Reborn as the Villain President’s Cat & Dog

Chapter 105


Si Junduo took a deep breath, turned on the light, and saw Wen Mingyi still sleeping beside him, sleeping peacefully.

With trembling hands, he touched Wen Mingyi's cheeks, soft and delicate, and Shi Junduo's heart was relieved.

He lay back on the bed and took Wen Mingyi into his arms. Wen Mingyi seemed to sense his movement, hugged him and rubbed in his arms, whispering "brother".

Si Junduo gave a low "um", hugged him, and kept kissing his cheek.

The scenes in the dream kept flashing in his mind, he hardly dared to recall his mood at that time, he could only hug Wen Mingyi tightly, kiss him over and over again, feel his existence, feel that he is still there. around yourself.

Wen Mingyi was a little hurt by the force on his arm, opened his eyes unconsciously, called out "brother" in a daze, and asked him, "Is it dawn?"

"No." Shi Junduo said warmly, "you continue to sleep, it's alright."

"Why did you wake up before dawn?" Wen Mingyi asked sleepily.

Si Junduo looked at him and couldn't help kissing his lips. Wen Mingyi didn't know why, but he always liked Si Junduo's kisses, so he hugged him and responded to him lingeringly.

This time Si Junduo kissed for an extraordinarily long time. Wen Mingyi felt that he was almost out of breath, everyone was awake, and Si Junduo hadn't stopped. He had no choice but to open the distance between the two by himself, looking at the person in front of him, puzzled, "What's wrong with you?"

Si Junduo looked at him, his eyes full of cherishment and fear, he called him, "Mingming."

Wen Mingyi responded.

Si Junduo reached out and touched his face, Wen Mingyi thought for a while and guessed, "Did you have a nightmare?"

Jundor nodded.

"What did you dream about?" Wen Mingyi whispered.

Jundo couldn't say it, he rejected the scene in the dream from the bottom of his heart, and he didn't even want to recall that scene again. He just looked at the person in front of him and lowered his head to kiss him again.

Wen Mingyi felt sensitively that it should be related to him, and while kissing him, he gently followed his back, trying to reassure him.

"I'm fine." Wen Mingyi whispered, "I'm fine, look, I'm still by your side."

"Will you leave me?" Jundor asked him.

Wen Mingyi shook his head, "Of course not."

He took the initiative to kiss Si Junduo, "I want to be with you all my life, always by your side. This life is over, and I will be together in the next life."

Si Junduo finally showed a smile and nodded slightly.

"Did you dream that I left you?" Wen Mingyi whispered.

Jundor nodded silently, but said nothing.

Wen Mingyi hugged him tightly and coaxed him softly, "It's all fake, I won't leave you, dreams are the opposite, so we will be together forever."

"Yeah." Shi Junduo responded in a low voice.

Wen Mingyi hooked his neck with a smile and acted like a spoiled child, "Then you can kiss me again, I like you to kiss me."

Jundor hardly hesitated, and the moment he finished speaking, he lowered his head and kissed his lips.

The two became intimate again. Si Junduo looked at his watch. It was past four o'clock. He turned off the light again, hugged Wen Mingyi, and said to him, "Go to sleep."

Wen Mingyi said "um", but listened to him again, "You will always be my most important person, my favorite person."

Wen Mingyi smiled, "I know."

Si Junduo looked at him through the darkness, and seemed to be looking at Wen Mingyi in that dream, "No matter what time, I will protect you, protect you, and only you."

"I know." Wen Mingyi didn't understand how he would say this suddenly, but he never doubted his importance to Jundor, "No one will love me more than you, I know."

Wen Mingyi said softly, "So, I love you the most too."

People come and go in this world, there are many mortals, and everyone has nothing to do with everyone, and everyone has something to do with everyone, but he and Jundor are different. In a long time, the entanglement has become a tree.

If one side leaves, the other side will also fall.

This is the life of both of them.

He leaned into Jundor's arms, listened to his steady heartbeat, and slowly fell asleep again.

Si Junduo soon started dreaming again, this time he already knew that what he saw were all dreams, probably because of the rejection in his heart, the pictures of those dreams flashed quickly, he saw himself looking at Wen Wen. Ming Yi's body was in tears, and he also saw that he wanted Jiang Zimo to pay for his life, but Wen Bo swore to protect him to the death.

He saw that the Wen family brothers turned against each other, and Wen Su was almost sent to prison by Wen Bo, and finally left his hometown. He thought it was impossible, it was ridiculous, how could Wen Bo be able to bring down Wen Su, how could he possibly do it.

But in the dream, he did it, not only overthrowing Wen Su, but also fighting with himself.

He saw his parents killed in the plane crash, and saw Wen Mingyi's parents forgive Jiang Zimo and let him give up his hatred.

He felt that all this was absurd and sad, ridiculous and sad, but he could only watch it casually.

In the end, he saw that he and Wen Bo stabbed each other, and at that moment, Junduo could even feel the sudden relaxed mood of himself in the picture.

He has lost too much, Wen Mingyi, his parents, and the company. He is too tired to walk. The responsibilities he once carried on his shoulders have been left in accidents again and again. He doesn't even have the will to survive, only I think that's fine.

He avenged Wen Mingyi, his wish is over, and death is nothing to fear.

It was even more of a relief.

Si Junduo looked at the picture and closed his eyes safely, without hatred, without anger, and with calmness.

He watched quietly, and after a long time, he realized that his face was cold.

The sun was shining through the windows and curtains on Judor's face, his eyes were open, his heart was calm and sad.

The scene in the dream was not real, he watched it scribbly and quickly, but he could still feel his own sadness and loneliness in the dream. He seems to be walking in winter, no matter what the weather is outside, he is always in the icy world of winter.

Junduo thought this dream was too ridiculous, how could Wen Bo have such great ability to push Wen Su and him to that level, it was too ridiculous, so ridiculous that he didn't want to think about this dream for a second.

He attributed this dream to having a dream every day and night. He saw Wen Bo lying on the hospital bed and Wen Su was sad, so he subconsciously worried about what he would do if something like this happened to Wen Mingyi. ? This is the dream, but unfortunately this dream is too fake.

He turned his head to look at Wen Mingyi beside him, hugged his head and kissed his forehead, he would be fine, he would always be fine and live a hundred years.

Jundor kissed him again before getting up to wash.

Suddenly, he realized something and looked at Wen Mingyi, and then picked up the watch he put on the bedside table. The pointer on the watch clearly showed 7:55.

Si Junduo looked at Wen Mingyi in surprise. He had neither cat ears nor dog ears on his head. He put his hand into the quilt and touched it. Sure enough, the tail was gone.

How is this going

Si Junduo waited until 8:05. Wen Mingyi's body did not change at all, the traces left by those animals were all gone, and he seemed to be a normal person.

Si Junduo remembered that when he woke up in the middle of the night last night, Wen Mingyi was also a normal person, not a cat or a dog. This shouldn't be, he thought, how could it suddenly change completely for 6-8 hours

He lifted the quilt and got out of bed, pressed the stop button, picked up the camera, and imported the video from the camera to his computer.

He carefully dragged the progress bar, carefully observed Wen Mingyi on the screen, until the end of the video, he raised his head in disbelief and looked at the boy who was still sleeping on the bed.

It hasn't changed. Wen Mingyi hasn't changed all night. He has always been in the form he is now. He has not changed into a small animal, nor has he changed into an animal's ears and tail.

The magic is lifted, Jundor thought, but why this day? He couldn't understand, just like when Wen Mingyi became an orange cat for the first time, he also couldn't understand why Wen Mingyi became an orange cat.

Wen Mingyi woke up much later than him. Si Junduo had already washed up, sat on the edge of the bed, and told him the condition of his body. Wen Mingyi listened in shock and was silent for a moment.

He is different from Jundor. He knows that the world he lives in is a book, and now, he who should have been in a car accident has become Wen Bo, the story has changed, and he has also lifted the magic of becoming cats and dogs. , will the two be related

When he was reborn, the story was still in progress, and he became a variable, but that shouldn't be the case, so what followed was that half of the time he became a cat or a dog.

But now, the story has completely deviated from the main line, and he is also out of the influence of the plot, so he jumped out and returned to the state of a normal person.

Wen Mingyi felt that this was probably the most reasonable explanation he could think of.

He looked at Junduo, and suddenly thought that since the story has completely deviated from the main line, then, can he tell about the rebirth, he opened his mouth, but hesitantly closed it.

At first, I wanted to tell Si Junduo that he was reborn, just because at that time he wanted Si Junduo to stay away from Jiang Zimo, but now, Si Junduo no longer pays attention to Jiang Zimo, so do we still need to tell him

For Wen Mingyi, what happened in the last life, what he felt and felt really emotionally was the things before his death, and the things after his death, he just looked at the 3D books, like a spectator, even some. He didn't even see the picture, but the words entered his mind, so apart from the pain of Jundor, he didn't really feel many other things.

But Jundor's pain happened to be the last thing he wanted to see.

Before his accident, because of the influence of the original book, he was always in a tantrum with Jundor, and he hurt people again and again. Even the last time the two met, they broke up unhappily. At that time, Jundor was in pain. Yes; after the accident, Jundor lived in self-blame and guilt. He missed him every day. At that time, he was also in pain.

It is enough to experience this kind of mood once, and even if possible, Wen Mingyi would not let him experience it even once. Therefore, there is no need to let Jundor know about the last life, and there is no need to let him know about the misses and regrets between them.

He smiled and said to Si Jundor, "Although I don't know what's going on, I've become normal, which is always a good thing."

Jundor nodded, "That's right."

Wen Mingyi hugged him, kissed his profile, and smiled contentedly. They missed a lifetime, but fortunately they still have this lifetime to make up for. On the first day of his rebirth, he told himself that in this lifetime, he must live well, and he must live well with Jundor. Now, he has done it.

That's enough.

Wen Mingyi found out on this day that he was actually a person with little ambition. In fact, he never wanted much, but very simple and ordinary things.

The love of parents, a complete life, and the life of Jundor.

And now, he seems to have it all.

Wen Mingyi is very satisfied, so he doesn't want to bring the pain of the previous life into this life, he just knows it, Jundo doesn't need to know, he just needs to know that they have always been the most important person to each other, they like each other and will always be. Just be together.

"I like you so much." Wen Mingyi said softly, he has liked you the most in two lifetimes.

Wen Mingyi hugged him tightly, with a coquettish and smiling tone in his tone, "I like you the most."