Reborn as the Villain President’s Cat & Dog

Chapter 82


"It's blue this time."

Wen Mingyi nodded, "I'll give you a red one next time."

Si Junduo was looking forward to the next time when he heard it.

He watched Wen Mingyi change the water in the glass bottle, put it on the coffee table, and started arranging flowers. He couldn't help but walk over.

Wen Mingyi wondered, "Why are you here? Are you not working?"

"Rest awhile."

Wen Mingyi nodded.

Jundor looked at him and helped him arrange flowers.

He watched Wen Mingyi insert the newly bought roses one by one, with tenderness in his eyes, leaned over and kissed Wen Mingyi's eyebrows.

Wen Mingyi was startled and turned to look at him unconsciously.

Si Junduo smiled and took him into his arms. He felt the breath of the boy in his arms and hugged him gently.

Wen Mingyi smiled secretly in his arms, and let him hold it obediently.

When he lowered his head, he noticed the rose in his hand, so he picked up the rose, touched his mouth, and raised the rose quietly, and put it on the side of Judor's face.

Jundor asked, "For what?"

Wen Mingyi smiled, "Don't do anything."

Just, another way to kiss you.

Wen Mingyi and Si Junduo have entered another mode of tacit understanding since this day. Neither of them has spoken clearly, but they both know each other's thoughts.

Wen Mingyi was unconscious, he felt that this was the result he wanted. Si Junduo wanted to give him a step back. Wen Mingyi was still young, and his nineteenth birthday had not yet arrived. Si Junduo was afraid that he was a novelty, and he was also afraid that he had misunderstood his feelings for a while. He always I am habitually thinking about Wen Mingyi, so I want to leave a way for Wen Mingyi.

In this way, once Wen Mingyi regrets it, he can just regard this time as a chaotic love affair in adolescence, say sorry, and the two of them will open this chapter together.

For Si Junduo, whether Wen Mingyi chased him or liked him, this was not what he expected, it was already a luxury to get it, and more, he did not dare to covet.

Soon, at the end of February, Wen Mingyi's magazine came out. As soon as the magazine was launched, the Internet exploded!

"Damn it! Have you seen it? The cover of the February issue of "TOP" turned out to be Wen Mingyi!!! Oh my God!!! Why is Wen Mingyi????!!!"

"Didn't you say that the cover of the February issue was Lin Wei? How did it become Wen Mingyi??"

"I was surprised that Wen Mingyi was able to appear on "TOP", and it was still the cover!! Are you crazy!! "TOP" should not be forced!!"

"Fuck!! Did you see the latest Weibo of "TOP"!! Wen Mingyi turned out to be a double cover!!!"

"Isn't TOP not wanting his style? This is still a first-tier male magazine??? Does he still have the style of a first-tier male magazine!!!"

"Fuck!!! F*ck!! F*ck!! Was this cover of Wen Mingyi made by Vivian!! Upstairs, you guys don't even mention Vivian, but keep talking about Wen Mingyi??? This time the cover The selling point is obviously not Wen Mingyi, but Vivian!!"

"Is Vivian cool? I've never heard of it before. The "TOP" Weibo said that Wen Mingyi was filmed by her, even if she doesn't even have a Weibo, is she cool??"

"My God, didn't you see that the prefix given to her by "TOP" is an internationally renowned photographer?? Of course Vivian is awesome! This issue of Wen Mingyi's cover is obviously because Vivian is willing to go down to the world to take pictures of him, Vivian's photos are all award-winning, right?! How about putting them in textbooks as a model!"

Everyone was shocked, is it so powerful

Soon, someone popularized, "The owner is right, Vivian is really good, and can be said to be the best photographer in the 21st century. Basically, she has picked up all the awards at home and abroad, and the only one who has not I got it because she is Chinese, so she does not meet the selection criteria. But even so, she enjoys high treatment internationally. It is said that she easily does not accept business orders, nor does she take pictures of people. Then the cost of photography is very high.”

"So, "TOP" spent a lot of money and specially invited Vivian to shoot Wen Mingyi? This is impossible, is Wen Mingyi the son of "TOP"?"

"My own son won't have this kind of treatment. Vivian's price is too high. "TOP" is unnecessary and can't afford it. I am more inclined to be that Vivian didn't know why he took pictures of Wen Mingyi, so "TOP" Only then did Wen Mingyi's photo become the cover."

"This is also very strange. If Vivian is as powerful as you said, why is she willing to take pictures of Wen Mingyi? Why is Wen Mingyi? Did Wen Mingyi save Vivian's life?"

"Who knows."

"News! ! ! Vivian has opened Weibo! ! ! ! 》

People who eat melons are shocked that the melons have fallen!

"Starting Weibo today??? Wait, didn't she have a Weibo before??"

"Probably not. When I saw the official Weibo of "TOP", I didn't circle her."

"Fuck!! Vivian posted on Weibo!!!"

"Let me take a screenshot of the upstairs, what did you post?"

"Let me be Kangkang, I want Kangkang too."


"Can the floor master switch to a text version? The internet speed is too bad, I can't see the picture, thank the floor master kindhearted!"

"Back upstairs, the text version is - Vivian: Mingming is so handsome! He is cute and handsome! Little angel [kiss] [kiss] [kiss]."

Crowd: …

"So, Vivian is Wen Mingyi's fan?"

"Mom powder?"

"No... it's impossible..."

"Is Wen Mingyi so awesome? It's been half a year since he debuted, and now TV and TV are not on, and there are no movies at all. Has he already attracted such an awesome big fan? I don't believe it!"

"Don't believe it upstairs, Vivian admits it, the screenshot is here."

Everyone looked at it and saw that Vivian replied to a netizen named Give me a cup of warm water on the picture.

Give me a glass of warm water: The goddess has worked hard to go down to earth, and the goddess's photos are so beautiful! Thank you goddess for this time! Hope the goddess all the best in the future!

Vivian: You're welcome, after all, I'm a clear mother's fan~

The people who eat melons look at them, only to feel that the melons in their hands have turned sour! Why doesn't this big guy look at our brother/sister/brother/sister! ! ! Our brother/sister/brother/sister is ten thousand times better than Wen Mingyi! !

Soon, Vivian and Wen Mingyi were on the hot search together.

Marketing accounts have also come to an end: Shocked! ! ! The internationally renowned photographer Vivian shot the cover for Wen Mingyi, and called himself his mother's fan!

The pictures of Jiugongge are the international awards that Vivian has won and Wen Mingyi's magazine photos in this issue.

Netizens talked a lot, but they only felt that the dimensional walls were broken.

"My God, this fan base is too big! No wonder Wen Mingyi can be on this issue of "TOP", and his real name is envious!"

"This photo is so beautiful too!! I think it's too beautiful even a passerby, I can't do it anymore, I want to buy this magazine too!"

"It's already sold out online. Let's go upstairs and take a look offline. I just went to our newsstand over there, and it's not sold anymore."

During the conversation, many other small fans of other stars went to Vivian's Weibo, while selling Amway, who is her idol, and asked the goddess if she can take pictures of my brother/sister/brother/sister

Reasonable fans hurriedly went to plan their own fans, "Don't do this, it's not suitable."

But there are still fans who said, "If you don't try, how do you know it's not possible! I think my brother is much stronger than Wen Mingyi, Wen Mingyi can do it, why can't my brother!"

Soon, Vivian posted her second Weibo: Wen Mingyi's mother's fan, I only like him, thank you!

Wen Mingyi's fans expressed their excitement one after another, while others' fans were unwilling and unable to do anything.

Wen Mingyi looked at the hot searches on the Internet and Wen Wei's Weibo, puzzled, "Why do you still open Weibo?"

Wen Wei said calmly, "Anna reminded me, after all, I can also interact with you this way."

Wen Mingyi, "Do you still want to interact with me?"

Wen Wei looked at him with her mobile phone at ease, "I'm leaving in a few days." She said, "I didn't play Weibo before, I didn't know you became a star, but now you open Weibo, and I will miss you in the future. , you can see what happened to you recently."

When Wen Mingyi heard that she was leaving, he felt a little lost, "Why would you miss me?"

Wen Wei approached him and hugged him, "Of course I miss you, but I didn't tell you when I missed you."

Wen Mingyi lowered his head and didn't look at her.

Wen Wei sighed, "Mingming, in a few years, everything that my mother wants to shoot is finished, then I will never leave you again, and I will stay with you at home, okay?"

"No." Wen Mingyi said stubbornly.

"I'm sorry," Wen Wei said, "but now, I still have my job, and I can't stay by your side all the time."

Wen Mingyi didn't understand, he looked at Wen Wei, "I never let you stay by my side all the time, I just hope you can think of me more and come back to see me more time. I understand that you are busy, but No matter how busy you are, you won’t be able to spare 30 days of 365 days a year to stay with me! Even if you don’t come back, it’s always alright for you to call me a few times, right?”

"I'm just afraid that every time I see you, every time I finish a phone call with you, I don't want to leave, I want to stay with you a little longer. Like now, I should have left long ago, but I look at you , I can't bear it, I can only keep pushing back the days of going back."

"So you think I don't exist at all? Do you leave me alone at the Si's house?" Wen Mingyi felt uncomfortable, "Did you know that we went to the mountains to shoot last year, and there was an earthquake there, if I was I didn't guess in advance, if we didn't leave, I would die there forever, when you come back, only your son's body will greet you!"

"Mingming!" Wen Wei covered his mouth.

She looked at Wen Mingyi with guilt, fear and sadness in her eyes.

Wen Mingyi pushed her hand away and said indifferently, "But it shouldn't make any difference to you. Without me, you will be freer."

"Why do you think so?" Wen Wei frowned, her eyes full of sadness, "if something happens to you, I won't forgive myself. I know, I'm sorry for you, I'm not a good mother, I Not even the most ordinary mothers, so I try to compensate you in other ways as much as possible."

"I know your brother takes good care of you, so I'm relieved. I didn't just put you in anyone's house, but I know that your brother and your godparents will take good care of you. Obviously, Whether it's me or your dad, we actually love you."

"But I can't feel it!" Wen Mingyi said angrily, "I've never felt it! I can feel that my godfather and godmother are kind to me, and I can also feel that my brother is kind to me, but I can't feel it. To what you call being good to me. Yes, you are very generous to me in terms of material things. I will never have enough money on my bank card, but what else can I do? I don't even have a family. No! They are all boarding at other people's homes! My surname is not Si, but my surname is Wen!"

Wen Wei didn't expect that his complaints would suddenly erupt today, nor did he expect such a strong resentment in Wen Mingyi's heart.

She looked at Wen Mingyi, and for a moment, she couldn't say anything.

Wen Mingyi turned around and walked out the door.

Wen Wei didn't stop him, and she had no right to stop him. On the way of Wen Mingyi's growth, she has been absent all the time. She is afraid that her thoughts about her children will affect her work, so she reduced the contact with Wen Mingyi and the gathering with Wen Mingyi. She comes back every New Year to accompany Wen Mingyi to celebrate the New Year, but she has no idea how he spent the year.

Of course Wen Mingyi should hate her. He has been an obedient and sensible boy since he was a child. He has a lively and cheerful personality. He has never done anything wrong, but he has lost the care and company of the parents who were born with him.

Even in the most ordinary family, a minor child will have parents by his side, but Wen Mingyi doesn't have it. He hasn't been there since he was 12 years old.

Wen Wei wiped her tears, guilt, remorse and sadness swept through her heart layer by layer.

She sat on the sofa and silently wiped her tears.

After a long time, she walked out and rang the doorbell of Jundor's house.

Ji Siyao opened the door for her, looked into her obviously crying eyes, and asked her, "What's the matter with you?"

Wen Wei shook her head and asked, "Where's Mingming?"

"Upstairs, I should have gone to find Junjun."

Wen Wei heard the words and went upstairs.

Wen Mingyi was in Si Junduo's room. He sat on the bed, did not speak, lowered his eyes, and exuded a kind of sadness.

Jundor asked him, "What's the matter?"

"I quarreled with my mother." Wen Mingyi whispered.

Si Junduo took the man into his arms, kissed his forehead, and said warmly, "Why are you arguing?"

Wen Mingyi suddenly felt very wronged, all the grievances for so many years came up, turned around and hugged Si Junduo without speaking, just hugged him tightly.

Si Junduo patted him on the back and coaxed, "It's okay, it's not a big deal, I'll help you to persuade your mother later, don't feel bad."

"Don't persuade her." Wen Mingyi whispered, "It's not my fault."

"Okay." Si Junduo continued to coax, "it's not your fault, it's her not being good enough, she's sorry for you."

"She's sorry for me."


"How can she be such a mother, what kind of parent is she!"

"Well, she shouldn't."

"She's so inappropriate!"


Wen Mingyi let go of Si Junduo and looked at him with grievances in his eyes.

Si Jundo couldn't see him like this, so he had to put the man back in his arms, kissed his eyes, and patiently coaxed him.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Si Junduo glanced at Wen Mingyi, stood up and walked over to open the door, only to see Wen Wei standing outside the door.

Wen Wei's eyes were still red, and she had obviously cried. Si Junduo was stunned for a moment, and Wen Wei asked him, "Jun Jun, is he clearly in there? Can I have a few words with him?"

Si Junduo nodded, he left the time and space to Wen Mingyi and Wen Wei, and went out by himself.

When the door was closed, he took one last look at Wen Mingyi and Wen Wei. People's hearts will always be biased, and his bias will always be Wen Mingyi. He watched Wen Mingyi grow up all the way, and knew and loved Wen Mingyi better than anyone else. He never recognized Wen Wei and Zhao Wangyu's actions.

If possible, he hopes that Wen Mingyi can have family, friendship and love forever in his life. If not, then he is willing to give Wen Mingyi these three feelings alone.

Accompany him like family, care for him like a friend, love him like a lover.

Like his father, like his brother, like his friend, and like his lover. Educating him, guiding him, accommodating him, always taking responsibility for him, until one day they die.