Reborn as a Werewolf Ancestor

Chapter 80: Study blood


Eagle Fort, a specially remodeled meditation room somewhere.

There are various bottles and jars on display here, and there is also a burning transparent vessel on the wooden table.

There is a silver liquid in the vessel, which is continuously boiling and bubbling under the burning of the flame.

Kane looked around curiously. He didn't know that the room he arranged for the other party had been transformed into this appearance.

Adeline, who was fiddling with the utensils, said: "When I was still the king of elves, in order to find a chance of breaking through to legend, I used all known methods, including developing breakthrough potions."

"In the process of learning how to develop potions, I realized many useful things, so that now, even if I no longer rely on potions to break through the sixth level, it still has a great effect."

Kane nodded in understanding.

"I see."

Adeline put down the vessel and spoke.

"Then Baron Rigit, can you show the strange power in your body now?"

Kane said with a smile: "Of course it is possible, but I would be more than happy to discuss my abilities with you."

As he spoke, he raised his fingers, moved the fingertips under the teeth, and bit down.

A slight pain came from his fingertips, and Kane quietly closed his eyes.

When he opened it again, his whole body had transformed into a half werewolf form.

Adeline circled around him, as if observing Kane's changes.

"Oh! That's right, if it weren't for the changes you made, I really doubt that standing in front of me is an undiscovered orc-like race."

"Excellent transformation ability, the breath can actually increase two small steps."

As he said that, the other party reached out and touched Kane's silver-white hair.

"I've only seen this impeccable silver-white fur color on the Falling Moon Wolf. No, the one on yours seems to be more flawless than theirs."

Adeline let go of the hair on Kane's body, and continued: "I noticed earlier that your transformation seems to have some restrictions?"

Kane replied truthfully: "Yes, I have now summed up two rules, one is that you must be injured, and the other is that you must feel angry."

"As expected"

The other party looked at Kane's sharp claws and the protruding canine teeth again, and asked thoughtfully: "So, after you transform, can you still use the ability of the original knight?"

Kane said with a smile: "Of course it is possible, and all my abilities have been strengthened."

Adeline nodded, this is equivalent to a somewhat limited, but all-round ability to increase, but this alone does not seem to be enough to attract her feeling.

She asked Kane: "Your ability should be more than that?"

"Yes, in fact, the transformation you have seen so far is not complete. The real werewolf transformation is more intense and powerful than the current transformation."

"Werewolf? Interesting, you named it yourself?"

Kane nodded and said, "Yes."

"Indeed, your sharp claws, hair, and canine teeth all have a slight resemblance to a wolf."

Adeline immediately became interested. This kind of extremely special transformation is not complete yet, so what kind of changes will the real transformation have.

"Very well, then Baron Rigit, can you perform a complete werewolfization now?"

Kane shook his head helplessly, and said: "Unfortunately, Your Excellency Adelin, without the moonlight, I cannot completely transform into a werewolf."


Hearing what Kane said, Adeline had to give up temporarily.

She turned around and picked up the vessel, and continued to ask: "After the werewolf transformation, do you think your temperament has been affected in any way?"

"No." Kane replied.

"Well, I want to collect your blood. Huh!?"

When Adeline raised Kane's hand again, it was only then that the scars from the previous teeth had disappeared.


"No! It's cured. You actually have such a terrifying healing power? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Kane explained with a smile: "I'm sorry, I saw that you studied it so carefully before, but I forgot to tell you."

Fortunately, Adeline didn't care about such things, but looked at Kane as if she had encountered a rare species that was rare in a century.

"Extremely strong healing power, a werewolf that can be improved in all directions, you are a bit like a legendary race in legend."

Kane asked with some doubts: "Your Excellency, what is the legendary race?"

Even he, who owns the baron family's collection of books for many years, has never heard of the legendary race.

Adeline forgot to look at Kane, and then suddenly realized: "I forgot, you humans have only been founded for more than 800 years, and naturally there is no record of the existence of creatures such as legendary races."

As she spoke, Adeline's tone changed from indifference to pride.

"My elves not only have a long lifespan, but also have existed on this continent for a long time. The current Kingdom of Azeroth has existed for at least tens of thousands of years. There are many strange events recorded in it, including The legendary race."

"According to the records of our family, the legendary race is a kind of creature born with the legendary rank, that is, the strength of the sixth rank. They are the most powerful species under the gods, and the best of them can reach the demigod rank in adulthood, and even It's a god-level rank."

Kane said in astonishment: "There are such creatures in this world, no, if they still exist, the mainland will not fall into the situation of conflicts among various races, and they should all be under their rule."

Adeline appreciated: "That's right, your brain is not slow to react. In the heyday of this kind of race, they did rule the entire continent under their feet."

"Unfortunately, at a certain moment, their arrogant character offended an extremely powerful god."

"It is said that the sky and the earth changed suddenly at that time, and the gods got angry and slapped the sky-shattering wrath palm, as if they wanted to kill all the opponent's race."

"Although the demigods and god-level powerhouses in the legendary race tried their best to block it, it didn't work at all."

"In this way, this powerful race disappeared on this continent."

"However, their affiliated races, and even the sub-family groups that they reproduced, still exist on this continent, but the number has become much scarcer."

Kane thought: "Is it an ancient dragon?"

Adeline shook her head: "It's not them, cloud giants, storm giants, have you heard of them? These are their sub-races."

Kane nodded. Naturally, he had heard of the two, both of which were extraordinary races that could reach the fifth level by adulthood.

They all live deep in the mountains and are rarely born, but no race dares to invade their territory. No one knows how many legendary powerhouses are hidden in their clan land.

Adeline continued: "There is another name for this legendary race, the ancient Titans. The characteristic of their race is their super healing power."

(end of this chapter)