Reborn as a Werewolf Ancestor

Chapter 42: Lizardman Di Kylo


The sky gradually darkened.

The bright moonlight shines on the entire hill fort.

At this moment, the humans and orcs in the castle are struggling to kill each other.

Stepping on the bloody soil, the Lizardman smiled and looked at Catherine and the others.

"Human swordsman, you are very good, I am very satisfied with your actions just now."

"It just so happens that I still lack a servant by my side. If you are willing to leave the lord you served, I would be happy to take you under my command."

Catherine curled her lips in disdain, and said, "Go and live your big dream."

The lizard dragons didn't care about the attitude of the other party, seeing that their solicitation was not successful, they could only drive out this group of superhuman beings.

The breath belonging to the third level emerged from it, not only suppressing Kane and others, but also the soldiers in the distance.

The lizard raised the staff in his left hand, and chanted spells quickly with his mouth.

A thunderbolt emerged from its staff, and quickly attacked Catherine.

Unable to move, she watched Lei Ting gradually grow larger in her sight, but she was powerless.


In an instant, Kane, who had completed the semi-werewolf transformation, appeared in front of her.

He used his lightning speed to block the thunderbolt blow for Catherine.

As a price, Kane's left paw was numb from the electricity, and his entire arm was scorched black.

"I can feel the blood in your body, that burning taste, I wish I could swallow it right away."

The lizardman looked at the half werewolf Kane, speaking greedily.

Kane was a little surprised, he didn't expect his blood to be so attractive to the other party.

But right now is not the time to think too much, the moonlight began to gradually integrate into his body, and the familiar Yueyuan also appeared in his body again.

On the basis of the original half werewolf transformation, Kane's figure has been continuously raised.

His reflection under the moonlight got longer and longer, until he covered the lizard dragon in front of him before he stopped.

At this moment, Kane is not far behind the giants, and has reached a height of four meters. It seems that as the strength of the body increases, the rank and height of the werewolf will also increase accordingly.

The sharp claws stretched out again, and the strong tail gradually grew out behind it.

Kane's mouth grew forward, revealing his slender canines.

With his wolf howl.


The aura that belongs to the second-order high position impacts all around, and Kane's werewolf transformation is completed.

The breath suppressed by the extraordinary and the soldiers became a little loose.

This allowed the soldiers to continue to fight against the orc axeman, and the superhumans could also come to assist in the battle.

The superhuman being as strong as the lizard dragon and his extraordinary surroundings were also shocked by this breath.

"As expected of a strong man with a bloodline, it's the first time I've seen such an improvement in strength."

After being slightly shocked, the lizard man said with satisfaction.

The stronger the opponent is, the more it can satisfy its desire to fight. Anyway, it's a catch in the urn right now, and it doesn't think Kane and others can escape from its grasp.

The lizardman made a gesture, and the three extraordinary people beside it immediately understood.

In order not to disturb the duel between the Lizard Dragon and Kane, they went out separately and faced the other three extraordinary people led by Rijit.

The lizard opened his arms and said loudly, "Come on, let me enjoy this battle!"

Kane stopped talking nonsense, and raised his hand to emit three silver-white gas, attacking the opponent.

A dark round shield appeared around the lizard man, easily resisting Kane's attack.

Of course, Kane himself doesn't expect it to work.

This is just to attract the other party's attention.

At the same time as the attack, he also flashed beside the lizard.

The sharp claws with a spiritual source pierced through the circular shield forcefully, just as they were about to grab the lizard.

The other party said a word calmly.

"Remember my name, Carol Rydest."

Immediately, the shield ruptured, and lightning appeared beside Di Kailo, hitting Kane wantonly.

A trace of scorched black appeared in his white hair.

With his arms guarding his chest, Kane retreated, preparing to avoid the opponent's sharp edge.

But how could Di Kailuo let him succeed, I saw him raising his staff and aiming at Kane.

A thunderbolt hit him instantly.

Kane's arms were roasted into charcoal, and they fell powerlessly on both sides of his body.

Kane kept retreating, trying to delay the opportunity in exchange for the recovery of his arm.

The lizard man Di Kailo seemed to have seen through his intentions, and more swift lightning struck him.

Kane rolled to his side in embarrassment, dodging the attack.

But it was unavoidable that his snow-white hair was burnt to a burnt yellow.


A violent explosion sounded from behind Kane.


This is the sound of fire burning the ground. Could it be that Sitz defeated his opponent? Kane thought.

As if to confirm his conjecture, the sound of extremely fast footsteps came from behind.

Sitz, who was sweating all over, came to Kane's side.

"Sorry, my lord, I'm late."

Kane shook his head and said with relief: "It's okay, you came just in time."

Suddenly, Sitz caught a glimpse of Kane's injury, and he hurriedly used the few spiritual sources left in his body to cast a healing spell, instantly repairing Kane's injury.

Clenching his fully recovered hands, Kane faced Kailos again.

The lizardman watched quietly, and Sitz said in an indifferent tone after treating Kane's injury.

"I didn't expect that you, a little mage, are quite powerful, and you can solve Peart."

"Forget it, whether it's one person or two people, I will solve it together."

However, what happened next was beyond their expectations.

Di Kailo raised his hand with a smile and waved downward, dark clouds emerged in the sky, and a huge lightning bolt struck Sitz impressively.

The strong lightning strike scorched Sitz's whole body, and he also lost consciousness and fell down in a daze.

Kane grabbed his leaning body.

"Sitz! Wake up!"

No matter how Kane called, Sitz didn't answer, only the weak breathing in his nose showed that he still had a trace of life.

Putting Sitz slowly to the side away from the battlefield, Kane looked angrily at the lizard man Di Kailo.

DiCarlo shook his head helplessly, as if laughing at Kane's innocence.

"You don't really think that I will deal with you first, and then deal with that mage?"

"I have noticed, fire element, light element, he is a talent with dual element affinity, and has a threat level that is not inferior to yours."

"Since that's the case, why don't I get rid of the weaker one first, and am I stupidly waiting for you to join forces?"

"Although I have the strength of the third level, I am very cautious, and this is the reason why I can survive for so long."

Kane couldn't listen to the other party's words at all in his mind, he only felt that the endless anger was waiting to be vented.

The mage talent that I discovered with great difficulty, spent so much effort in cultivating it, I didn't expect that today, it would be on the verge of death in this place.

It shouldn't be like this, there shouldn't be such a result, he should have a better future.

He shouted angrily: "Di Kailo!!!!"

At the same time, blue fireworks rose from his mouth for no reason.

(end of this chapter)