Reborn as a Werewolf Ancestor

Chapter 111: Break through the predicament


"I didn't expect that Baron Rigit, who was unresolved by so many people before, fell into my hands."

The female mage leaned over and said happily.

She raised the dagger and approached Kane, ready to cut off his ear.

"Then let me think about it, what should I ask the Duke for?"

"Should I order the blood of the fourth-level explosive lion? Or the branch of the fourth-level magic vine? After all, the ingredients for my potion are only missing these two."

Just as the female mage was thinking about what to ask for from the Duke of Manville, Kane, who was kneeling on the ground and unable to move, suddenly exploded.

He completely pierced the female mage's throat with his sharp claws, and the other party's eyes widened, watching all this in disbelief.

The female mage wanted to open her mouth to say something, but unfortunately, her throat had been pierced by Kane, and she couldn't speak a complete sentence at all.

"You pretend."

Before she finished speaking, Kane pulled out her head and cervical spine together, blood spattered everywhere, and the headless corpse wobbled and fell to the ground, bleeding a large amount of blood.

Kane held the other party's deathly head tightly with his hands, and exerted a little force, only to hear a "poof".

A large piece of minced meat and white brains sprayed out, splashing all over the ground.

After doing this, Kane retracted his sharp claws, raised the long sword that fell on the ground with his blood-soaked hands, and rushed to the battlefield behind him.

The extraordinary soldiers who had witnessed all this just now were all frightened out of their wits. Seeing Kane rushing over, they ignored the enemies in front of them and hurried to the rear.

Are you kidding me, this is a killing god that even Captain Peter and Lord Emily can solve. I and the others dare not stay where they are and be solved by him.

The so-called captain Peter is the previous second-rank high-ranking squad leader.

As for Lady Emily, she is the mage whose head was crushed by Kane just now.

These extraordinary people naturally knew the consequences of fleeing in all directions, but compared to the frightening guy Kane in front of them, the fleeing army was nothing to mention.

Besides, I and others are just recruited wandering supernatural beings, and they have nothing to worry about. As long as they hide in the distant forest, I believe that Manvila's power will not be able to find them at all.

Just like that, this extraordinary team of about a dozen people escaped into the distant forest after crossing the fighting armies of the two sides, and was never seen again.

"grown ups."

After the battle, Catherine and others hurried to Kane's side.

They had vaguely glimpsed the duel between Kane and the female mage just now, especially after Kane fell, they were all anxious to get rid of the enemy and come for reinforcements.

Fortunately, Kane turned defeat into victory in the end, which eased their anxiety.

"Well, let's go to support Knight Leod." Kane ordered to several people immediately.

Sitz asked with concern: "Is your body okay?"

Kane smiled and comforted several people: "It's okay, you should know my ability, and I have recovered to a rough extent now."

"That's good." All three breathed a sigh of relief.

Kane came to the steed and got on the horse.

In the previous battle, in order not to hurt the horse, Kane drove the horse aside and faced many enemies alone.

"Everything is ready, we must go to support Knight Leod and others. If we can solve the leader of the opponent, we can successfully defeat the opponent's army."

"Understood, my lord."

"Very good, let's go!!" Kane raised the rein, raised the sharp sword in his hand, and killed in the direction of the adjutant and Leod.

Time went back to the past, after the adjutant ordered the fire magic team to cast spells on the forests on both sides.

Leod kept trying to break through the adjutant's block and attack the mage team.

It's a pity that he was entangled by the adjutant until the fireball shot into the forest.

"Damn it, I'm going to kill you."

Leod felt his heart was bleeding, and these were the only mages in Muchat and Sardis.

If he was solved by the other party in this way, how should he explain to the two nobles.

"Hehe, if you can do it, go ahead and try." The adjutant who succeeded in the plan said very proudly.

He knew that the difference in strength between the two was only insignificant. If Cavalier Leod could really solve himself, he would not be stopped by him abruptly.

The two forests in the distance began to burst into flames, and bursts of thick smoke floated upwards, so it can be seen that the interior has been surrounded by hot fireworks.

Several water spells were stimulated from inside, but in the face of the fierce fire, they didn't have much effect.

In less than a moment, the two forests were turned into a sea of flames, and the oxygen inside was also exhausted.

In desperation, the mage groups on both sides came out from the inside amidst the thick smoke.

The two teams were very vigilant and cast a water elemental shield to wrap everyone in it.

It was this rare vigilance that saved their lives. Earlier than before, the archers who aimed their sharp arrows at the forest saw the mage walking out, let go of the drawn bowstring, and shot sharp arrows arrow.



A large amount of arrow rain poured over their shields. Although they couldn't completely block them, it also bought some time for the few people inside the shields.

The two parties reunited before the shield shattered, and cast a stone wall spell together to block them.

With the protection of the stone wall, they survived. After one of the figures who seemed to be the leader of the team looked at Leod, he led the team and disappeared into the forest on the other side.

"Bastard!! What's going on, this can make the other party escape!"

The adjutant repelled the Leod knight in front of him, and shouted loudly at the magic team.

"Hurry up and get someone to chase after you!"

"Yes, my lord." The leader of the mage hurriedly took orders, and led fifty cavalrymen and mages towards the hidden position of the other party.

Not long after this army left, Kane led his team to break through the protection of the shield soldiers on the periphery and came to this battlefield.

"Baron Rigit!" Knight Leod said joyfully, who was still in a stalemate.

On the other hand, the adjutant frowned.

No, shouldn't this person be surrounded by Peter and Emily? How could he still lead the team to attack.

Could it be!

Thinking about it, the adjutant looked in disbelief at the location of Kane's battlefield just now. Emily's headless body was still lying on the ground, and in the distance there was the remains of Peter surrounded by vines. As for the other supernatural beings, they had long since disappeared. .

"How could it be!?" Even the adjutant could never have imagined that Kane could survive the siege of the two.

You know, Emily is a special mage recruited by the Duke with great difficulty. She has the ability to cast spells without spells. If she grows up, she can become a great help to the Duke's subordinates.

Now, he died on the battlefield ahead of time, how should he explain to the Duke when he goes back.

Thinking of all kinds of reasons, the adjutant couldn't help looking at Kane angrily. This damned little baron actually killed two important figures in the general in succession. He had to lift his head back to calm Lord Manville's attack. angry.

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(end of this chapter)