Reborn as My Love Rival’s Wife

Chapter 5


Because of his grief and anger, Su Jian didn't talk to An Yize again along the way.

On the other hand, An Yize remained calm all the way. After arriving at the hospital, he pulled him out of the car by the waist, pushed him back to the ward, and specifically asked the doctor about Su Jian's discharge time.

What the doctor meant was that Su Jian's operation was successful and her recovery was good. In a few days, she could be discharged directly from the hospital and go home to recuperate.

Su Jian began to feel a little panic.

To be honest, although he doesn't like the hospital, he prefers to stay in the hospital rather than staying in the marriage room with An Yize. At least there are beautiful and gentle nurses here! Can he not go back

So Su Jian tried hard to find a way to stay in the hospital, but he really didn't have the courage to break the broken leg again, so he was so tangled, the day of discharge came.

An Yize was also attentive, and brought Su Jian clothes and shoes specially. However, Su Jian looked at the neatly folded women's clothes and wanted to faint.

Nima, can he go home in a hospital gown? He doesn't wear women's clothes!

However, Su Jian himself knew that this was impossible, not to mention that his current body was originally a standard daughter's body, and it was the top grade of a daughter's body. Wearing the women's clothes in front of him would only be normal enough to make people amazing, and it was nothing wrong with it. It's just him.

So Su Jian had no choice but to start getting dressed. However, the problem came again. He also put on lace panties and so on, but how could this legendary bra let him do it! What's more, he usually only sees men unbuttoning the goddesses' bras in action art films, but he has never seen them put on! So, how to wear this

Su Jian studied for a while with her mouth full of blood, and finally put the bra on. Then there are the long dresses. Su Jian's expressionless face is correct: Humph, I even wear a bra, so what's the point of wearing a skirt!

After sweating profusely and getting dressed, Su Jian let An Yize, who was waiting outside, come in, and then gave up on herself: "I'm done! Let's go!"

An Yize looked at him: "hair."

"Ah?" Su Jian followed his gaze and lowered her head, only to realize that her long hair was messy. She sighed immediately, picked up the comb on the table beside the bed and brushed her hair hastily, but did not want to cry out in pain.

Seeing An Yize looking over, Su Jian was a little embarrassed. The original owner's long hair is actually very beautiful, black and long, and the hair quality is quite good, but Su Jian has been a man for nearly 30 years, and he has never combed such long hair, so every time he combs his hair, it is extremely tangled, and I really don't know how to take care of it, so at most I can only try to comb it straight and drape it down, and I can't think about doing haircuts at all.

Su Jian originally wanted to cut her hair short after she was discharged from the hospital. The shorter the better, but she learned from the chat with the nurse that women's short hair is more difficult to manage, so she dismissed the idea. To wipe the trouble of blowing and burning it, now this hairstyle that can be straightened out with a comb is already extremely simple. Besides, Su Jian's small face matches this hairstyle very well. Her long hair is really beautiful and gentle.

Such a beautiful and cute girl actually married this guy An Yize! Every time Su Jian looked in the mirror, she couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

Hearing his painful cry, An Yize looked at him and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Su Jian said silently in her heart: Look what! If one day you become a woman, I am afraid that you are not as good as me!

It was naturally An Yize who picked him up from the hospital.

Su Jian couldn't help feeling a little strange. During the hospitalization days, no one came to visit except An Yize and Su Jian's colleagues and students. The relatives on Su Jian's side can be understood as Su Jian married far away, and her hometown is not in S City, so it may be inconvenient to come here, but Su Jian remembers that An Yize's home is in S City, and it is said that it is a fairly prominent place in S City. family, but why did Su Jian not have a family member come to visit during these days when Su Jian was hospitalized? Is this really ignorant, or is Su Jian's daughter-in-law unpopular

Su Jian silently glanced at An Yize, who was driving beside him, and thought gossip, is this a grievance from a wealthy family

"Ann, cough, Eze."


"A few questions to you! Where do we live now?"

"Century Universe."

Su Jian was silent for a while, Shiji Huanyu, he couldn't afford a high-end community like a square meter with his salary in the previous year!

"Hehe, let me ask you another privacy point. Now, what's your annual salary?"

"… "

"Then change the question, which company are you working for now?"


"…is that the CMI I thought?"


Su Jian was silent again, CMI, the number one target company he hoped to enter after graduation, but unfortunately he couldn't even wait for the interview, and was dismissed in the first pass.

"Then what is your current job?"


Su Jian's eyes widened immediately.

Xu Shi felt the disbelief in his eyes, An Yize turned his head to look at him: "What?"

Su Jian said softly, "Can I ask how old you are this year?"


Su Jian thought, I can't blame this man, this person is a whole year older than me, so it's normal to have such a gap. Nine or the bottom-level migrant workers in IT are normal! Turn the table!

Su Jian turned her head angrily. It is said that the gap between the rich and the poor is too great these days, this is the live version of the lively and bloody Gao Fushuai VS Diao Si! Isn't the difference between people so piercing! An Yize, have you decided to hang up? Facts have proved that a just dad or a godfather is really important!

"what happened again?"

Su Jian took a calm breath and twitched the corners of her mouth: "It's nothing, I didn't expect my spouse to be so promising. Thinking of how much inheritance I have to inherit if you have an accident in the future, I feel a little surprised."

"… "

Entering the community and seeing several luxury cars bearing the logos that all men yearn for in the garage, Su Jian said that although she still felt a little phantom limb pain, she was much calmer.

However, Su Jian was a little bit restless after that - how did it happen so coincidentally that the elevator just happened to break down and needed to be repaired

Su Jian asked: "You, cough, what floor do we live in?"

An Yize was expressionless: "21st floor."

Su Jian shut up knowingly.

The property sincerely apologizes and asks to wait. Then An Yize asked, "How long will it take to repair it?"

The property hesitated: "Ten, ten minutes..."

Su Jian asked tentatively, "Why don't we just wait?"

An Yize had no words, and Su Jian took it as his acquiescence.

However, ten minutes later, the property was still sweating and apologized: "I'm really sorry, because the fault is serious, the elevator should be out of use today."

Su Jian scratched her head: "This means, we are going to climb up to the 21st floor?"

Glancing at An Yize, who didn't say anything but his face was darker: "The 21st floor is nothing at all, but in my current situation..."

To say that the services of high-end communities are different, Wen Yan Property Management immediately said: "We can help!"

Su Jian's heart moved, she glanced at An Yize next to her, and asked the property with great interest, "In this situation, people can only carry me upstairs. Do you want to help me carry me upstairs?"

The property naturally looked towards An Yize.

But Su Jian didn't wait for An Yize's answer, and immediately denied: "How can this work? My husband is clearly here, why should I let other men carry it? Besides, my husband is strong and strong, so what does it mean to climb the 21st floor? Is that right, husband?"

The "husband" that she thought was hard to say, suddenly felt that it was easier to say at this moment. At the end, she chose a long ending, like a little woman who completely trusted her husband.

Although An Yize still had that expressionless expression, Su Jian, who had been with him for a long time, naturally saw that he was suffocated at the moment, and was laughing in her heart.

An Yize, you robbed my sister back then and caused my daughter-in-law to die young before marrying her. Don't blame me for revenge today!

In order to prevent An Yize's rejection, Su Jian tried her best to exert her acting skills, stretched out her hand and tugged An Yize's sleeve, and when An Yize looked over, she raised her face and gave him a look of pure and innocent expectation: "Husband, let's hurry up. go home!"

An Yize's face was cold and dark, and he was silent for a while, and finally gave a light "um".

Su Jian immediately smiled.

The property is obviously still apologetic: "Mr. and Mrs., is there anything we can do to help?"

Su Jian smiled and said, "Just wait a moment and you can help bring the wheelchair up."

Then he turned to look at An Yize, and opened his arms obediently: "Husband?"

An Yize looked at him silently for a moment, then squatted down in front of him with his back to him.

With the help of the property management, Su Jian lay on An Yize's back and said happily, "Husband, let's go!" After thinking about it, she added with a smile, "Come on!"

Su Jian assured him that he felt An Yize's back stiffen.

So I feel better now. Although there is envy, jealousy and hatred that An Yize's back is so thick and wide, but when he thinks that his rival has to climb up to the 21st floor step by step on his back, he feels a little proud.

Although he carried a big man on his back, An Yize's pace was still steady, and he didn't show any effort. On the other hand, Su Jian was lying on his back, always feeling that the two lumps of flesh on his chest made him panic, so he couldn't help twisting.

Looking for a comfortable position, I suddenly felt a slap on the buttocks, and then I heard An Yize lightly reprimanded: "Don't move!"

Su Jian only felt a thud in his head. What just happened? Damn, he, he, he was spanked by An Yize? !

Su Jian became angry, but she was afraid that the movement would be too big for An Yize to give him another shot, so she had to endure it as hard as she could, but started to force her hand around An Yize's neck.

Sure enough, it was only a moment before An Yize coughed uncomfortably, and reprimanded again: "Don't hold your hands so tight!"

Su Jian glared at the head that was very close in front of her, but her mouth was innocent: "But I'm afraid of falling."

An Yize was silent and lifted the body on his back.

Although Su Jian is slender, she is still an adult. After climbing several floors with this body on her back, An Yize's breathing gradually became heavier.

When Su Jian heard this, she was in a good mood again, but her mouth was enthusiastic: "Husband, isn't it boring? Why don't we do brain teasers!"

After speaking, without waiting for An Yize's response, he started excitedly.

"A medium-rare steak and a medium-rare steak met on the street, but they didn't say hello. Why do you say that?"

An Yize was silent. Su Jian was not annoyed, and directly announced the answer: "Because they are not familiar with each other! Hahaha, isn't it a classic?"

An Yize: "..."

"Okay, let's test you again! There were two people, and they fell into the trap together. One died and the other survived. The dead person is called the living person, and what is the living person called?"

An Yize: "..."

Su Jian reached out and patted An Yize's head: "Come on, answer quickly, dear!"

An Yize's low voice gritted his teeth vaguely: "Ask me again and I'll throw you away."

Su Jiansan withdrew her hand: "If you can't think of an answer, you can't think of it. I'll tell you the answer directly. Of course the living person called-'Help!'"

There was a faint gust of cold wind blowing through the empty stairwell.

An Yize still silently went up the stairs step by step. Su Jian lay lazily on his back, feeling quite bored, so she was silent for a while, and then spoke again.

"Why don't we tell a joke! One day, Mungdou broke up with his girlfriend, so he kept crying and crying, very sad, and then... he sprouted."

"… "

"Isn't it funny? Then tell me one more day, another day, a cat..."

"To shut up!"

Hearing the coldness in An Yize's voice, Su Jian honestly closed her mouth, and when she was quiet, she immediately heard An Yize's heavy breathing that could not be suppressed.

Oh, how many floors have you climbed? It seems to have passed the tenth floor? It is said that his "husband" has good physical strength! Su Jian grinned wickedly where An Yize couldn't see, but she had to show concern on the surface: "Husband, are you tired? Why don't I sing a song to cheer you up!"

Before An Yize could stop him, Su Jianjian started singing with high spirits and cheerful voice, all evidence of a good mood.

"The man who sets the horse, you are majestic and majestic, and the galloping horse is like a gust of wind. The boundless fields are like you to wander, and your heart is as broad as the earth! The man who sets the horse, you are in my heart, and I would like to melt into your broad heart. Chest... Huh? What's wrong?"

An Yize carefully placed Su Jian on the steps, and when he turned around, Su Jian saw a bead of sweat slipping across his dark face.

Su Jian snickered, An Yize ah An Yize, climbed twelve floors, you still can't do it, right

Feeling happy, An Yize suddenly glared at him and said, "From now on, don't make any more noise!"

Su Jian: "..."

After a short rest, she climbed onto An Yize's back again, and Su Jian really didn't make a sound.

So in the empty corridor, only An Yize's footsteps echoed.

Su Jian thought, the frequency of An Yize's steps is really stable...

So Su Jian listened to the steady and regular footsteps and slowly fell asleep.