Reborn Girl’s New Life

Chapter 876: Ants blocking the road


Su Xiaoran was very courageous and moved very quickly.

The group of people who brought Gu Yi back from Canada were indeed the people Su Xiaoran bribed with money. Their efficiency made Su Xiaoran feel that the money was well spent.

It took less than ten days in total.

They kidnapped Gu Yi from the high-end villa in Canada that was as tightly guarded as a royal palace.

Gu Yi was taken away at around two o'clock in the evening.

This happens to be the time when security is at its weakest.

After the person was taken out of the villa, he immediately took a special plane and was taken from Canada to Yuncheng.

The next time news of Gu Yi's disappearance reached Yuncheng, it was already six o'clock in the morning.

That was the time when the nanny went to wake Gu Yi up, and usually at this time, Gu Yi had already packed up and gone downstairs to have breakfast.

Gu Yi is a very serious and strict child who allocates his own time, even though he is still young.

But after too much experience, I already understand everything I need to know.

What he shouldn't understand is that the people's hearts are sinister and deceitful, which has left traces of traces in his heart.

It’s because I’ve seen too much.

Therefore, when Gu Yi was kidnapped and brought to Yuncheng from Canada, everything was quiet.

Quiet, not like a child, but like a teenager who has experienced everything.

Gu Yi was taken to the place where Su Xiaoran was hiding. The male bodyguard who was in charge of watching Gu Yi along the way counted the generous tips given by Su Xiaoran.

While speaking to her, he said: "As expected of Gu Changge's son, he is a kid with many things on his mind."

When the bodyguard said this, Su Xiaoran also frowned.


The bodyguard smiled and said: "This child was neither noisy nor fussy along the way. He was extremely quiet. He didn't look worried or scared at all."

Su Xiaoran frowned: "Yes, Gu Changge's son has experienced more. Besides, he may feel that I will not kill him no matter what."

"Miss Quan, you'd better not touch his life. Song Yunxuan doesn't know what it has to do with Gu Changge. She has always been protecting the two children left by Gu Changge. Gu Changle killed the young lady of the Gu family back then. Before the suspicion was cleared, he was already sent to a mental hospital. This was something Song Yunxuan did blatantly on the board of directors of Shaw Brothers. "

"It doesn't matter, Song Yunxuan won't know that I took Gu Changge's son away."

"Then Miss Su, it's better to be careful."

The bodyguard smiled.

Then he put away the tip, looked at his phone again, and then prepared to leave.

Before leaving, he glanced at the young master who was blindfolded and about to be locked up in the basement.

"Gu Changge's son... Song Yunxuan still needs to be protected..." The bodyguard smiled and said to himself, "It's a bit interesting."

Su Xiaoran didn't pay attention to what the bodyguard said, but after Gu Yi was sent to the basement.

I felt relieved in my heart.

Gu Yi has been found and brought back, which is good. At least she already has a trump card in her hand before fighting Song Yunxuan.

Just by holding this card tightly, Song Yunxuan should not act rashly.

If Song Yunxuan acted rashly.

Then, she would vote.

Anyway, Song Yunxuan will deal with her after knowing that she kidnapped Gu Yi.

At that time, she and Gu Yi would die together.

She didn't believe it.

At that time, Song Yunxuan could not be nervous or worried.

Grab this trump card, the amulet.

She also felt a lot of security in her heart.

I wouldn’t say it’s foolproof, but it definitely gives me a head start.

Song Yunxuan, on the other hand, immediately raised her eyebrows after learning that Gu Yi had disappeared early in the morning.

Mei Qi appeared at the Chu family, and Chu Mochen felt unhappy.

Therefore, the person who came to report the news was the housekeeper of the Chu family.

The housekeeper looked at Song Yunxuan's unhappy face and said, "They also said that Young Master Gu gets up on time at six o'clock every morning and goes out to have breakfast. Normally, the servant does not need to call him again, but this morning when the servant saw Mr. The young master didn't come out at six o'clock. I called him several times but the young master didn't answer. Then he felt a little panicked and went into the room. "

"As soon as I entered the room, I found that the person was missing?"

Song Yunxuan raised her eyes and looked at the housekeeper.

His eyebrows were slightly raised, but there was no sign of panic on his face.

Because she felt that maybe there was no need to panic.

Because the other party did not leave any message to extort money, nor did he contact any relatives related to Gu Yi after that.

Therefore, it is certain that this is not a kidnapping case, and she does not need to prepare a ransom to redeem the child.

The other party is even less likely to murder him.

Because, since the other party has the ability to sneak into the Tao villa and take people away, he can also avoid all layers of security.

Then he must be a very capable person.

Such a capable person can take people away, and he has the ability to deal with people on the spot.

There is no need to take him away and then kill him.

So, if you think about it this way, you can completely rule out the possibility of murder and kidnapping for ransom.

"Have you seen the investigation surveillance?"

"The surveillance was blocked and we didn't see any suspicious signs."

The housekeeper relayed what Mei Qi told her.

Song Yunxuan gently stroked her bulging belly with her fingers, and then said with a smile: "It seems that she wants to tie it back and use it as an amulet."

The housekeeper couldn't understand what Song Yunxuan was talking about.

Song Yunxuan had no intention of letting the housekeeper understand what she meant.

He opened his mouth and said to the housekeeper: "Go and do your work first."

The housekeeper felt that since Song Yunxuan didn't need him and there was nothing more he wanted to ask, he nodded and walked away from Song Yunxuan.

However, since the matter was notified to her.

It was reported from the mouth of the housekeeper of the Chu family.

Then Chu Mochen will definitely know about this.

Song Yunxuan waited at home for a day and asked someone to investigate the matter.

But no clue.

During dinner that night, Chu Mochen asked about this matter: "Are you worried about Gu Yi?"

"That's my son."

Song Yunxuan raised her eyes.

Chu Mochen smiled: "Actually, you are not related by blood now. Even if something happens, it may not be heartbreaking."

Song Yunxuan disagreed: "Then why do you like me?"

Chu Mochen was stopped talking.

Then he sat next to Song Yunxuan with a smile, stretched out his hand to hold Song Yunxuan's finger, and said to her: "Are you angry?"

Song Yunxuan took her hand out of Chu Mochen's hand, her face a little cold: "Someone wants to fight with me."

"Don't worry, no one can beat you except me."

Song Yunxuan glanced at Chu Mochen and said: "Gu Yi will not be in danger for the time being, but he was kidnapped and used as an amulet to threaten me."

"Well." Of course Chu Mochen also thought of this. Her fingers gently covered Song Yunxuan's bulging belly and said, "What are you going to do?"

"Then let's fight."

She wanted to see if it was a good or bad thing that the other party had his mind set on Gu Yi.

Gu Yi might have been that person's talisman, but he might also be that person's talisman.

If he didn't bother Gu Yi, she might let him go because she was expecting a baby.

But not anymore.

That person must not be let go.

Otherwise, he can attack Gu Yi's idea once, and he can attack Gu Yi's idea twice.

She didn't want Gu Yi to live in such fear all the time.

Song Yunxuan pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes slightly.

Next to him, Chu Mochen also knew what Song Yunxuan was thinking.

He gently stroked Song Yunxuan's belly with his fingers and said, "Have you guessed who did it?"

"No," Song Yunxuan did not name the suspect in her heart, because now Shao Tianze and Gu Changle have been sent to a mental hospital, and these two people cannot do anything to cause trouble. "But no matter who it is, they will fight with me." not too good."

Whoever it is, fight her now.

They are just ants blocking the road.

Now that Gu Changle and Shao Tianze have been removed from the suspect list.

Then, the choice of suspects will be much expanded.

For example, Su Xiaoran...

Song Yunxuan did not say it directly.

But Chu Mochen also knew it in his heart.

Chu Mochen's fingers pulled Song Yunxuan's fingers: "It's better to leave this matter to me."

"here you are?"

Song Yunxuan looked at Chu Mochen with a smile.

Chu Mochen also looked at her with a smile: "You are about to give birth. It's not good to worry about these things. Since Gu Yi is your son, then after I marry you, he will also be my son." Now that my son is in trouble, shouldn’t I shoulder the responsibility of a father and rescue this child?”

Song Yunxuan looked at him: "Can you rescue me?"

"Of course, trust me."

Chu Mochen hugged her and kissed her forehead gently: "I can do everything I promised you, and you just need to wait peacefully for the child to be born."

Song Yunxuan nodded.

Since Chu Mochen has to deal with this matter, and Gu Yi is not in danger for the time being.

It's better to just comply with his wishes and let him do it.

Think so.

In the next few days, Song Yunxuan did not make any big moves to find out about Gu Yi.

And Su Xiaoran also controlled Gu Yi.

He began to visit Chu's house frequently.

And as if he had never done any of these things before, he went back and forth with the Chu family to find out the news.

Song Yunxuan's due date was approaching, and she felt heavier day by day.

Apart from walking around when necessary, I just want to sit on the sofa and read a book all the time.

Su Xiaoran saw that Song Yunxuan was not in a hurry.

Thinking that she didn't know about Gu Yi's situation.

I called the detective agency and asked.

The detective agency responded: "The news of Gu Yi's disappearance early in the morning quickly reached Song Yunxuan's ears. It was her assistant Mei who first conveyed it to the housekeeper of the Chu family, and then to her, so It’s impossible for Song Yunxuan not to know.”

"Since she knows her child is in danger, why can Song Yunxuan be so calm now?"

Su Xiaoran really didn't understand why this happened.

After hearing what Su Xiaoran said, the person over there hesitated and said, "Maybe his own child is about to be born, so he doesn't care about other people's children."