Reborn as the Villain President’s Cat & Dog

Chapter 55


At 7:30 pm on January 22, an earthquake occurred in Xiwang Village, Chenli County.

At 7:35, someone posted one after another, posted on a circle of friends, saying: Earthquake!

"Mom, it scared me to death. I was just sleeping on the bed, and suddenly the bed was shaking!"

"Me too, I was watching TV and felt the building shake!"

"Where is the earthquake? We don't feel it here."

"Yeah, we don't feel it here either."

"There is indeed an earthquake, and everyone in our community is now in the yard, scared to death!"

Soon, the official news of the earthquake was announced. The earthquake had a magnitude of 6.3, but fortunately, the epicenter was relatively shallow, so the affected area was not large. Not many provinces and cities were affected, but the damage in the epicenter was relatively large, and the earthquake caused some mountains. The landslide has overwhelmed many houses and the government has started emergency rescue.

After the meeting, Si Junduo was about to contact Wen Mingyi to ask him how he was filming today, when he received a notification about the earthquake on his mobile phone.

Looking at the location of the earthquake, he felt nervous, and quickly called Wen Mingyi, but no one answered.

Junduo changed WeChat voice calls, video calls and text messages, but Wen Mingyi did not reply.

Jundor's fear became stronger and stronger, he felt that his hands were shaking unconsciously, and his whole body was shaking.

He quickly contacted Zoran, "Lend me a private jet, I need it urgently."

"What's wrong?" Zhuo Ran asked.

"There was an earthquake in Xiwang Village, Chenli County, Mingming... Mingming was filming there."

Zoran was startled.

Junduo said with a dry throat, "I'll go to the airport first and fly as soon as possible."

"I know, don't worry, I'll make arrangements now." After he finished speaking, he persuaded again, "Don't worry, he'll be fine, he's so smart, he'll be fine."

Si Junduo nodded, but everyone knew that these words were not convincing at all. Natural disasters and man-made disasters, natural disasters ranked ahead of man-made disasters, in the face of natural disasters, no matter how clever, it would not help.

Si Junduo quickly walked out of the office and explained to Lin Mu, "I'll go out and call me if there is anything. Important things can be reported to Vice President Zhang first and let him make a decision first."

"Okay." Lin Mu replied.

Si Junduo asked the driver to drive the car. He sat on the back seat and kept calling Wen Mingyi, but no one answered. His hands clenched into fists unconsciously. If something really happened, what should he do

He shouldn't have left! he thinks! If he doesn't leave, then at least he is still by Wen Mingyi's side now!

He is still so young, only 18 years old, and his 19th birthday has not yet arrived, how could he have an accident at this time!

He shouldn't have left! He should be by his side, so that even if he really encounters something, he can protect him as much as possible! He wouldn't let him face this kind of disaster alone!

Jundor clenched his fists angrily, and his heart was full of self-blame and remorse.

The driver calmly looked at his boss and increased his speed silently.

On the other side, Wen Mingyi was looking for a signal with his mobile phone, but he couldn't find it.

Like him, other people are anxious to report the safety of their family members, but the mobile phone has no signal, and the signal is not enough. After the earthquake is over, there will be aftershocks one after another, but none of them will be stronger than the first earthquake. Yu Xuanwen looked at the sky that had gradually turned dark, and decided to continue driving forward, as far as possible from the epicenter.

But the villagers didn't want to go any further. They grew up in the mountains and were born and raised here. They know that such natural disasters happen and the government will not ignore them, so they want to go to the county government for assistance.

The village chief and Yu Xuanwen shared their thoughts, and Yu Xuanwen agreed. After all, they were just passing people, and these villagers were here.

"We can't go back and send you to the government and then leave," Yu Xuanwen said. "It's too much trouble for us. The communication should only be temporarily cut off at this time, and there should be a signal after a while, and then you can Contact the government and the government will take care of you."

The village chief thought so too. He held Yu Xuanwen's hand and said, "Thank you."

After speaking, he looked around for Wen Mingyi again.

Wen Mingyi was looking for signals all over the world at the moment. He wanted to raise his arms to the sky. The village chief walked over to him and patted him on the shoulder. Wen Mingyi was startled, and when he looked back, he found that it was him, and said doubtfully. ,"What's wrong?"

The village chief smiled and said kindly, "Xiao Wen, it's really thanks to you this time, thank you."

As soon as he said that, other villagers also gathered and thanked him one by two. Dabao hugged his leg directly because he knew him well, and said gratefully, "Brother, you are amazing!"

Wen Mingyi was thanked by them, and one of his benefactors made him feel embarrassed, so he quickly gave the credit to the dogs in the village, "Don't thank me, I only thought of the abnormality of the dogs in the village, and the main credit lies with them. If you want to thank them, just take good care of them in the future."

"Xiao Wen is shy." Sister Zhang said with a smile, "His brother said before that he is the easiest to be shy."

Wen Mingyi: ? ?

Did his brother say such unkind words? Is he shy easily? He is so flamboyant and unpretentious, how can he be shy!

The crew and the villagers are ready to separate.

Wen Mingyi took out the cash in his wallet and gave it to the village chief.

The village head was embarrassed to accept it, and other villagers also said that they could not accept it.

"How can I ask for your money? If it weren't for you, we might all be dead, so how could we charge you any more."

"That's right!" The old man holding the dog is old, but his thinking is still very clear, "You said that because we can all go with you. It's for our good, and you can't ask for money."

"Take it." Wen Mingyi said, "It will take some time to rebuild after the disaster. These children are still young, and when they are still growing, they can buy something for them."

He said and beckoned Dabao to come over, put the money into his hand, and rubbed his head.

Dabao looked at the money in his hand, looked at him, and looked at his mother again, wondering if he should take it or not.

Wen Mingyi smiled and patted him, and said to him, "Take it, as your reward for helping me keep secrets for so many days. Children who keep honesty need rewards, and this is your reward."

Dabao knew that what he was talking about was that he didn't eat well, so he smiled stupidly at Wen Mingyi and took the money.

Cheng Lu couldn't see such a scene, so he also took out his own cash and gave it to the village chief.

Others also took out cash one after another. It was fate to meet once, especially after experiencing such a catastrophe of life and death together, everyone's heart softened.

The children are still too young, some of them don't understand what happened, and they are still smiling and talking to their companions. The adults had already realized that they had escaped the catastrophe, and also realized that their homeland might be gone. At this moment, they accepted the kindness of others, and their eyes could not help but burst into tears.

"After our village is built, you are welcome to come to film. When the time comes, we will greet you well." The village chief said.

Yu Xuanwen smiled, "Okay."

He looked at the person in front of him and sighed, "Then let's go, you have a mobile phone, right?"

"Yes." The village chief nodded.

"I have it too." Sister Zhang said, "I still have it."

"That's fine, then let's go."

"Goodbye." The villagers said one after another.

Yu Xuanwen nodded and walked towards the car.

Wen Mingyi also smiled and waved to them.

The children have eaten his candy, and they are very fond of him, and they waved their hands sweetly, "Goodbye brother."

"Goodbye children, remember to go to school when you grow up~"


"What's your name, Xiao Wen?" the village chief asked him, "You saved us once, but I don't even know your full name."

Wen Mingyi scratched his neck embarrassedly, unable to speak.

But Dabao still remembers, "My brother is Wen Mingyi, bright Ming, spirited Yi."

Wen Mingyi: …

Wen Mingyi nodded embarrassedly and politely, and slipped away.

The car was back on the road, and the villagers who were left behind were also full of hope, waiting for the government's rescue.

Sister Zhang watched the car go away, touched her son's head, and taught him, "Dabao has to study hard in the future. My brother is a college student, so I know so much. It saved us, and Dabao has to work hard to get into college."

Dabao nodded "hmmm", although he didn't even know what a college student was.

Yu Xuanwen looked at Wen Mingyi who was staring at his mobile phone in the car, and persuaded him, "Don't try, wait another ten minutes to see if there is a signal."

Wen Mingyi said in his heart that he can wait, but his brother can't wait! If Si Junduo sees the news of the earthquake, he must be worried again. He can't be contacted at this moment. Come on, Si Junduo must feel that he is more evil than good.

Alas, he really knows his brother too well.

"Why are you still sighing?" Yu Xuanwen said, "This time you are everyone's savior. Now everyone is fine, you should be happy."

Wen Mingyi smiled, "I'm very happy, but I'm afraid my family will be anxious."

"Wait a while for the signal to come. There's nothing you can do about it."

Wen Mingyi had no choice but to nod.

Yu Xuanwen looked at him and said with emotion, "Actually, the filming location I chose at the beginning was not here."

"That's it?" Wen Mingyi wondered.

"I chose another village." Yu Xuanwen said, "But before the filming started, I thought of this place again. I came here a few years ago, and I thought the folk customs here were quite simple, so I wrote it down in my heart. That day I don’t know why, but I suddenly thought of this place again, and felt that this place was more suitable, so I changed it temporarily. Never thought about it, I almost explained myself here.”

"If you don't die, you will have good luck." Wen Mingyi comforted him.

Yu Xuanwen smiled, "Thank you for your blessings, and lend you auspicious words."

Wen Mingyi said modestly: "The main reason is that Director Yu is willing to trust me and give me a chance. Otherwise, how could I mobilize so many people in the crew."

Yu Xuanwen felt that he was quite humble. To put it bluntly, at that time, if everyone was unwilling to go, Wen Mingyi could go alone. He reminded him and told everyone what was about to happen, but no one believed him. Even if he left at that time, no one would say anything about him.

But Wen Mingyi planned to take everyone with him from the very beginning. He even took into account the villagers and the dog who reminded him of the impending disaster. He didn't know it with emotion and reason, but he was concise and to the point, and completed the matter as quickly as possible.