Reborn as My Love Rival’s Wife

Chapter 16


Soon after the phone call with Ji Mingfei, Zhang Qingyuan arrived.

Su Jian hurriedly welcomed him in. After a brief conversation, Su Jian realized that this doctor Zhang was the personal doctor of the An family. Su Jian couldn't help but slander again: Rich people, hate!

Doctor Zhang examined An Yize carefully, and then informed Su Jian that An Yize really had a cold and fever, and then prescribed medicine for An Yize. Su Jian looked at An Yize, who was still a little confused, and said, "His temperature isn't too low. Can he just take medicine?"

Dr. Zhang smiled and said, "Natural injections are better, and the effect is faster. It's just that the young master didn't like injections since he was a child, and was only willing to take medicine."

Haha, it turns out that An Yize is afraid of injections! Su Jian was happy, her eyes rolled, and she came to her heart: "If that's the case, then give him an injection! His temperature is so high, it's better to relieve the fever quickly to make people feel at ease!"

"But… "

Su Jian interrupted Dr. Zhang's hesitation: "It's okay, he's not a child, he's such an adult, he can't tell the difference between good and bad, you just need to start... uh, just do it."

Doctor Zhang was still a little hesitant, but Su Jian insisted, and asked to give him a shot directly on the buttocks without any trouble, so Doctor Zhang had no choice but to agree. Su Jian was overjoyed when she saw that An Yize was stripped of her pants, revealing her buttocks.

Doctor Zhang raised his head and called to him: "Young mistress, please help hold down the young master."

Su Jian, who was about to watch a joke, was shocked by the "Young Mistress" and almost fell on An Yize.

Because the movement was too loud, An Yize seemed to be awake, and looked up in a daze: "What are you doing... what?"

Su Jian was very happy when he saw that he was sober, thinking that the effect of watching a joke would be better, so she hurriedly hugged him and coaxed, "It's nothing, just to treat you."

An Yize frowned and looked at it. He understood a little, and his expression changed: "I don't... injections!"

Su Jian looked at him with a smile: "You can't get rid of the fever without an injection, so you must get an injection."

An Yize began to struggle, but was helplessly ill and weak, and couldn't struggle at all. Su Jian hugged him hard and coaxed, "I'm not afraid, it doesn't hurt at all."

An Yize was still struggling, but Su Jian couldn't let him escape, but although he was temporarily stronger than An Yize, but his size was far inferior to him, so he had to use all his strength to hold An Yize in his arms. Su Jian hurriedly coaxed: "We Yize are the bravest! Be good, be obedient, stop messing around, and let the doctor give you an injection." On the other side, she was about to laugh insanely in her heart.

The two were face to face, Su Jian hugged An Yize while coaxing, her lips brushing An Yize's skin from time to time. An Yize glanced at him and slowly stopped struggling.

Su Jian smiled happily: "Good, I'm really obedient."

Dr. Zhang smiled and said, "Young master and young grandma have such a good relationship."

Su Jian was shocked by the three words "young mistress" again, and hurriedly said: "Doctor Zhang, don't call me 'young mistress', I'm not used to it." I really can't stand it!

"This..." Doctor Zhang looked at An Yize in embarrassment.

An Yize leaned against Su Jian's arms and said, "Then... it's called 'Mrs.'..."

Su Jian: "..." Fall! Is this different from "young grandma"? A Tianlei level 1, a Tianlei level 1.01 is good!

Dr. Zhang happily answered "yes" and began to prepare for An Yize's injection. Su Jian was indignant, staring at the needle in Dr. Zhang's hand, cheering silently in her heart: thorn! Stab hard!

The needle entered the body, and An Yize's body trembled involuntarily. Su Jian was in a good mood immediately, but she pretended to be on her face, stroked An Yize's hair, and comforted: "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, it doesn't hurt at all." Of course, the more pain the better!

An Yize buried his face in his arms and said nothing.

Dr. Zhang put away the needle, smiled and said with emotion: "It seems that there are still few... Madam works."

Su Jian watched the joke with joy, and casually said modestly: "Where is it, we still need to work hard."

Doctor Zhang: "..."

Doctor Zhang explained some precautions and left immediately.

An Yize has fallen asleep. Su Jian covered him with the quilt, then turned on the computer and browsed the forum for a while, but she was always in little interest. Being bored, Su Jian suddenly saw a post about making porridge, and Su Jian's heart moved: Since good friends have urged her earnestly, she should cook something delicious for An Yize. So I immediately searched for the patient's nutritious meals on the Internet with great interest.

With nothing to do, Su Jian took a nap in the afternoon, but didn't want to wake up from the nap. The sky was dark and it was already evening. Su Jian got out of bed, stretched, and went to An Yize's bedroom to take a look. An Yize was still sleeping. Su Jian approached him lightly and stretched out her hand. She wanted to pinch his nose to bully him, but her fingers touched the tip of An Yize's nose. Thinking that he was sick at the moment, she shyly stopped her hand, but she was unwilling and couldn't bear it. He poked An Yize's nose and hummed, "The surname is An, you have today too!"

Su Jian has never looked at An Yize so closely. At this moment, Su Jian has to admit that An Yize's nose is nose and eyes are eyes. capital! Moreover, his eyes are closed at the moment, his expression is calm, and he does not look like he is usually indifferent. Instead, he is faintly childish, especially the pair of eyelashes, which are dense and long, and tremble slightly from time to time, which makes people's hearts tremble faintly. . Su Jian couldn't help reaching out and poking at the eyelashes, with a look of resentment: woe, woe!

An Yize also seemed to feel a little uncomfortable, and turned his face slightly. Su Jian immediately shrugged, seeing that he hadn't woken up, and began to twitch again. Seeing An Yize's ears, he suddenly remembered what Ji Mingfei said on the phone just now that An Yize's ears turned red when they were sensitive. Su Jian was curious, and couldn't help reaching out and gently pinching An Yize's earlobe.

An Yize trembled suddenly. Su Jian was so happy, she couldn't help pinching it again. Not to mention, An Yize's earlobes are plump and soft, and it's quite fun to squeeze. I was pinching happily when I suddenly heard a slightly hoarse voice: "What are you pinching me for?"

Su Jian was startled and looked up, only to see that An Yize had opened his eyes and was looking at him quietly. Su Jian was putting her hand on his ear at the moment, and she seemed too guilty to withdraw rashly, so she had to perfunctory: "What, I... oh, I'm showing you a picture!"

An Yize: "..."

Su Jian took the opportunity to pinch An Yize's earlobe again, seeing that An Yize's ears were not only red, but even his face seemed to be a little flushed, she couldn't help but secretly rejoiced, but her face was serious: "On the face, a person with soft earlobes , lustful by nature."

An Yize: "..."

Su Jian patted him and said earnestly: "So, you need to meditate!"

An Yize was silent for a while, then suddenly said, "Lower your head a little bit."

Su Jian didn't know why, so he lowered his head slightly.

An Yize raised his hand and pinched his earlobe as well.

Then spit out two words: "soft."

Su Jian: "..."