eleven or twelve years of age.

With a delicate face and dark eyes, he fixedly stared at the residential building opposite, his gaze passed through the window and landed on the second window on the third floor.

Shi Qing, I'm waiting for you.