Reborn As a System

Chapter 57: Exclusive space (15)


With a smug smile on Qi Rui's face, he looked at the child in front of him, but his eyes were full of malice.

Are you not arrogant? Aren't you smart? What is the use? Not a piece of junk!

Qi Rui laughed arrogantly, said unpleasant words, satirized Qi Zimo's abandoned space, and laughed at Qi Lu's vulnerable body with schadenfreude.

Shi Qing was on the side and heard it clearly, but felt disgusted to the extreme, where is this brother? Where is the love of a half relative here? Even a stranger would never treat an eleven-year-old child like this!

Qi Rui has lost his mind!

Compared to Shi Qing's anger, Qi Zimo was calm, as if he couldn't hear anything. A pair of black eyes only locked Shi Qing tightly, but he couldn't see anything else.

Qi Zimo couldn't be beaten, Qi Rui was in a bad mood, but it was okay, the show had just begun.

He grabbed Shi Qing, the pistol was just touching his temple, and he said calmly, "Want him? Then be obedient."

Qi Zimo didn't look away, he just asked quietly, "What do you want?"

Qi Rui said, "What do you want? You know what to ask! I want you to restore my reputation, I want you to admit your evil deeds, and I want you as a lunatic to be revealed to the public!" Finally, he smiled briefly again He smiled and said excitedly, "I want you to give up the inheritance of the Qi family!"

Full of joy slammed into his heart, Qi Rui seemed to have been suppressed for a lifetime and finally raised his head, excited and carefree, making him even more complacent.

"Ahaha! In fact, you have already given up. In an abandoned space like yours, you don't even have the qualifications for admission. How can you inherit the Qi family? Don't be delusional..."

"Okay, I promise you."

Being accepted so quickly, Qi Rui was stunned for a moment, but then he was excited again. If he knew that Qi Zimo was such a precious boy, he should have used this trick earlier!

But he wouldn't underestimate Qi Zimo any more, what was he talking about? Actual action is dependable.

He finally restrained the smile on his face, and instructed the people next to him to take out the equipment that had been prepared and aimed at Qi Zimo.

Shi Qing couldn't move his body, couldn't speak with his mouth, but his eyes could see.

The equipment was a full set of cameras, and he instantly understood what Qi Rui was going to do... Shi Qing only felt that his chest was about to burst with anger, he had never hated a person so much! I hate it! Why bully a child like this? Why do you want to do this? He is only eleven years old and has never done anything evil, so why ruin his life like this

He couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to shout loudly. With Qi Zimo's ability, he could escape alone. Don't worry about this lunatic, don't worry about him, he won't die, he is the system, no matter what. Can't die!

But all the words became woo woo woo when they came to the mouth, and they couldn't say it at all!

correct! There is a system prompt!

Shi Qing immediately sent a message to Qi Zimo, telling him to leave quickly and leave him alone.

In just a few seconds, Qi Zimo replied, "I won't leave you."

Shi Qing quickly replied: "I'll be fine, I'm the system, I can't die, as long as you leave, I'll leave here immediately!"

"..." Qi Zimo said, "Mom said the same thing when she left. I'm sorry, I don't want to be deceived again."

Seeing this reply, Shi Qing was speechless, only countless sourness and annoyance spread in his chest.

At this time, Qi Zimo was already sitting in front of the camera, and said in a very calm tone: "It was I who injured Qi Zihui and Qi Zirui, it was I who held Qi Rui's hand and cut my wrist, it was me who cut my wrist. I framed Qi Rui, I did everything, and Qi Rui was wronged."

As Qi Rui wanted to tell the truth, but Qi Rui was not satisfied, he snorted coldly: "If you say this, others will not believe it, and maybe they will suspect that I am blackmailing you, so let's show you 'ability', let everyone see, you are not an ordinary child, you..." He emphasized his tone and said viciously, "You are a monster!"

Then, he asked someone to bring a huge rock and a hard iron plate. He raised his head and said, "Come on, let everyone see your strength."

Qi Zimo walked in front of the rock, stretched out his thin white palm, and slapped it hard. With a bang, the rock shattered into pieces. Then he came to the iron plate again, and chopped down with the other hand, and the iron plate was bent. Weird arc. At the same time, his palms quickly became red and swollen.

Qi Rui was shocked, Shi Qing was only distressed, and he was going crazy with regret. If he was stronger, if he was more cautious, Qi Zimo would not have fallen into this situation, let go of his dignity and let him go. Insulting people, powerless to fight back...

The distress is inexhaustible, no one understands better than him, how important dignity is to this person, it is more important than life, more important than everything! But at this moment, he gave up!

Shi Qing couldn't imagine what kind of mentality Qi Zimo was in right now. He kept telling himself that he couldn't push Qin Mo into the abyss with his own hands, but at this moment, he watched him fall, but there was nothing he could do!

From beginning to end, Qi Zimo was looking at Shi Qing without blinking. The surging emotions that will burn the body seem to be suppressed for a short time only when I see him. Only this person can never let go. This is his only redemption. This is all he has. Even if he gives up everything, even if everything is destroyed, he must not be lost.

This thought was engraved in the bones, fused into the blood, and completely controlled his spirit. He was his, only his, and no one could take it away. All the coveted hurts tried to take it away from him All his people should be damned!

yes! All be damned! Why don't these people die

The ink in the black eyes is getting stronger and stronger, and the last trace of light is gradually extinguishing... As long as they are all dead, no one can hinder him, and as long as they are all gone, no one can take him away.

As long as there are only two of them left in this world, he will stay by his side forever.

How beautiful! A quiet world with only Shiqing!

A world entirely his own!

He gently hooked the corner of his mouth, revealing a shallow smile, such a smile fell on his tender face, and there was a strange beauty.

Qi Rui was proudly putting away the camera, turned his head to see Qi Zimo, he was shocked, and always felt that something was not right... He clearly had the upper hand, why did he feel a chill behind his back

No... it's all right! No matter how powerful this monster is, with more than 20 people and so many weapons, he will be fine!

Qi Zimo looked at him quietly: "Can I take him away?"

Hearing this, Qi Rui came back to his senses, and the inexplicable fear just now gradually disappeared. Yes, he has an ace! What's so scary

Faced with Qi Zimo's question, Qi Rui said what he had been pressing down in his heart for a long time, with a strong sense of revenge: "Good nephew, you are still too naive to believe the words of adults? Take him away. ? No... he can't leave, this is his grave, with you!"

Saying this sentence, Qi Rui laughed heartily, and all the aggrieved emotions disappeared, he succeeded! He saved his reputation and cleared the way! He is the natural heir of the Qi family! He finally got his stuff back!

Qi Zimo wants to live? dreaming too! With such a great hatred, how could he still let him live

Qi Rui looked at Qi Zimo proudly, wanting to see this little monster's face full of panic, despair, fear, and fear!

"Really?" Qi Zimo raised his head slightly, his black eyes locked on him for the first time, and a shallow smile hung on his face, like an angel who fell into the mortal world.

"This is indeed a tomb."

"Your grave!"

Qi Rui looked at the rapidly approaching teenager in horror, the pistol in his hand shot without hesitation, and the bullet shot at Qi Zimo with precision, but a creepy scene appeared!

The young man raised his head slightly, and a blue light suddenly appeared, blocking him, and actually stopped the bullet! The blue light faded, but he still moved forward slowly.

This ghostly scene shocked everyone!

Inexplicable fear struck, Qi Rui's back was cold, and he quickly ordered: "Shoot and shoot, kill this monster!"

Countless bullets came through the air, and the young man in the center was unscathed. The blue light was like a powerful protective shield, protecting him very well.

When Shi Qing saw this, he thought of his previous conjecture, and quickly understood what was going on!

sky! Qi Zimo understood it himself! He unleashed the violent energy in the space!

No... not right! not like this!

Shi Qing quickly sent a message to Qi Zimo: "Don't use the power of space, it's too powerful, you can't control it now!"

There was no information to reply to him, Qi Zimo opened his mouth, and the voice was low and enchanting: "It's okay, Shiqing, I'm here, I will protect you, I will always be by your side, no one can separate us, no one!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand again, the red light rushed out of his fingertips, and went straight to Qi Rui's head. The powerful energy penetrated through his head, and the thick blood spurted out. Qi Rui opened his eyes wide. Looking at him, his face was unbelievable.

Immediately afterwards, countless rays of light burst out from Qi Zimo's body, rushing out towards the surroundings, and everywhere they went, scarlet!

The dark and damp waste workshop suddenly turned into a terrifying scarlet purgatory!

However, the energy of the crazy runaway did not stop there, but like a flood that opened the gate, surging out, unstoppable!

With Qi Zimo as the center, the huge energy circle is like a nuclear bomb explosion. After a blazing white light that brightens the night, there is a loud bang!

The energy that destroys the sky and the earth is activated by the innocent.

Despicable greed awakens the sleeping demon.

Destroy it, destroy it, it is dirty, disgusting, and unwilling to exist anyway.

Qi Zimo bent down and picked up the unconscious young man. He leaned against his neck, licked it with trembling eagerness, and then whispered softly, "Shiqing, it's only us."