Reborn As a System

Chapter 82: Qin Mo's World (1)


This time, the three hours passed faster than the wind.

Although they had traveled in different worlds for many days, in Qin Mo's world, the total time they had experienced was only fifteen hours, less than a day.

If there is another bystander watching, you will find that the two have met since the morning and slept together at night...

What is really amazing!

Shi Qing thought in a daze, to a certain extent, he has also caught up with the fashion. Does the legendary 419 exist? Hehehe...hehe...hehe, your sister, my waist must be broken!

Qin Mo made full use of the three hours when the space was closed, and in the dark cave, his Qingqing was too tired to shout.

It is also thanks to the fact that both of them have now strengthened their physical fitness and physical strength. In addition, the bloodline of the cute beast has a strong recovery ability. Not only does Shi Qing recover faster, but also his 'inseparable' host.

But the most embarrassing thing is, as long as Qin Mo doesn't take the initiative to go out, he can't transform into a little red panda, he can only maintain this embarrassing posture, and be like this and that.

If you are wearing clothes with semi-circular ears and a small tail, you can still be said to be cute, but if you take off your clothes, these two things will suddenly change!

Shi Qing was miserable, and he said a lot of begging for mercy. Every time his host said seriously: "Okay, no problem."

But in a blink of an eye, he stood up again, and then... Shi Qing's words changed his taste. He really begged for mercy, but when he was hit like this, begging for mercy became fun!

No problem, I'm going to be ruined!

What a fucking bloodline! Go to the special little panda!

Asking for a survival disk, begging for a reading file, and killing yourself, don't use this shit!

It's a pity that his life can't be read.

When they woke up again, they had changed places, and it was no longer a dark cave.

Shi Qing barely distinguished the following, and realized that they had returned to the system space.

Entering the system space requires him to open it. Although Qin Mo didn't stop for the past three hours, he remembered the time and asked him whether the space was open while he was breathing.

Shi Qing said in a daze, and then the two entered the system space with such a shameful posture...


Shi Qing rubbed his temples, he couldn't bear to look back, let them go with the wind!

He didn't know how long he had slept, he thought he would have backache and leg cramps, but the perverted cute animal bloodline played his perverted role.

Shi Qing, who should have been spoiled, said that he was surprisingly refreshed and energetic at the moment!

The waist is not folded, the legs are not bent, the arms are strong and the chest is comfortable, and even that... there is only a little bit of hotness left in that place.

He also peeked at the size of the host, and he was so, so, and so, that it was only a burning pain.

Ha ha... It's really heaven (mourning) endowment (extremely) different (day) endowment (good) ah!

Shi Qing: (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻. There's nothing to show off! It's shameful! Let this damn bloodline die!

The palm-sized red panda silently hid in the corner to draw circles. Our Shi Qing Xiaoshou needed time to heal his severely injured 'pure man' glass heart.

But before he finished drawing a circle, he was picked up by the host and landed firmly in the palm of his hand. The little panda Tara pulled his ears, his limbs were spread out, and he was lying on his stomach in a large shape, humming weakly.

Qin Mo looked down at him, his fingers gently scratched his little chin, the originally depressed red panda immediately raised his neck slightly uncontrollably, half-squinted his small eyes, very comfortable.

Qin Mo smiled involuntarily, kissed his furry head, and whispered, "Okay, let's take a look at the reward."

Upon hearing the reward, Shi Qing's small eyes lit up immediately, Emma, almost forgot about it!

They have a lot of coins, and they haven't had time to spend!

Jumping up quickly, the little panda jumped directly to the big screen.

All tasks are successfully completed, the basic rewards are doubled, the side tasks are stacked again, and a series of stacks are added, and the final total is: 398765.

Nearly 400,000 points!

Even if the system could only get half of it, Shi Qing got 200,000 points!

He was happy to see his teeth but not his eyes, but then another prompt made his eyes widen.

Because of the closed memory, his responsibility is no longer a bystander system, but is integrated into the small world, so the quest reward this time breaks the rule that the system can only get half of it.

So... he gets the same amount of pips as the host.

The little panda took a deep breath and leaned back in excitement. Fortunately, Qin Mo quickly caught him, so he didn't fall to the ground and his ass bloomed.

Then, Shi Qing was worried again.

So many coins, how can I spend it, it's really worrying! ~(≧▽≦)/~

With this sweet burden, Shi Qing looked at Qin Mo, wanting to see what his host was going to buy.

The first step is still to strengthen the body, but now there is an upper limit, and if you strengthen it by 100,000 points, you will be at full level, and you cannot strengthen it again.

Shi Qing also spent 100,000 points, but even so, they still had nearly 300,000 points left.

There's a lot more to buy.

But to be honest, Qin Mo doesn't care much about the rest.

Although there are many kinds of martial arts cheats and various techniques and they seem to be more powerful than each other, these things cannot be learned indiscriminately.

The technique does not seek more refinement, and this "refinement" is more expensive in that it is compatible with the person.

Before Qin Mo was trapped, he had two completely different cultivation experiences.

The first time was in the Lingxiao faction, the righteous way, which is a top-level way of cultivating immortals. It was the most suitable immortal cultivation spell that he had been groping for many years and painstakingly researched. The progress was rapid and the prospects were promising.

But in the end, it was abolished by Qin Zhengjun, and then fell directly into the devil's way.

His character has changed drastically, and the original exercises are no longer suitable for practice, but Lu Jiuyuan has his own set of exercises for cultivating demons.

At that time, in order to cultivate the cauldron, Lu Jiuyuan also put a lot of thought into Qin Mo, looking for the most suitable and fastest-growing exercises for him, and provided a lot of medicinal pills and a secret realm with a lot of spiritual energy.

And Qin Mo is indeed very talented, so he can make such unimaginable progress in such a short period of time.

But in the end, these were all destroyed by his own hands.

To be honest, abolishing the cultivation base twice is an unimaginable trauma for a monk.

Even Lu Jiuyuan knew that he would not be able to cultivate Qin Mo to the previous level. He used potent drugs to stimulate his meridians to reshape. On the one hand, he deliberately tortured Qin Mo. A kind of vicious means to activate the last potential of this body, so as to extract the last value.

Then Qin Mo met Shi Qing.

With the help of the system, a lot of coins were spent, and the physical fitness was greatly improved. Coupled with the previous unexpected gain - the powerful repairing ability of the beast, this traumatized body was given a new life.

Qin Mo didn't buy any body, just because his body itself was a masterpiece bestowed by God.

A very suitable body for cultivation.

This is what he is familiar with. He doesn't need to go farther and farther. He can repair his body and practice the previous exercises again. This is the real multiplier.

Now, he has completed these ahead of schedule, and his body is even a hundred times better than before.

And these were all brought to him by Shi Qing.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo unconsciously hooked the corner of his mouth and kissed the little guy in the palm of his hand lightly.

- All the luck in his life was brought to him by him.

Shi Qing was used to kissing, but his little ears were still shaking because of itching. He turned to look at Qin Mo and asked, "Continue to the next world?"

Qin Mo shook his head: "Stop for a while."

Hey, this is the first time his host has offered to stop for a while. Shi Qing was stunned for a moment, and then he thought of something. He opened his eyes wide to look at Qin Mo and asked tentatively, "You... you want..."

This is ready, are you going to clean up the big slag Lu

Qin Mo scratched his chin and said in a low voice, "Yes."

An understatement made Shi Qing's eyes widen suddenly.

Knowing Lu Jiuyuan's methods, he couldn't help but couldn't believe it, and his tongue was a little knotted: "Can... Can it be done?"

Because of his distrust, his little ears were pinched, Shi Qing shivered, and his wet little eyes still stared at the host unblinkingly.

Really... Can you really defeat Lu Jiuyuan

Can it really end all that


When Lu Jiuyuan returned to the Ink Bamboo Forest, all that was left were the black wooden barrels with disgusting poison bubbles and an empty piece of Ink Bamboo.

Qin Mo—disappeared!

The red pupils suddenly deepened, and the anger was rapidly accumulating. Lu Jiuyuan smashed the hard as iron bath tub with one palm, and the potent medicine poured out, instantly turning the black bamboo all over the ground into ashes.

The disgusting smell of smoke was everywhere, and Lu Jiuyuan's face was cruel.

My good son, you are really capable!

To be able to break through the barrier set by him is really underestimating you!

However, you can't escape, as long as you keep my blood, you will never try to escape from my palm.

Lu Jiuyuan quickly checked, Qin Mo walked very cleanly, the enchantment was intact, and there were no traces, as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

However, this world is full of strange and strange, all kinds of secret techniques and forbidden methods emerge in an endless stream, even Lu Jiuyuan is not sure that he knows everything well.

He did not underestimate Qin Mo, but obviously, some of Qin Mo's abilities were beyond his understanding.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he spends a little time, he can find Qin Mo.

There is nowhere to stop his spiritual consciousness, as long as they rely on their blood relationship, he can lock Qin Mo at any time.

Then, he was easily captured.

When he came back, he would break his legs and trap him so that he could never escape again.

Lu Jiuyuan smiled grimly, his good son, his good furnace, he was waiting for him to kneel on the ground and beg him for mercy!