Reborn as a Werewolf Ancestor

Chapter 66: Meet Juta again


The carriage carrying Kane and others was slowly moving forward on the streets of Madison.

Too many pedestrians on the road blocked the speed of the carriage. Even though the crowd was deliberately avoiding the carriage, they could only keep it at the lowest speed.

It took a lot of time, and the carriage finally drove out of the crowded street.

It came to Weiner Avenue, which is the closest to Wangcheng. The crowd here is even rarer than before, and at the same time, it is more restrained.

Because most of the people living here are wealthy businessmen or high-income people, their cultural literacy does not allow them to cheer like ordinary people.

The speed of the carriage began to increase gradually, and in less than a while, it had already arrived at the gate of the royal city.

There have been many noble carriages parked here, and the drivers on the carriages have all come down and gathered around to chat continuously.

The coachman parked the carriage in front of the gate. Kane opened the door and stepped down first, followed by Catherine and Sitz.

The three of them came to the gate of the castle together, and a waiter came to greet them immediately.

"Welcome everyone, do you have any invitations?"

Kane handed over the gold-rimmed invitation to the other party.

The waiter took a look and immediately knew the identity of the man opposite.

He said, "Welcome, Lord Baron Rigit, according to regulations, you can bring three people inside. Are the two people behind you here with you?"

Kane said, "Exactly."

"Okay, three please follow me this way."

The waiter was in front of several people, guiding them to the atrium of the castle.

Walking into the interior of the castle, the majestic and magnificent castle caught everyone's eyes.

It has an outer wall made of expensive spar bricks, and there are many gorgeous carving patterns on the outside of the wall, which always shows the strong financial resources of the royal family.

After passing through a gorgeous garden, everyone came to the atrium of the castle.

Kane estimated that this spacious place could accommodate at least five hundred people to participate in the celebration.

Although the time has only just reached eight o'clock in the morning, there is still an hour before the start of His Majesty's celebration.

But many nobles have come here, talking to each other, waiting for the celebration to begin.

Kane took a sip of the drink from the waiter in the court.

It can be seen that the king attached great importance to this celebration. Not only did he specially renovate all the decorations in the inner court, he also invited many famous restaurant chefs to cook expensive extraordinary ingredients in the inner court for the nobles to enjoy.

"Your Excellency Kane." A young male voice came from behind.

Kane turned around and saw four men, led by a waiter, walking towards the inner court on Kane's side.

Kane recognized the one who spoke up. It was Juta, the son of the Marquis whom he met the day before yesterday.

"Your Excellency Kane, I have met you again."

Juta said happily.

Immediately, the middle-aged nobleman with a serious expression beside him also walked to Kane, presumably this is Juta's father, Marquis Albert.

Sure enough, Uta introduced: "This is my father, Berg Corvo, Marquis Ebard."

The other party also said: "Good day, Baron Rigit, I heard that the dog said that you saved his life, I am very grateful."

As he said that, the tall, middle-aged baron even bent down to salute Kane, who was three titles lower than him.

Kane quickly waved his hand, helped him up, and said, "Your Excellency the Marquis, there is no need to do this. I am just helping you. You don't need to be so polite."

Marquis Eberd said in a deep voice: "If it wasn't for Baron Rigit, you helped me at that time, I am afraid that I, Berg, will lose a child I love so much. You can afford my big gift no matter what the reason is."

Seeing that what the other party said was indeed very reasonable, Kane also silently accepted it.

After Marquis Albert finished speaking, he turned to Juta and said, "Be with your savior."

After speaking, he led the other two into the atrium to talk with other nobles.

Kane looked at the figure of the other party leaving, and then contacted the situation when he met Juta that day.

He felt a little confused. It stands to reason that the Marquis Eberd's attitude towards him just now did not seem to be fake, and he was indeed thanking him sincerely.

Then why, when he first met Juta, he didn't even have an extraordinary guard, so he had to lead the cavalry to fight hard by himself.

If the Marquis Eberd really valued his son, then it wouldn't be wrong not to leave an extraordinary guard for Juta.

Kane shook his head, but couldn't figure it out, maybe every family has a difficult scripture to recite.

But Uta had already said: "Your Excellency Kane, thank you again. You were able to save me that day. I, Uta, will always remember this kindness. If you can use me, please feel free to speak up."

Kane said with a smile: "Okay, then I have to ask Mr. Uta to do something."

"Please tell me."

"That's being my guide for the day."

Uta asked in surprise: "Your Excellency Kane, who is the guide you are talking about?"

Kane said with a smile: "Just to introduce me to the nobles who participated in the celebration here. You see, I am a countryman who has just arrived here, and I haven't gotten to know everyone."

Uta comforted: "Your Excellency Kane, I am humbled, so let me introduce you."

He turned his head to signal that there was a noble noble in front of him surrounded by stars, and the other noble nobles around him seemed to be respectfully currying favor with him.

"That's the Duke of Vidovah, a member of the royal family, and also serves as the commander of the Silver Moon Army, guarding the western border of the kingdom."

Juta continued: "The people next to him are Earl Elim and Marquis of Sith, and these two are also important figures in the prince."

Kane nodded, remembering the titles and appearances of these people, maybe they will deal with each other in the future.

Juta signaled Kane to look to the other side, where there was also a group of nobles gathered together, and it could be seen that the group of nobles surrounded a very young man.

"Your Excellency Kane, please look, that is the Grand Duke of Water. He is the only half-brother of His Majesty the current king. He was appointed by His Majesty to a high position and is currently guarding the northern border of the orcs."

"I heard that in the orc war some time ago, as a first-ranked Transcendent of the third rank, this Duke has also made countless achievements, and is one of the candidates His Majesty wants to reward."

Following Uta's guidance, Kane looked in the direction of the Grand Duke of Water, and saw the man with a hearty smile that made people feel disgusted.

But Kane noticed that there was a woman with silver hair, delicate face, and a white robe beside him.

Sensing Kane's expression, Uta continued to introduce: "Beside the Grand Duke of Water, there is Mage Adeline, who is said to be an extraordinary mage hired by the Duke at a high price. I don't know the specifics. Information on the Adeline mage is scarce."

The mage Adeline seemed to have a very keen perception, and she soon noticed that there was a line of sight looking at her, so she turned her head to look in Kane's direction.

For a moment, the cold eyes met Kane, it was a creepy feeling, like an iceberg whizzing by, Kane's body actually had a tendency to chill.

But fortunately, the other party quickly withdrew their eyes and continued to negotiate with the Duke.

Cold sweat dripped down on Kane's forehead. He could feel that the opponent's strength was unpredictable, and he couldn't match it even if he transformed into a werewolf.

Uta on the other side continued to introduce without feeling, and he was still wondering why Lord Kane didn't respond.

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(end of this chapter)