Reborn as a Werewolf Ancestor

Chapter 46: Changes of the Falling Moon Wolf


In the afternoon, Fort Eagle.

The people who had just experienced a big battle immediately packed up the battlefield non-stop.

Thick smoke billowed to the back of the castle, where soldiers were burning the remains of orcs.

If they were left unattended outside the castle, it might cause a plague, so Catherine ordered that all the corpses be burned.

On a piece of land not far from the castle, this area was divided into a cemetery.

The bodies of all human soldiers who died in battle will be buried here. Unfortunately, Kane and others cannot take them back to their hometowns.

Under the scorching sun, a group of soldiers with bare upper bodies were digging up the soil, preparing to bury the corpses and make tombstones.

On the other side, in the barracks of the castle, dozens of wounded soldiers were lying on the bed with painful expressions.

Beside them, there were several soldiers acting as medical workers, who were holding up medicinal herbs, treating their injuries, and then bandaging them.

Under this half-baked treatment method, whether they can survive or not depends entirely on the individual will of the soldiers.

Marcus looked aside and sighed.

After this war, I and others have to pay pensions and resettle disabled soldiers. I'm afraid that the territory's finances will fall into deficit again.

As for the remaining orc captives, they were all imprisoned in the underground cell of the castle, waiting for Kane and others to follow up.

Several carriages entered slowly from the city gate, and the carriages were filled with buckets of lake water.

Marcus hurried over, and together with the cavalry on the carriage, they sprinkled the lake water in the courtyard, washing away the blood on it.

The atrium of the castle was also busy, the servants were cleaning the traces of the battle, and the chef was in a clean corner, making lunch for everyone.

Catherine took a bowl of hot liquid food from the chef.

She strode towards the interior of the castle and came to Sitz's hospital bed.

Seeing that Catherine had returned, Kane, who was guarding the side, walked out of the room a little upset.

Back in his bedroom, he saw a strange sight.

In the wolf den that he had built, two Moonfall wolves were sleeping with their heads down.

There were bursts of silver light all over their bodies, and they kept flickering with every exhalation.

Kane's keen sense of touch found that all the spiritual sources in the bedroom were rushing towards the bodies of the two wolves.

Even the well-informed him didn't quite understand what was happening to the two Moonfall wolves.

It's just that his instinct tells him that it's best not to interrupt this behavior.

Reminiscent of the previous battlefield, I have never seen them.

It was only then that Kane understood that the feelings were that they had been sleeping in the bedroom.

Looking at the two Moonfall wolves, who were not awakened by the noise in the inner court at all, Kane speculated that maybe they had blocked all information from the outside world.

It's no wonder that they didn't come out because of the great turmoil before.

After being relieved, Kane recalled the scene when he met the Falling Moon Wolf the day before yesterday.

It seems that since they met, they have been following him, and they have been sniffing his breath with their nostrils.

Could it be!

As if thinking of something, Kane looked at his body.

Could it be that the changes in the Falling Moon Wolf at this moment are caused by the blood in his body

Such a change can happen just by sniffing the breath he exudes, but what if he drinks his own blood

Kane's thoughts diverged, imagining the next changes in the Lunar Wolf.

But it didn't take long for him to imagine that the door was pushed open.

Catherine quickly walked in with the liquid food, her eyes full of anxiety, so she didn't notice the situation of the two Moonfall wolves.

"My lord, Sitz him."

Kane asked seriously: "What about Sitz? You speak slowly."

Catherine said in a weeping voice, "Sitz's breathing became short of breath suddenly."


Kane, who noticed something was wrong, hurriedly took Catherine back to Sitz's ward.

The two pushed the door open and walked in. There was already a person in the room feeling for Sitz's pulse.

This person is Marcus who cleaned the inner courtyard.

Marcus frowned and looked at Sitz worriedly.

"Marcus, what's going on?"

"My lord, Sitz's heart rate is beating very fast, far exceeding the usual speed. I suspect there are signs of internal bleeding."

Marcus thought for a moment and said.

As if to confirm his statement, Sitz, who was already short of breath, suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, along with the liquid food in his mouth, and spilled it on the bed together.

"I didn't take a bite of the liquid food, the situation is not good," Kane said in a low voice.

After spitting out this mouthful of blood, it seemed that he had lost the last trace of vitality, and Sitz's face turned pale instantly.

His breathing began to be steady until it almost stopped, and his pulse completely lost its beat.

Kane knew that now was not the time to hesitate.

Immediately, he bit his finger with his mouth and turned into a semi-wolf.

The sharp canine teeth are exposed to his mouth.

Kane quickly walked to Sitz, dripped blood from his finger into his mouth, and then bit Sitz's neck.

The canine teeth pierced the superficial skin and embedded deeply into the muscle.

A salty-sweet taste spread in Kane's mouth.

He knew it was the smell of blood, but it was different from the rust smell in his memory.

A special liquid poured into Kane's fangs and injected into Sitz's body.

As if with foresight, the instinct of the body reminded Kane that the transformation must be completed by injecting this liquid.

Kane let go of the canine teeth on Sitz's neck, and licked the blood around his mouth with some insatiable desire.

It seems that the taste of blood is not inferior to a refreshing food.

Sitz's slow breathing gradually stopped, and he lay motionless on the bed as if he was asleep.

Catherine's expression changed from expectation to disappointment. She knew that Kane's previous strange behavior was saving Sitz's life.

It's just that judging from the current situation, it seems that it has not been successful.

Marcus sighed helplessly, and turned to look out the window to ease his mind.

Kane was also a little stunned, because his body had already told him that this transformation was very successful.

Just when everyone thought the transformation had failed.

Sitz's body suddenly jumped up from the bed.


He fell into the bed again.

He opened his lifeless eyes, and his dry mouth.

Howled non-stop.

"Ah. Ah."

Black and white hair grows from his arms to his whole body.

Sitz's body was constantly shaking, and his expression was extremely painful.

The nails of his hands also became sharp and slender, cutting the bed sheets wantonly.

Two canine teeth stretched forward and down, exposed, and saliva dripped down the sides of his mouth along the side of the bed.

Kane immediately shouted: "Press him down."

He didn't know what Sitz would do at this moment.

Immediately, Kane and Catherine, who were closest to Sitz, pressed his hands, and Marcus quickly pressed his feet.

Despite the suppression of the three, Sitz was still able to move, and it seemed that his strength from the werewolf blood had also increased a lot.

(end of this chapter)