Reborn As a System

Chapter 54: Exclusive space (12)


520, Shi Qing looked at this number, quite embarrassed.

Although there is no such thing in this world, 'I love you' is not a bad number, is it

Well, it's auspicious. Much better than 250 at least.

The freshmen who received the most attention this year were the young masters of the Qi family.

Qi Zimo is one, and the other two are Qi Rui's twin sons.

Qi Rui's crime was put on his head. Although he kept appealing, he was probably in a bad way. After all, Qi Lu had been bullied by him for so many years. Now that his son was bullied again, if he didn't take revenge, he would still be a man.

So, on such an important day, Qi Rui didn't even show up.

Shi Qing was thinking to see how many numbers these two children had drawn, but when he saw it, he couldn't help laughing, one was 250, the other 500...

Two hundred and fifty and half-assed horses... Is it such a coincidence!

It's a pity that the world doesn't know the meaning of two hundred and five, so they are quite complacent, thinking that it is an even number, very harmonious and beautiful.

Qi Ziyuan was 250. On the second day of the assessment, neither Shi Qing nor Qi Zimo had passed, but Qi Ziyuan was also a celebrity. The evaluation of the space was broadcast live. Every time a space above Level 3 appeared, there would be an exclusive interview.

Qi Ziyuan has the blood of the Qi family, and it stands to reason that it must be at least a third-level space. But when the result came out, it was a surprise. It turned out to be only a second-level single-item space. Because it was a collection space, the minerals that could be collected were also evaluated at the first time. It is the most common iron ore...

Like Father Xia...

Qi Ziyuan's face turned pale, and it stands to reason that it would not be broadcast until the third-level space, but who called him a Qi family member, his father and brother just became famous, and he became the focus of attention. As soon as such a low-level space appears, its effect is similar to that of a fifth-level space among civilians.

But one is applauding, the other is hehehe.

When Shi Qing looked at the child on the screen, he didn't feel gloating in his heart, he sighed secretly.

Because of Qi Zimo, he knew how to maintain health before the assessment. Qi Ziyuan has a father like Qi Rui, and he is also the youngest son, with a bunch of unreliable brothers on his head. In such a family environment, how can he be in a stable state of mind ? What's more, Qi Rui's father and son have done such a thing recently. Seeing that the family is about to lose, it is impossible for Qi Ziyuan not to be affected. It stands to reason that the Qi family's blood is there, and there are a lot of materials in the early stage. At worst, it will be a third-level space, but he has become an unpopular, only two-level, probably because of the recent emotional fluctuations.

When Shi Qing thought about it, he was a little worried. Qi Zimo was the central figure in the incident, and he was injured. He was afraid that he would also be affected. But now it's a critical moment. If he shows it, it will put more pressure on him, so Shi Qing quickly pushes away his worries and relaxes his mood.

In the evaluation of the first two days, in addition to the unpopular Qi Ziyuan, a dark horse, a child from an ordinary family, has a space evaluation level of five!

It became a popular figure for a while, and it was widely spread, but in just a few hours, the family background was wiped out, and the parents also appeared in front of the camera with their children, and were questioned by reporters or 'instructed' , Implicitly shy and a little caught off guard, he said some 'the way of parenting'.

The rest is very common, the first-level space occupies 80%, the second-level space occupies about 18%, and the rest is the rare third-level space and the only fifth-level space.

The third day arrived. Qi Zimo was No. 520. The assessment was in the morning. They went to the assessment hall early.

There were twenty people in the group. Qi Zidan, another son of Qi Rui, was right in front of him. Because of Qi Ziyuan, Qi Zidan was under a lot of pressure. Even if he saw Qi Zimo at this time, he just shook his head and left, and he didn't bother to look for him. Stab and seek revenge.

Qi Zidan's result came out, but he wasn't as unlucky as Qi Ziyuan, and the fourth-level space was not bad. Although he was not too proud when he came out, he was obviously relieved.

He didn't show off to Qi Zimo, after all, the fourth-level space was a normal standard in Qi's family.

After waiting for a long time, it was finally Qi Zimo's turn.

Shi Qing came with him, and Qi Lu finally rushed over early in the morning and reunited with them in the lobby, so at this moment, Qi Lu and Shi Qing sent him in together.

Shi Qing was very nervous. Although he kept smiling and said relaxing words, his palms were sweaty, but he really didn't want to affect Qi Zimo, so he just smiled and said to him, "I'll be waiting for you outside!"

Qi Zimo nodded: "Yes."

Qi Lu's nervousness is no less than that of Shi Qing. He values Qi Zimo very much. This is the only child of him and his lover. He hopes that his life will go smoothly. of your favorite child.

At this time, a lot of words came to his mind, but he couldn't say it. In the end, he just shook Qi Zimo's hand and said in a low voice, "Well, well, well, it's fine."

Qi Zimo raised his eyes to look at him, and unexpectedly said one more sentence to his father: "Don't be too tired, rest more."

Qi Lu was surprised, and Qi Zimo had already turned around and entered.

At the moment, Shiqing can't care about comforting the glass-hearted father Qi. He is now sitting like a felted needle while comforting himself. Even if Qi Zimo's space is not good, it doesn't matter. Xia Nuo's space is very good. You can cover Qi Zimo!

But the other side felt that Qi Zimo had grown up in such an environment since he was a child, and his self-esteem was outrageous. If the space was not enough, it would definitely be a huge blow to him. The higher the expectations, the worse the fall, Shi Qing understood very well.

In particular, Qi Zimo has inherited Qin Mo's character. This kind of polarized character is most afraid of reversal. Maybe he will rush from one end to the other, or even nine cows can't pull it back... That would be troublesome. !

Therefore, Shi Qing sincerely hopes that Qi Zimo will be fine!

The space evaluation is divided into three stages. The first stage is an evaluation of its existing scale, the second stage is to evaluate its internal properties of the space, and the third stage is a more detailed and detailed supplementary evaluation.

Results are released at each stage.

The first stage is the fastest, about five or six minutes, and the results appear on the big screen outside.

Shi Qing and Qi Lu looked up nervously and saw the names appearing on the big screen according to the serial numbers.

The top three were all small, less than half a meter, until the fifth place, Qi Zimo's name appeared, followed by the scale, which made everyone present gasp.

Qi Lu is the whole person standing up!

"Qi Zimo, space scale: 100,000 flat eyes!"

This is so exaggerated! A flat eye is the unit of measure for the area of this world, and 100,000 flat eye is exactly the size of Qilu’s space today! The first-order space that has just been assessed has such a large scale, which is simply unheard of before!

You must know that when Qi Lu, the eighth-level space carrier, first activated the space, the scale was only 10,000 Pingmu.

And Qi Zimo is ten times as powerful as Qi Lu! What is this concept? Amazing!

Shi Qing could not help clenching his fists excitedly, no hurry, no hurry, continue to take a look to see what attributes it is and whether there are any special details...

Qi Lu's face flushed with excitement, and he wanted to rush in to see if this was the truth! But he still held back, the evaluation is not over yet, and he has to wait!

Because of Qi Zimo's results, the subsequent results are not worth watching, and all the topics revolve around this terrifying 100,000 level eyes.

No matter what attribute it is, it is enough to shock the world, and at the same time, everyone is very happy that such a powerful space carrier has appeared in Lanxin District, and it can definitely continue to expand! They will have more favorable material conditions and more employment opportunities. What is even more expected is that there will be enough troops to support them, so they can compete for more magic stone veins and attract more residents!

This can literally start a new era!

It's really looking forward to it!

The evaluation of the second stage was a bit slower, but the results came out after five or six minutes. Almost everyone was staring at the screen, expecting Qi Zimo's name to appear.

But until all the names appeared, there was still no Qi Zimo.

How is this going? Shi Qing couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart, and he always had a bad premonition.

At this time, an assessor appeared, walked directly to Qi Lu, and whispered, "Mr. Qi, please come with me."

Qi Lu frowned and stood up, but Shi Qing immediately asked, "Sir, can I be with you?" After speaking, he supported Qi Lu.

Qi Lu was slightly dizzy because he stood up too fast, and only managed to stand up because of Shi Qing's support, so he said to the examiner, "Let's go together."

The examiner did not refuse. He looked very preoccupied, and there seemed to be a trace of sympathy and a little regret in the sight of Qi Lu.

After following in, I found that dozens of professional space assessors had gathered in this room.

They are focusing on the data on the machine, and a group of people are constantly discussing and even arguing.

As soon as Qi Lu and Shi Qing came in, they looked over.

Almost all of them knew Qi Lu, so there was no need to introduce them, so they went straight to the point: "Mr. Qi, there are some problems with your son's space qualifications..."

Qi Lu walked forward and said, "Can you take a look at it for me?"


He played a video, Qi Lu glanced at it, his pupils shrank rapidly, and his body shook slightly.

Shi Qing also saw that this video was short and very simple, but at the same time it was too complicated.

There is no blue sky and blue sky, no soil and minerals, only countless rays of light, strange colors interlaced, and brilliant rays of light collide, like the aurora on the horizon.

Qi Lu's voice was a little tight: "Is this a space image of Zimo?"

"Yes, we can only shoot for five seconds, and the detection machine is quickly smashed after entering, and it is impossible to investigate deeply."

Qi Lu's face became even paler.

Shi Qing also realized the problem from this sentence.

In a space where even a sturdy detection machine can be easily minced, where can planting or harvesting be done

The vast space of 100,000 square meters is actually useless

Shi Qing only felt that chills rose from his back.