Reborn Girl’s New Life

Chapter 882: Go to see your father


Although Song Yunxuan was smiling when she said this.

But Chu Mochen could actually feel Song Yunxuan's displeasure and indifference.

Of course, he didn't like the smell of other women's perfume besides Song Yunxuan on his body.

Therefore, when Song Yunxuan asked him to wash it off, Chu Mochen did it without hesitation.

Chu Mochen went to take a bath.

Song Yunxuan watched the tracker's position alone, and then notified Mei Qi of the tracker's position.

At that position, a small red dot flashed continuously, and then the screen switched to a more detailed one before moving slightly.

After Mei Qi received the news, she quickly arrived at Su Xiaoran's location.

Then he called Song Yunxuan and reported to her what he had seen so far.

"Su Xiaoran entered Villa 203 on Queen's Road."

"I didn't expect that she also prepared a house on Queen's Avenue." Song Yunxuan said in a low voice.

Mei Qi heard Song Yunxuan's words and continued to speak: "Our people haven't gone in yet, but the door lock will be unlocked soon."

"After entering, don't scare Xiaoyi." Song Yunxuan reminded, "This child has been plotted against by others since he was a child. It's really pitiful."

"There's nothing to be pitiful about, Mr. Song. If children who have experienced so much can persevere, they can grow up faster than their peers. I think Young Master Gu is just such a person."


Song Yunxuan smiled.

"Of course, I have met a lot of people from aristocratic families. Mr. Song, don't doubt my judgment."

"All right."

"The door lock is unlocked, let's go in now."


Mei Qi maintained communication with Song Yunxuan.

Song Yunxuan could also clearly see the other party quietly opening the door and entering the villa through the picture transmitted from the other side.

Behind him, Chu Mochen walked over to Song Yunxuan in his pajamas after taking a shower.

From a distance, Song Yunxuan saw the living room of the house appear on the computer screen in front of her.

Judging from the appearance and style, it is the living room of a villa.

"Does she have other properties outside?"

"It's enough to rent a house if you have money. However, this house is not cheap. If she asks you for this house and doesn't kidnap Xiaoyi, she can still get it."

"Xiao Yi, are you sure you are here?"

Chu Mochen gently bent down, held Song Yunxuan's shoulders, and then spoke in her ear.

Song Yunxuan was leaning against Chu Mochen at such a close distance that she could feel Chu Mochen's breathing.

She tilted her head slightly.

Chu Mochen looked into her eyes, not knowing whether it was emotion or something else, he smiled and kissed her lips and corners of her mouth.

Song Yunxuan looked at Chu Mochen.

Chu Mochen also looked at Song Yunxuan.

The two people faced each other, making Chu Mochen's lips curl up, and then he couldn't help but smile.

"Look, is this looking at me?"

"I think you kissed me very casually."

"You are already my wife, why can't you kiss her more casually?"

As Chu Mochen said this, he approached Song Yunxuan's lips again and kissed her.

Song Yunxuan didn't feel disgusted when he kissed her like this.

He just looked at Chu Mochen, as if he suddenly thought of something, and was thinking silently.

Chu Mochen also saw that she was thinking about something, so he asked her, "What's wrong?"

"Suddenly I thought of Gu Yi's father."

"Shao Tianze."

Chu Mochen obviously hated Shao Tianze. He couldn't help but frown slightly when he mentioned the name Shao Tianze.

"Yes," Song Yunxuan sighed, "If I find Xiaoyi and Xiaoyi asks me about his father, what should I tell him?"

"Shao Tianze's current appearance is not suitable for his son to see. After all, he is his biological son. After seeing it, he will still feel distressed. If he hates you for making Shao Tianze look like this, then it will be more than the gain is worth the loss. "

"makes sense."

After listening to Chu Mochen's analysis, Song Yunxuan felt that it made sense.

That's it.

Mei Qi spoke again: "Mr. Song, have you seen it?"

Song Yunxuan was drawn back to the computer screen in front of her by Mei Qi's words.

Above the computer screen is a wooden basement door.


"Yes, we have searched the room and found neither Master Gu nor Su Xiaoran. Therefore, we think they should all be in the basement."


Song Yunxuan just looked at the basement door, feeling a little unsure in her heart.


In her impressions and the kidnapping incidents she has seen.

No kidnapped person would do well in a basement.

"I hope Xiaoyi is not hurt now."

"Probably not, don't worry, Mr. Song, we're going down now."

Mei Qi's voice was transmitted to Song Yunxuan's ears through the communicator.

Chu Mochen did not wear the communicator's earphones, so he had no way of hearing the conversation between Song Yunxuan and Mei Qi.

So, after a while, I realized something was wrong: "These people are not my subordinates, are they?"

"It's from Mei Qi."

Song Yunxuan said.

Chu Mochen felt unhappy when he heard Song Yunxuan say that he was Mei Qi's person.

However, Chu Mochen couldn't say anything.

After all, Song Yunxuan did have a relatively good relationship with Mei Qi, and many things could go smoothly only with Mei Qi's help.

Although from a man's perspective.

He was told to reject Mei Qi.

But from another perspective, Mei Qi stayed by Song Yunxuan's side and provided Song Yunxuan with help and protection that even his husband would feel grateful for.

The picture displayed on the monitor moved forward step by step as the basement door was opened.

As soon as they reached the lower half of the stairs, they heard Su Xiaoran's voice.

Mei Qi and others stopped, and then carefully discerned what Su Xiaoran said.

He also asked Song Yunxuan in a low voice: "Did you hear it?"

"There is no Xiaoyi's voice."

"Yes, it's just Su Xiaoran's voice." Mei Qi said.

"Besides Su Xiaoran and Gu Yi, is there anyone else in the basement?"

"It should be gone. I didn't find any traces of anyone except Su Xiaoran who came here often."

"Since no one else is here, Su Xiaoran can't trouble you."


After Mei Qi said this, she made a gesture to the people around her, preparing to attack.

Song Yunxuan knew that Mei Qi was planning to attack, so she waited here for the result from Mei Qi's side.

It took five or six seconds to prepare.

Mei Qi waved her hand and asked the people behind her to rush into the basement.

The basement of this house is not as big as their Gu family's basement.

There are only two rooms in total.

Relying on Su Xiaoran's voice from inside the door, Mei Qi's people accurately found the room where Gu Yi was locked up.

And as soon as he broke in, he controlled Su Xiaoran.

Su Xiaoran's horrified voice came from over there, trembling with excitement and nervousness: "Who are you? Why did you break into my home?"

Faced with Su Xiaoran's disgusting and unpleasant questions.

Song Yunxuan's attention immediately focused on the child opposite Su Xiaoran with a black bag on his head.

"Check to see if there are any injuries on Xiaoyi's body."

Mei Qi immediately walked over to Gu Yi, raised her hand and took off the black bag on Gu Yi's head, and then asked Gu Yi: "Is there any injury?"

Gu Yi's eyes were very calm, even calm and a little indifferent.

There is no fear or fluctuation at all.

When he saw Mei Qi, he first asked: "Did Song Yunxuan ask you to come and save me?"

"Your child is so unlovable. Shouldn't he be called Sister Yunxuan?"

Mei Qi asked him.

Gu Yi didn't hesitate about the title, and just said: "Tell her that I am very grateful to her for saving me."

"If you are grateful, then talk to her in person..."

Mei Qi's words stopped abruptly.

The transmission screen that Song Yunxuan saw also showed Mei Qi checking Gu Yi's body while talking.

pinch marks and bruises on the child's arms and legs.

There were even traces of whipping.

Song Yunxuan and Mei Qi were a little silent when they saw these traces.

It took the two of them a while to recover.

However, Chu Mochen, who saw the bruises and pinch marks on Gu Yi's body from behind, narrowed his eyes and commented: "You can't tell, she quite hates you."

"Yeah, if you hate me so much, you might as well see me in person and settle accounts with me."

Song Yunxuan's words reached Mei Qi's ears over there.

Mei Qi instantly understood what Song Yunxuan meant: "I'll take her back to you."

"Yes." Song Yunxuan responded, and then asked: "Xiao Yi should be taken good care of."

"Should I send it to you?"

Mei Qi asked Song Yunxuan.

Song Yunxuan thought for a moment before speaking: "Don't send him here yet. Just take good care of him. It's not convenient for me to take care of him now."

"That's fine, you're about to have a baby after all."

Mei Qi thought it was understandable.

After all, she is already three months pregnant, and a big belly is enough for Song Yunxuan to bear. If she has another child to take care of, Song Yunxuan will definitely feel even more tired.

And, see this kid.

Song Yunxuan would most likely think of the child's sister.

Thinking of her dead daughter, no matter what, it was a bit sad and emotional.


The main reason why Song Yunxuan didn't accept Gu Yi to be with her was not because of touching the scene or hurting her feelings.

But Shao Tianze's side.

Now Shao Tianze and Gu Changle are imprisoned in a mental hospital.

Regardless of whether she is crazy or not crazy in this life, as long as Song Yunxuan lives for one day, there is absolutely no chance of her being released.

Besides, even if she, Song Yunxuan, unfortunately died early.

Then, if Chu Mochen still remembers her, he will definitely not let Gu Changle and Shao Tianze step out of the mental hospital again.

However, Shao Tianze is Gu Yi's father after all.

It is the bloodline of a close relative.

Even if she does all the bad things, she can't guarantee it.

When the child saw how his father was now insane and disabled, how could he not feel hatred and disgust towards her as the mastermind behind the incident

She didn't want to see the disgust towards her in her child's eyes.

Therefore, for the first time in my life, I felt a little scared.

Fear of a child's hatred.